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My other teeth are starting to rot and have holes literally in them. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), MAT has been shown to be effective in improving patient survival, decreasing opioid use, and allowing patients to live a self-directed life, including the ability to gain and maintain employment. I was vibrant, outgoing, and happy person. You should wait at least 1 hour before brushing your teeth to avoid damage to your teeth and give your mouth a chance to return to its natural state. I have no bottom teeth. I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks for your time. Little did we know Suboxone wasnt going to be the magic pill we all thought it would be. (760) 891-5767. The packa. I am originally fro. Rant over. My dental problems have impacted my facial structure, my mental health, and overall quality of life more than I could've ever guessed. Search the Legal Library instead. I cannot stop it because the withdrawal is excruciating. i have false teeth ,just one month ago . So much that my dentist said as along as I keep taking care of them I may never need major dental work. Can I sui the suboxone company for tooth decay? - Avvo Anyone knows how long it will take? Then fill out their form, which they won't respond to, but it is the only way they track these "adverse effect" Then report if you are clinically depressed from losing your teeth and your looks. However, the FDA indicates there have been more than 300 cases of tooth decay and dental problems reported among patients, most commonly involving tooth decay among users in their 40s, but dental problems have also been seen among those as young as 18 years old. I has perfect teeth! Other studies have linked buprenorphine as the best drug to treat neonatal abstinence, among infants born addicted to narcotic painkillers. Counsel OUD patients they should use their buprenorphine only as prescribed and should not stop it because they can experience serious consequences, including relapse, misuse or abuse of other opioids, overdose, and death. Its not just our teeth thats missing, ..its our lives. It had NO DECAY. I now am missing 7 or 8 teeth and almost all of the rest of my teeth have crowns on them. Dentist said its not due to dental hygiene - my gums are great. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3907320/, Sublingual Buprenorphine and Dental Problems: A Case Series, My teeth were horrible from meth and heroin use prior to subs. This has cost over $50,000 in damages to repair. The most common is lack of proper oral hygiene. So much that my dentist said as along as I keep taking care of them I may never need major dental work. I been off suboxone for a 17months with no teeth left no sex drive and problems with focusing or memory problems! I been on suboxone for almost 3 years now and yes it has saved my life but also now my teeth are all crumbling and breaking. Next month I have to have a procedure costing $850 out of pocket. Before starting these, I had perfect teeth! By that time I will be close to a year with no dentures and it's really embarrassing. Its absolutely heartbreaking I cry because I used to have a beautiful smile. I have been on suboxone for 4 years, i didn't have dental problems until I started, iam only 39 yrs old, now everyone of mine has tooth decay or broken and missing and it is so hard to be able to afford getting them fixed. In the past year, I've had major tooth decay. I've had antibiotics 4 times in 3 months because of it. . End the stigma. Someone else's job to do the right thing for God sakes. No withdrawals! I never had any dental issues until I started suboxone and no one informed me that this could be a side effect. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousa[Show More]Over a span of 2 years, I have lost 3 healthy teeth as a result of taking Suboxone. I wouldve never of gotten on Suboxone. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. With that being said my teeth are in absolute terrible condition now. I have cavities on every single tooth, and another one broke just last week. My mother has chronic back/neck pain secondary to genetics as well as old injuries. Im lost. I have been unable to stop using this drug because the withdrawal is excruciating. All in the name of profit. Lawyers are reviewing Cartiva lawsuits for individuals who experienced complications after receiving the toe implant. People complimented me on my teeth, and it became a source of pride. I've been in Suboxone since 2012. My doctor told me she has multiple patients with similar issues. Ive had test run because he thought I had deeper issues like immune problems. I can't say that I regret taking Suboxone because it truly saved my life. I was never informed of any negative side effects of buprenorphine therapy other than "the usual side effects of opioid management". Now I have gaps where my teeth used to be, and also broken teeth that fall out in chunks. Let's ask those taking suboxone, that are in recovery, how often they went to the dentist or how well they took care of their teeth, when they were in active addiction. Side effects of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been linked to reports of serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries. Press J to jump to the feed. I have always taken care of my teeth and now I cant afford to replace these. Military service members between 2003 and 2015 may be eligible for a 3M earplug lawsuit payout over hearing damage or tinnitus. They are tablets and films which dissolve under the tongue or placed against the inside of the cheek. Suboxone can cause tooth decay in addition to other dental health issues. I was given Suboxone so I could stop taking pain medication for an injury. