"137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers." The Battalion was called to active duty in early August 2005. Both of these men have been recommended to receive the Distinguished Service Cross. I proudly recommend to all this history of the 361st Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve. The loudspeaker method of contacting the enemy troops was again used, and 25 prisoners were taken. No casualties of any kind were reported on this day for the first time since the regiment entered combat. 8 items. K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment. After being pinned down by deadly machine gun fire for over two hours, Lieutenant Simpson saw his opportunity when an artillery barrage forced the German machine gunner to take cover for a brief instant. (Enlisted man's diary, Sep 22, 1864-Jun 20, 1865). With poor visibility, the going was slow for a time, although it was soon apparent that our forces were reducing enemy resistance by constant artillery and small arms fire. Col. W. F. Fox, in his account of this regiment, says: "It won special honors at Gettysburg, then in Greene's brigade, which, alone and unassisted, held Culp's hill during a critical period of that battle against a desperate attack of vastly superior force. The Germans, in their rapid withdrawal, left behind great quantities of weapons, ammunition and assorted materiel. Dans la partie basse se trouve deux bolos croiss reprsentant le service durant l'insurrection des Philippines. ( North Culp's Hill tour map ) It was dedicated by the State of New York in 1888. One officer, Lt. George P. Brown, was killed on this day. The regiment then went to Camp Rucker, Alabama on 31 March 1943, and then to Camp Forrest, Tennessee on 17 November 1943, where they conducted combat training for fighting in Europe. Private Nichols was wounded during the barrage, but after he and Sergeant Blair evacuated the three wounded men, Nichols joined his platoon in the attack until ordered to the aid station by his commanding officer. The 1st Battalion was slowed up during the early part of the day. The 12th corps left Virginia in Sept., 1863, and went to Tennessee, joining Grant's army at Chattanooga. rank, Army Serial Number, and medals and awards earned by the soldier. Mustered in: September 25, 1862 All rights reserved. On the 26th no prisoners were taken. For example, by the end of January, 1945, the 47 th Infantry Regiment (which fought in France and Germany) had lost well over 100% of their strength to battle casualties, where men were either killed, wounded, missing, or taken as prisoner of war. No men were killed on this day, but 5 men were wounded. A large accession was received from the nth corps, but Col. Ireland and Gen. Geary retained their respective commands. 137th Infantry Regiment - August 1944 After Action Reports 35th (US) Infantry Division - Battle of Normandy Headquarters 137th Infantry Regiment APO #35, New York 31 August 1944 Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. The regiment moved from north of la Bedellerie, down highway 2 southeast of St. On 5 August, the 137th Infantry Regiment was drafted into Federal service. DURING COMBAT. Golf Co 106th Forward Support Company: Manhattan. He was of great assistance to the Battalion Commander in keeping him informed, and he helped reorganize his own company after the Company Commander and Executive Officer had become casualties. The Germans had fallen back across the river opposite our own forces, and to positions south of St. 106, [2] p. Bloomer, Hiram. [11] On 1 May 1959, it was reorganized as a parent regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System, including the 1st and 2d Battle Groups, part of the 35th Division. After the company radio man had been killed, Sergeant Hughbanks removed the radio from the dead soldier, called the battalion OP and requested artillery fire on the German position. However, the 134th Infantry, which had started the week as Corps reserve, had relieved elements of the 29th Division and of the 320th Infantry in the only major shift of units. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Ireland, David. At the time of mustering in, the regiment consisted of 46 officers and 964 enlisted men. During the day the 117th Infantry (30th Division) pushed across our front, and we moved to a new area between la Luzerne and St. 397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division Rufus Dalton was at the Maginot Line bouncing mortar shells off an old citadel. [2] The SpanishAmerican War officially ended on 10 December, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. This Regiment is a composite organization made np largely out of two . Roberts, E.F.NorwichCWRTColl Ignoring the imminent danger of artillery fire, Sergeant Blair and Private Nichols reentered the danger zone and removed the wounded men to a place of comparative safety behind the tank before the barrage fell. The force also included the 219th Field Artillery Battalion, 737th Tank Battalion less one company, Company B of 60th Engineers, Company B of 110th Medics, one company from 654 Tank Destroyer Battalion, one platoon from 35th Reconnaissance Troops, and a detachment from the 35th Signal Company. That night, at 2000, Colonel Harold R. Emery reported and assumed command. If the soldier was killed in action, then KIA is shown. Thank you to Ed Worman for pointing out this resource. Willson, Lester S.