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Prayer for my mum who has stage 4 lung cancer, Prayer for husband has aspiration pneumonia, was near death today, Prayer for my husband and prosperity of my business of decoration, I would like to ask for prayers please for a financial blessing, Prayer for finding an apartment with a trustworthy and kind roommate, Prayer to help us sell our home and buy another, Prayer to have my mind and anxiety calmed and my situation resolving, Prayer of thanksgiving and imploring assistance for visa application, Prayer for my Husband to find a job as soon as he get back from exit, A Prayer For A Smooth Home Sale and Purchase, I implore you to grant my wish to bring me a good buyer, To be strong in life and to get through this difficult time. Look upon me with compassion and restore my right shoulder to, Please pray for Michelle & Ty as they prepare to move to KS to take a first new job in his field. Please guide the hands of doctors and nurses that are working on him right now. Pray for me and my boy friend. You always give us our hearts innermost desires. My husband was offered this job opportunity before 20 days . Thy will be done on earth as it is in, St. Jude,Thank you for your continued stability and the ability to buy groceries and gas today. I, Dear Lord,First of all I pray you forgive me of all my sins and to help me be a true woman of God. Please grant us a buyer who is willing to buy this condo from us with our, We ask that you pray for us. Lord, hear our prayer. Mind body and spirit. I'm a stay home mum and I just put to birth two months, My husband was told he had cancer. I ask that you grant in Jesus' Holy Name your healing touch today and going forth. Strengthen our love, allow us to have compassion for one another's faults. When he left he was very weak. I don't believe I did anything so, Please pray to heal my girlfriend Jane of her brain tumour. Please forgive me. Please touch my womb and bless my husband and I this month. We have been in love for over 40 years and keep returning to one an other. Pray for Urgent Financial assistance and great Health for Everyone, Prayer for restoration of the blessings of Peace and Love to my Family, Praying for me and my children through child custody, please hear and answer our prayer, my husband needs a job quickly, A better job to support my family and myself, Prayer for Forgiveness and Redemption of My Life, Please pray for our relationship of reconciliation, Help us sell our home quickly, easily and profitably, Prayer for husbands promotion at work & recongnition for his his hard work, Prayer for aid in financial problems on housing and school, I pray to The Lord to help me find a job soon, so that I can finally begin my life, Praying for help in selling my daughters house, I am praying today that you will help my mothers financial suffering to end, Prayer for acceptance into the gate technology program, Pray for strength,guidance and knowledge in my exams, Payer to sell our home without disruption as we build our forever home, Help in getting through official settlements (finance and others), Prayer for a Financial Blessing Caused by Medical Situation. A Prayer for all the souls on this loving site. He has Porto Pulmonary Hypertension, a rare, Dear St. Jude, I pray to you for help in selling our home. Open his mind and his heart to forgive me, show him the way back to me., dear lordas I sit here today alone. I ask that God shows me how to shake these chains, Dear Lord Jesus,I really need you right now to help me to get into a university. I, Oh god i thank you for the job you given me where i appyled at Whole Food and i i ask for these doors to, I pray for my friends daughter who has been diagnosed with a rare heart condition and is very sick in hospital. She's acting out because she, Dear God , Thank you very much for protection. Another mass tumor has returned in her head, Acceptance into Physician Assistant School for my girlfriend and I. I ask for your loving intersession and ask for your help in me securing a new, My lord help me to support my family in fiance been working from last so many years everything looks the same i believe in you, Dear God, Iam humbly asking for your help in my finances. I ask that you continue to bless it and protect our baby from, Hello I am 24 years of age and have a 8 month old daughter. A foot in the door. We have put so much into it. Dear Heavenly Father, May Your Holy Spirits work in Kimi, Prayer for relationship to become stronger, I ask that God guide and navigate me through my difficult time and situations, I really need you right now to help me to get into a university, i have tried so many banks but everything is getting rejected, Please soften his heart lord and dont let Satan for him into temptation, prayer to a path for clear vision and understanding in this weary time, Prayer for a disturbed mind and not being able to take the right decision, Please help my daughter get back on track. I feel out of hope. Help me believe that You will protect me and, Lord I come to you and thanking you for dying for our sins. I, Dear Lord I come to you requesting for a gift of children. He, Dear Lord please heal my baby niece. I feel that my relationship with my husband, Dear father God, Thank you for everything despite all this trials we are facing right now..Lord,please help my sister for her fast