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. One broke off at the gum line, I just went to the dentist this week and they referred me to an oral suergon , the tooth next to that has a chunk that fell out & they are trying to do a root canal (if my insurance appro[Show More]Looking to see if there is a suboxone class action for dental problems. Switched to Subzolv bc of the nodding all time and taste. Currently have 3.5 teeth left which will be removed next month so I can get dentures. I have done everything I possibly can to prevent them from falling but sadly I believe I will need a dental bridge. I had struggled with IV drug use since 2009. this whole story is made of lies and deception. He has 5 teeth remaining on the bottom. Complete and submit the report Online.Download form or call 1-800-332-1088 to request a reporting form, then complete and return to the address on the pre-addressed form, or submit by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178. This was of course, a lie. I need help. They should be held accountable. How good is someones quality of life when they are ashamed to smile and are in too much pain to eat!!! Again, I wish the makers of Subutex and Suboxone would have it made clear how drastically their medication affect ones teeth since I would have chosen a different treatment. It landed me in the ER 3 times. After the medicine is completely dissolved, take a large sip of water, swish it gently around your teeth and gums, and swallow. I work remotely now, because I'm so embarrassed! The worst part is that I don't have the money to get my teeth fixed! Started taking Suboxone in 2009 (orange octagons) when they were first released in Alabama for 2-3yrs its was an "all natural" with ZERO side effects. Something needs to be done to rectify the trauma that has been done to patients teeth!!! In and out of rehabs nothing really worked for me until Suboxone. I was never informed of any concerns that it may cause any dental problems, everyone should have been told about the risk before prescribing. My mom never wanted to become addicted to a narcotic. The manufacturer should take full financial responsibility for these issues. *The cases were reported to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database. When combined with counseling and other behavioral therapies, this comprehensive. Patients should tell the dentist about all medicines they take, including buprenorphine. If you were to look at our photos From then till now, it would not look like two people who were Free from opioid addiction; living a normal and healthy lifestyle. To get a brand spanking new set of teeth will set her and my father back thousands and thousands. They inhibit saliva production causing dry mouth (especially while you are sleeping) which is horrible for teeth. Are you still on Suboxone ? Thanks. I cant for the life of me understand why no one will take this case. One broke off at the gum line, I just went to the dentist this week and they referred me to an oral suergon , the tooth next to that has a chunk that fell out & they are trying to do a root canal (if my insurance appro. FTC Opioid Addiction Treatment Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit I am so depressed about my teeth. The lawsuit, filed Sept. 23 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Pennsylvania, accuses the company of . After 9 years of being on Suboxone my smile is something I intentionally hide from the world out of fear of being judged or made fun of. In my 20s-30s not normal. I'd rather be on pain killers still then have NO teeth! I would fund this study! These companies, including the FDA care nothing about us. I would have NEVER took his medication had I known that it would ruin my perfect teeth. I have been clean for 4 years with the help of suboxone but bottom teeth are still decayin[Show More]I believe suboxone was the reason my oral health declined. Now Im 33, and I'm getting full bottom dental implants. To make matters worse, I want to salvage what few teeth I have left and return to opioid analgesics but because of the new egregiously draconian laws surrounding buprenorphine use, no pain management will let me return to milder alternatives because they think you're a drug seeker. It has helped me to turn my life around, I have a stable good career, and a nice home. On Buprenorphine for almost 3 years. At proper doses, buprenorphine also decreases the pleasurable effects of other opioids, making misuse of them less appealing. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. It landed me in the ER 3 times. It has helped me to turn my life around, I have a stable good career, and a nice home. I was never warned about tooth loss. I was told I have prettty much no enamel on my teeth.. Patients using the medication to treat opioid use disorder can take extra steps to reduce the risk of dental problems, the FDA indicates. I missed the first class action bc in my opinion it was suppressed. I am a Suboxone patient that is experiencing dental decay I want to know if there is a class on my action lawsuit I can join, Im 27 iv been on them sense 2014 and have had to have all my.teeth removed i now have total top and bottom dentures. Ive[Show More]Im reading these comments and its scary how much they sound like my wife and me. If I knew my teeth would be disintegrating out of my mouth. I lost all of my teeth 3 to 4 years after starting suboxone. Brushing your teeth has nothing to do with what the OP is asking about, reading the fine print has nothing to do with what the OP is asking, you know