(Lester Sebastian), Lester S. Willson diaries, 1863-1865. of the enrollment; 4 officers and 167 men died of disease, accidents, and all other causes, a total of 294. CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 137th Infantry Recruited in the . . The Battalion also supported DOD and State Department missions building capacities among partner nations across east Africa. Madison, WI: Federal Pub. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. David Cleutz. 28 JULY 1944 On the 28th, the 35th Division became part of V Corps, and resumed the attack at 1000. 263-266. First Name, Middle Initial, and the City and State from which they entered Some of these surrendered as a result of our speaking to them across the enemy lines by means of a loudspeaker, encouraging them to give up the fight. Colonel Alexander, 1st Battalion Commander, was wounded and Lt Colonel Stowers assumed command of the battalion. Gettysburg, Pa. : Friends of the National Parks at Gettysburg, 2001. : who, alone at Culp's Hill, in the 2nd day's battle saved the right at Gettysburg. Scofield writes to his father "Camp in the pines, three miles from Sister's Ferry, Savannah River, Georgia," in the third letter, explaining that he thinks his troops should have been permitted to remain and guard Savannah since they captured the city. On 12 July, after his Platoon Leader had been killed, Sergeant Gonzales took command of the platoon, which had been under heavy mortar and machine gun fire. Lt. Garthwaite and Lt. Kennedy were killed. 137th Infantry Regiment 9412 134th Infantry Regiment 9476 Il y a 2464 soldiers without asn. After receiving enemy bombing during the night, the regiment attacked in column of battalions at 0618, with the 3rd Battalion leading and the 1st following at 300 yards. Thank you to LTC Ben Gardiner for recommending this resource. This collection consists of photocopies of four letters from William H. Scofield to his father and sister. Using sound judgment and quick thinking, Gonzales commanded an attached Tank Destroyer, whose crew had been reduced by enemy fire, and blasted out a gun nest. 137th Infantry Regiment; 138th Infantry Regiment; 129th Machine Gun Battalion; 70th Brigade Infantry - Brigadier General Charles I. Martin Published for the comrades of the renowned defenders by the Acme Pub. 27 JULY 1944 On 27 July the 1st Battalion was attached to the 134th Infantry, and that regiment attacked at 1000. Diary reflecting Welman's service with Company F, 137th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the war. 44-50. At 1920 on 10 July 1944, the Regiments first casualty as a result of enemy fire occurred. A Paper Prepared and Read before theMassachusetts Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, (MOLLUS) February 10, 1891. The second diary begins on 3 Nov. 1864 and ends on 2 May 1865, again with substantial gaps. Jeffers, Ira S.Ira S. Jeffers Letter, 1864 : 137th New York Volunteer Infantry. Aside from artillery and mortar fire the 137th Infantry encountered no enemy action from 20 to 23 July. The 1st and 2nd Battalions were again called to active service on 13 May 1968 during the Vietnam War as part of the 69th Infantry Brigade (SEP) and sent to Fort Carson, Colorado. [1], On 17 July 1947, the 137th was reorganized and Federally recognized, headquartered at Wichita. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Greene, F. V. (Francis Vinton). After a day at the marshaling areas the regiment sailed, part from Plymouth, and part from Falmouth, on 6-7 July 1944, and landed on French soil at Omaha Beach near Colleville-sur-Mere on 7-8-9 July 1944. In the center is a gold bar or baton. The baton was awarded to the City of Varennes when a young Lieutenant captured Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette at Varennes when they were attempting to escape from Paris during the French Revolution. Colonel Wilson, commander of the supporting 219th Field Artillery Battalion, and Captain Kerr, artillery liaison officer, were killed, and the first platoon of Company G suffered heavy casualties. The 137th fought here from 713 August, and they suffered 23 killed, 140 wounded, and 40 missing in action. Mondays fighting cost the life of 1st Lt. Jack Yost of Culver, Kansas. 