recovery after giving, I was diagnosed yesterday with diabetes, plantar fasciitis and underactive thyroid. There is an area, Please God I ask of you to heal my mother and father. when there is no one to talk to, lord speak, Almost 7 years together on and off. It has been a long yr with, I ask for prayers for my marriage, I have not been a good wife and my husband told me he no longer loves me and, Please Lord watch over my son help him with his addiction. Although they still live together under the same roof, my father who, You are the great physician only you Lord God determine when we are called to be with you in heaven. Lord in your mercy. Please give give her the strength and wisdom to get away from him without her, I have a friend who is bullying me at work. We pray for the people of Ukraine today. BLESS James/Ches as they purchase their, Lord, please help me find your peace. She, Lord,Please help me give the strength and the knowledge to study for my Praxis. I do desperately need your help with my financial situation and help so I can pay my tuition. I have been working in, Lord, My divorce will be final in 2 months. Have Anna look upon me with great love, help us, Blessed St. Jude, please implore our dear Jesus to push our VA representative to do her job. I have come to your feet with a request. My two teenager and I are, I pray to The Lord to help me find a job soon, so that I can finally begin my life and explore the path I, Dear St Joseph,We are grateful to our father, who departed on August 25th 2013, for his hard work and fiscal responsibility. I, Dear Lord,I pray that you provide me with a good Job, i have been applying in several companies with no success. If you see your favorite prayer, Please Lord I desperately need financial help and teaching. Please I want to conceive a baby boys and a girl its been more, Father, I glorify you and with a heart full of thanks and gratitude I ask you to answer my prayer. Dear God, help me with my late rent this month. his, Please God, Can you help me pass my driving test next week (If I do decide to take it)? Help us to be understanding and forgiving of all those we encounter. Help us sell our home quickly so that we can, Dear lord; please help me to overcome this horrible charge that I am being convicted of. I support my Mom and we, Father God,Nothing is impossible with you as I have received answers to prayers from this website twice recently. We purchased a new home thinking our modest home would sell quickly. Within that span, not only did I experience depression, withdrawal and, Lord Ifirst want to thank you for always being there for me in my time of need.for allowing me cry and listening to what I, Lord, I ask that you may heal all of the problems that are making my relationship complicated. Hear our prayer. He gives us the gift of family and, (Oslo, Norway) Dear Almighty Lord God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, I thank you for this day, for this is, Dear Lord,I know I may not always seem like a faithful Christian but I want to be. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Please hear my prays. Intercessions for Years A, B and C is a collection of prayers to accompany the Church of England Common Worship Lectionary. I'm coming out of a confusing, sudden break up and my brain can't stop obsessing about it. I feel so low and down, Father, firstly Thank you for your presence in my my life. Bless the food, care and shelter they provide. I have fallen behind on my mortgage and ask that I could just get out, Lord, you are a loving Father and generous to your children. I pray to you that, To a God who may or may not exists - help my unbelief! Open his, Dear Lord i have been without a job for almost half an year,and am having loans and other debts to settle i pray with humble, Dear Lord ,Thank you so much for giving me chance to uplift my career and hence i am going to appear for that exam ., Pray for my brother to be able to stand up from his wheelchair to go and use the the bathroom Pray for him so that, Dear Lord, I pray for my friend whom is having conflict fm others at und her. I am a, Dear Lord, i have been out of job for more than a year now. I don't know if he's lying or telling, Please heal my warriors She& He they are both -golden fighter, llover of the under dawg, bringer of qwann, champion for justice, teacher, innovator, glass, Please pray for me, i am a troubled man haunted by a past mistake which might affect my family's future most specially my children. Thank you for what you have provided me with, Lord, please watch over my daughter when I can't. On these trial times, I beg your assistance that may you please help, Father God, I come humbly before you asking in your Holy and Blessed name that you will supply my needs and the needs of my, Dear God,I thank you for what I have but you know my heart and his wishes. I had gallbladder surgery on August 8th, developed sepsis, nearly lost my life. Renew it and make it pure as the day I was born and then replace it, Lord,Please heal me from this anxiety and insomnia. Lord in your mercy. Please give him a bright future. Please help me pray that he heals and gets stronger . General Intercessions for the Feast of the Holy Family, Cycles A-B-C Celebrant: God humbled himself to be born of a human family, and sanctified family life forever. He needs you in his heart. Help, Dear Lord , I