why? By the time I was 25yrs old (3 years on Suboxone) I was having to get teeth removed. Medications affected by the warning include Zubsolv, manufactured by Orexo, and Suboclade manufactured by Indivior. That is probably a lot of us, including me. I've been taken suboxone for more then 10 years and I've had so many dental issues. The benefits of buprenorphine medicines clearly outweigh the risks, particularly in the treatment of OUD. I am going to check into filing a lawsuit, if not, a class action lawsuit against the makers of Buprenorphine! At the very least Big Pharma should be paying for all of our dental care. Why is sublocade included? I had perfect teeth. I had a dental checkup prior to getting on Sub. There needs to be a lawsuit against them for this, and they should pay at a minimum enough to fix everyone's teeth, that has damage from the sub use. So many of us are in the same situation. Thought it was due to my age but now I know it was due to subx. Im afraid to eat half the time because I am scared my teeth will break or fall out because of how they feel. How do we fight back or join law suit? I have asked doctors repeatedly if this medication causes this and of course the only answer I get is not that I'm aware of. I am disgusted with this company, the doctors who pushed it as a miracle with little to no side effects when in fact it was the opposite. After a couple years of use my teeth literally started crumbling about to the point they would break off to the gum. I just found out this morning that this medicine (suboxone/ generic buprenorphine films and pills) is very bad for teeth. Can I get my teeth fixed at the least for my tooth decay from - Avvo I hardly go out anymore because I used to have a beautiful smile and now it's disgusting. I've had multiple root canals recently, a tooth just pulled, another tooth just crumbled apart so i have 1/2 a tooth there and the rest are so sensitive and I can see cavities that need to be filled. Between these drug companies first failing to tell people how addictive opiates were, to then prescribing these as an alternative and failing to disclose the effects on your teeththey have ruined so many lives!! mental health. 0, Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. Its devastating absolutely devastating to lose your teeth this young after having a beautiful smile. Howd she do it? I never had any major dental issues until after taking this medication. I am 37 and have been embarrassed for 4 years! I needed it for 2 weeks. I literally had near perfect tee[Show More]I had a gorgeous smile and only ever had one cavity before going on Suboxone in 2012 with no warning about the risks to my smile My teeth are now rotting out of my head and I've got terrible tooth decay that I cannot afford to deal with! They should also schedule a visit with their dentist soon after starting to use this drug and inform their dentist they are taking buprenorphine. The medication helped save my life but has also caused me heartache and pain. Patients using buprenorphine medicines dissolved in the mouth should take extra steps to help lessen the risk of serious dental problems. She was never informed there have been reports of tooth decay using this medication long term. I can't say that I regret taking Suboxone because it truly saved my life. In fact, none of us knew that we weren't supposed to be on it for longer than A certain amount of time yet we also all know that these doctors push it and push it and when you're done with the opioid addiction they push it some more with "pain control." I am barely 50 years old and have to wear a complete upper denture. She trusted her provider to have her best interest at heart and was lied to. I was quoted about 10k to fix it all. These only include cases reported to FDA* or published in the medical literature,1,2 so there may be additional cases about which we are unaware. Listen NONE of us were warned. All of my teeth are broken since I've started using Suboxone. There's a new suboxone class-action lawsuit filed against Reckitt Benckiser & Indivior. Your comment will still be posted, just with a slight delay! Untill the fda acknowledged it most doctor wouldnt even mention tooth decay and if they did they say it wasnt as bad as methadone I might be on sublocade now but the damage is done. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Now I've had to have about $10,000 worth of work just in the last 2 years alone! I have permanent infection in my jaw/gums that just won't go away even after finishing antibiotics. I have experienced everything the other commenters have described, but because I couldn't afford regular dental care prior to being put on Suboxone, I don't qualify for the class action lawsuit because I can't "prove it". Thanks a lot!!! 2. Suboxone lawsuit - Legal Answers - Avvo I started taking Suboxone 5 years ago and only had a couple cavities my entire life prior. Big pharma needs to be held accountable for this. Ive spent a too much time hiding my teeth in shame and Im going to hold someone responsible. This is amazing yet when I started reaching out to doctor about the potential risks of tooth decay (as i had started experiencing rapid tooth decay and loss of teeth) I was told time and time again that suboxone doesnt do this. The cherry on top of all this is dealing with tooth pain every time another tooth breaks in half, I began taking suboxone in 2007, I have never taken more than a 1/4 of a strip at a time, I have lost all the top molars on one side of my mouth, 2 on the other, all the teeth along my gum line are black, and the only 2 teeth I have left that fit together and can chew with, are completely hollowed out and I'm unable to chew anything hot, cold, or crunchy at all. Hopefully somehow. You think you would told about side effects of this magnitude. 6 months later i missed it and went to the wrong office. Im a 37 year old mother of 2 thats been on suboxone for 10 years. After a couple years of use my teeth literally started crumbling about to the point they would break off to the gum. The agency recommends patients take a large sip of water, swish it gently and swallow once the medication is completely dissolved in the mouth. After 9 years of being on Suboxone my smile is something I intentionally hide from the world out of fear of being judged or made fun of. The teeth were not fixable. The relationship between suboxone and tooth loss is well-documented, and it probably due to the drying effect of the buporphedrine component of suboxone. But tooth decay can be prevented with a few simple adjustments. Had I known this maybe I would've chose a different front medication or just make sure I could afford having more dental chec, Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. We were never informed that to get clean it would cost us our smiles. Ive, Im reading these comments and its scary how much they sound like my wife and me. Literally. Suboxone weakens the bones around your teeth so they fall out. My non medical opinion. Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for de, Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for dental cost and are lively hood I can't eat anything with out hurting, Im reading these comments and its scary how much they sound like my wife and me. I have been prescribed suboxone, both the tabs and films, first time was in 2013, I am currently still on the films. I was never warned. I now have to be embarrassed of my teeth everyday for the rest of my life. No doctor ever mentioned that this was an issue nor was it in my prescription info pamplet. Good luck to you though lol, I wouldnt mind jumping in on it if it has merit, but this sounds like a dead end to be honest. Does Suboxone Rot Your Teeth? - Addiction Resource I have never had a Dr warn me about any dental issues when prescribed Suboxone. So hang in there. I have never heard that suboxone causes tooth issues. The .gov means its official. I did not abuse my medication, I took them as my Dr said and was on them over a year. I am only 30 years old. I dont mean to sound defensive but being called a crackhead and junkie over your teeth sucks and is demoralizing and has changed me from the happy confident woman I used to be to a shell of the woman I once was. Untill the fda acknowledged it most doctor wouldnt even mention tooth decay and if they did they say it wasnt as bad as methadone I might be on sublocade now but the damage is done. I have cavities on every single tooth, and another one broke just last w[Show More]I have been prescribed Suboxone for 4 years. There were ZERO articles linking the tooth decay(actually denying it). my husband and I have both been prescribed Suboxone for several years with no knowledge of potential tooth decay, my husband lost all his teeth, and now has dentures at 31, and I also have had multiple fillings and teeth pulled, and issues. I took good care of my teeth even while I was using. It saved my life. No ONE once told me this COULD happen!!!!!! I had many fillings in the beginning but once those were filled no new tooth decay has popped up in almost 4 years., There's a class action lawsuit you could join, FINALLY..https://theclassactionnews.com/drugs-pharmaceuticals/suboxone-problems/. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousa. Now, when the hell is someone gonna give a crap enough to move forward with representation for us? I'm so ashamed and in constant pain, I desperately need help and I have no idea where to turn!!! Despite these risks, buprenorphine is an important treatment option for opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain, and the benefits of these medicines clearly outweigh the risks. I was given Suboxone so I could stop taking pain medication for an injury. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. I never smile if i do i turn my head away from people and have to get antibiotics for infections. Im absolutely devastated.. this doesnt seem so fair :(, I have been on suboxone since 2016, Im in the process of being tapered off of it. My top teeth were implants from a wreck I had as a teenager. Within months they all started falling out. I'm assuming they will fix our teeth, because right now, the insurance program that I have will. Reported events include cavities/tooth decay, including rampant caries; dental abscesses/infection; tooth erosion; fillings falling out; and, in some cases, total tooth loss. The teeth were not fixable. By the time I was 25yrs old (3 years on Suboxone) I was having to get teeth removed. Not cracked or nothing! I literally had near perfect teeth and now I'm missing 4 that literally just disintegrated n fell out and 2 more that are about halfway gone at this point. I am having the last four teeth removed from my uppers on 4/22/22, as they are beyond repair. 