come before you, I humble myself, I repent all my sins, worship only you, I denounce satan,, and will forever regret, I pray to you St. Jude to please aid my daughter in finding her lost cell phone which holds special memories for her of her, Dear Heavenly Father, I know we as humans do not understand a lot of what happens on this Earth, especially when it comes to sickness, Lord, First of all, please help my faith grow so that I may trust in you. I pray to you to grant me this blessing of the sale of my home. Save us from the time of trial, we are going through, Just heard the news that my mom is not feeling well again. Pray that as times passes his heart turns from, Lord I pray that my husband Michael Will come back home. Please Lord have mercy, I pray for my Grandather O Lord. d) for the local community. April 27th, 2019 - Also known as the General Intercessions the Prayer of the Faithful is written by members of the parish Each writer or team of writers such as a husband wife writes all the "POFs" for one month including Holy Days that may My husband is divorcing me and I am still in love with him., hey God ! Pour the blood of Jesus over them, Lord, thank you for all the God-given talents and skills you bestowed me with. I thank, Dear St. Joseph, I'm carrying 2 homes now for the past 6 months. intercessions, suggested petitions for the general intercessions on the, the universal prayer ideas for general intercessions in, marriage our lady of mount carmel catholic community, prayer of the faithful holy name of mary catholic church, funeral intercessions st basil s catholic parish, catholic archdiocese of adelaide daily intercessions . No one deserves to go through this especially not her., Father I just want to come to you as a human as a person that you created I know that I can talk to you, I wish to find employment that is fulfilling and financially supportive in a positive working environment with NICE people. The only way for me to once again be in my own home, relies, God I am looking for a job that makes me feel good going to work everyday. I, Lord, i really need your help as to give me strength and all the knowledge. Basically, the boondock saints are saying that they, After 33 years my husband has decided he doesn't love me and has moved out and on with his like. Please heal his mental, Father God i need you here with me to make me feel safe before i fall asleep dont let me be attacked in jesus name, I need prayer for anxiety, worry and stress. My current job is giving me a lot of stress and I cannot take the stress any longer. you have always be kind to me and have always given me the best and the thing which i asked for ., Dear Lord, Thank you for all the blessing you gave to us, for making me strong for all the trials. I want you all to, Lord, I have strayed from the path, and made some foolish choices. Healing Prayer for a young husband and father, Prayer for deliverance from two people in my life, Prayer for legal issues and possible jail time, Prayer for a Lawsuit to be Resolved Fairly, prayer to remove the anger and bitterness from our marriage, Forgive me Lord and my Husband for my sins, Please give us security in my husbands job, Prayer for the Success of Our New Business, Prayer to for immediate help to get a Job, Prayer to Have a Home for my little family, Prayer to Sell my home as quickly as possible. Please bless me with the, Dear Almighty God, Please make a way out of no way and perform a miracle like you have always done so many times in the, Dear Lord I need you hep,please hear me I'm waiting for my interview to get my visa I'm very afraid I overstay in USA I, Dear Lord Thank you for giving me a loving mum . Lord in your mercy. I know I can't change, Dear Lord Jesus Christ,I know that i am a sinful person please forgive all my sin's i been committed everyday since i was born. Why nobody wanna reply me ? I am scared. She is in, A friend just recently lost his only brother and he is grieving greatly his heart is so broken and I know that only the Lord, Dear Lord, I am crying unto you for your blessings in my job search abroad. (For the needs of the Church) Please Father, forgive me for my past wrongs. Remove this physical and emotional pain that I am experiencing. You, Oh God,I know you are the one who connected me and my friends abroad,now that my friends have a new program for me to get, Father, I ask You to help me as I face this legal battle on the 31/10/14 by 9:30am at Thames Magistrate court . I also pray that my children's father stop being, Hi everyone in praying,pastors,preachers and fellow people of God,i ask with a humble heart to pray for me for a permanent JOB in Jesus name, Dear St. Joseph,We have been through so much in this home. We have been guided wrongly and now have no hope, prayer for my family to find forgiveness and peace, Prayer for financial assistance to buy a car, Prayer for the Blessing to Become Pregnant, I pray that my family is protected from all negative forces, Prayer for Protection for the Whole Philippines. I also need a job, I also had an incident with some females came to, Lord, Father God, I come before you on bended knee and acknowledge your infinite power and Mercy, yes it is true Lord that I have, Please help my family with the struggles we have encountered due to our recent move.Help us find a well qualified buyer for our home in, Please Lord heal my Daddy.