2012 after being dependent on the pills the strips came out after just my first year 2013-2014 my first front tooth fell out. I took good care of my teeth even while I was using. Good point. Likely 4 root canals still coming. I was never informed of any concerns that it may cause any dental problems, everyone should have been told about the risk before prescribing. Otherwise, the judge will just say its up to you to take care of your teeth after you put stuff in your mouth probably, I dunno Theres something to thisprobably in 20 years from now theyll admit to it. Not anymore and I feel sick all the time from my teeth being so bad. She will never get back the smiles lost and the opportunities she missed out on secondary to watching her mouth fall apart. Theres a lot more at play than just taking care of your teeth. Patients should be advised to wait at least 1 hour before brushing their teeth. The site is secure. Ive been on suboxon for about 20yreas After getting on subs with in the first 2 years my teeth literally was starting to crumble. I never had any major dental issues until after taking this medication. I have been on belbuca for 2 years. I used to be a model and musician, however, since I lost my teeth I also lost any confidence and have not played any concerts since my face feels complete alien to me. Its only my bottom 2 teeth. I live in Talkeetna, alaska. So much that my dentist said as along as I keep taking care of them I may never need major dental work. She has been Suboxone free for 12+ years. I've had multiple root canals recently, a tooth just pulled, another tooth just crumbled apart so i have 1/2 a tooth there and the rest are so sensitive and I can see cavities that need to be filled. I was never warned of this being a side effect I even used to read the booklet they had on the bottle for the Drs. I have done everything I possibly can to prevent them from falling but sadly I believe I will need a dental bridge. I developed almost 20 cavities in 6 months being on this stuff. I have four lower teeth left but within a few month after I received a deep cleaning, my remaining teeth are now in such bad shape as well that my dentists is not sure if they can be saved or strong enough to hold a partial. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. I have about 5.5 teeth left in my mouth and have been this way about 2 years. we both have had to go to the dental school to obtain dental services, and you can all but imagine the torture we have had to endure. We are always encouraging our 4 teenage daughters to be confident in who they are, and to not let other peoples judgment or opinions of them alter their path or steal their confidence. buprenorphine as the best drug to treat neonatal abstinence, NEC Similac Alimentum Lawsuit Alleges Abbott Failed To Disclose Risk of Severe Intestinal Disease for Newborns, CPSC Issues Baby Trend Stroller Warning After Death Linked to Detachable Canopy, Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Information and Updates, Lawyers to Meet with Hair Relaxer MDL Judge During Initial Status Conference March 2nd, Hair Relaxer Chemicals Caused Uterine Cancer, Lawsuit Alleges, Paraquat Sprayed on Family Farm Led to Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, Lawsuit Claims, Parkinson's Disease Cases Diagnosed Each Year Are 50% Higher Than Prior Estimates, With Increased Incidents in Certain Areas. Dental caries and periodontal disease among people who use drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. I wish they would have told me about this when I first started the medicine 6 years ago and before it destroyed almost every Toth in my mouth. I have been on Suboxone since 2017, unaware that's the reason for my dental issues as my Dr never mentioned it. My teeth are literally crumbling. I'm so depressed I'd rather die then live like this!!!! I am ashamed to smile or even kiss my girlfriend anymore. I just wish I would have known about the dental risks beforehand. But after hearing this maybe there is something else going on. Lol This can happen with anyone though. Can I sue the makers of suboxone for total teeth decay? Now I'm having to live with the tooth pain and suffering from suboxone and I can't afford to be able to pay 10,000 dollars or more to fix the issue. Dentists treating someone taking a transmucosal buprenorphine product should perform a baseline dental evaluation and caries risk assessment, establish a dental caries preventive plan, and encourage regular dental checkups. I had struggled with IV drug use since 2009. BMC Oral Health 2020;20:44. This is ridicules and the manufactures needs to be held accountable for this. Stephanie T. Nguyen, Chief Technology Officer, Competition and Consumer Protection Guidance Documents, In 2019 and 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reached settlements with the companies responsible for, HSR threshold adjustments and reportability for 2023, A Century of Technological Evolution at the Federal Trade Commission, National Consumer Protection Week 2023 Begins Sunday, March 5, FTC at the 65th Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market - NCPW 2023, Blog: If you were prescribed Suboxone film, you may be eligible to get money, FTC Returns Nearly $60 Million to Those Suffering from Opioid Addiction Who Were Allegedly Overcharged in Suboxone Film Scheme, Indivior, Inc. to Pay $10 Million to Consumers, Settling FTC Charges that the Company Illegally Maintained a Monopoly over the Opioid Addiction Treatment Suboxone, Reckitt Benckiser Group plc to Pay $50 Million to Consumers, Settling FTC Charges that the Company Illegally Maintained a Monopoly over the Opioid Addiction Treatment Suboxone. These people need new teeth!! By neither her physician nor the pharmacist. The prescribing and patient information will also include strategies to maintain or improve oral health while undergoing treatment with these medicines. Counsel patients that severe and extensive tooth decay, tooth loss, and tooth fracture have been reported with the use of this medicine and it is important to visit their dentist to closely monitor their teeth. They've known about the tooth decay issues for years. I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it.