12 JULY 1944 The regiment again attacked at 0800 on 12 July 1944, with 2nd and 3rd Battalions in the leading echelon. By 1300 the 1st Battalion had advanced up to 300 yards, but were meeting stiff resistance at la Pte Ferme. Morning Reports 136th Armored Maintenance Battalion Morning Reports 136th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 136th Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 137th Armored Ordnance Maintenance . Col. Ireland succumbed to disease at Atlanta, and Col. Van Voorhes succeeded to the command. After the first few days of the battle replacements were received regularly, both officers and enlisted men. Cases of individual heroism include those of Sergeant Earl V. Spengler, 1514 Pennsylvania, Wichita, Kansas, and of Corporal Peter Seiwert of Garden Plain, Kansas. This is meant to be a comprehensive list. He began Working on the front lines, and not waiting for the enemy fire to cease before going to the soldiers assistance, these men are subjected to every hazard of the Infantryman. received authority, August 28, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the then 22d Senatorial District of the State; it was organized at Syracuse and there mustered in the United States service for three years September 17-18, 1862. UNITS ATTACHED TO THE 35th INF. Of these, 17 were killed, 106 wounded and 4 missing. After the escape of criminals from the Kansas State Penitentiary, the 2nd Battalion was called up to perform road patrols and block bridges between 19 and 20 January 1934. Contributing to the success of the regiment in its initial operation was the smooth handling of supplies of all classes. It was part of the Kansas Army National Guard and has served with distinction in the Philippine Insurrection, World War I, and World War II. They served for one year during the War in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) from October 2005 to October 2006, with the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 3rd and the 4th Infantry Divisions. 1 folder (.05 cubic feet). The 3rd Battalion moved 500 yards before being held up by machine gun fire. Bayless family. 137th Infantry Regiment Nickname: Ironclads Mustered in: September 25, 1862 Mustered out: June 9, 1865 The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Located at the Indiana Historical Society. Prisoners taken numbered 22 on the 17th and 20 on the 18th. Infantry - 137th-138th Infantry - 140th-156th Infantry - Garrison Guards Camp Carrington Iowa Artillery - Light Artillery Cavalry - 1st-9th Infantry - 2d-4th Infantry - 6th-34th Infantry - 34th and 38th Infantry - 35th-40th Infantry - 45th Kansas Artillery - Light Artillery Artillery - Blair's Battery Cavalry - 2d Cavalry - 5th-7th Cavalry - 9th The 3rd Battalion remained in reserve in a switch with the 1st Battalion shortly after midnight. 1 item. Our forces consolidated and strengthened their lines during the day. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1,095 men on its roster for this unit. On Tuesday, 2nd Lt. Eugene A. Kay of 2504 East 28th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, was shot down near Rampan, and wounds suffered by 2nd Lt. John Matraszek of 3013 Richmond Street, Philadelphia proved fatal. The regiment and brigade became a part of the 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized). He noted there were few casualties among the men of Company I. Greene." It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg. 2nd Brigade Field Artillery - Brigadier General A. J. Bowley . Casualties in the regiment showed a marked decrease as the action slowed down and as the men were becoming more battle-wise. 1992. The 28th Infantry Division made preparations to relieve us at our present location. Our 1st Battalion turned back a strong German counterattack at noon. It represents the baton of a marshal of France. The motto at the bottom of the shield, Valor for Service, is a magnetic challenge to every person of the 137th Regiment to do their duty to God and country, thus upholding the high standards of service established by those who have gone before. Three prisoners were taken during the day. Lo road. Frederick Phisterer. service. Letter, 11 May 1863, from Ira S. Jeffers (1843-1932), Company F, 137th New York Infantry, encamped at Aquia Landing in Virginia, to his sister Catherine Jeffers, Binghamton, Broome County, New York, concerning the Battle of Chancellorsville and including descriptions of the battle and wounded men. The regiment moved to the area near le Renoudiere and prepared to attack the following morning. Headquarters Company Detachment: Junction City, Kansas. Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs; About Us; 137th Infantry Regiment, 137th Infantry Regiment, Back to the 35th Infantry Division. [2] On 16 May, the regiment left for Camp Merritt, California, and due to disease, the regiment was forced to relocate to Camp Merriam, just north of the Presidio of San Francisco on 5 August. Enemy fire continued from the church north of St. Gilles, and at 1045 elements of the 1st Battalion stormed that stronghold and took it and the surrounding buildings. 137th Infantry Regiment Personnel Roster Index Click a letter below to go to Soldier names beginning with that letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z This database was compiled by Mr. Rick Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 10:06. [6], In the afternoon of 6 August 1944, the regiment was on the move again, to the Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcout area. Palmer, David W. The forgotten hero of Gettysburg : a biography of General George Sears Greene. (Enlisted man's diary, Jun 25-Jul 5, 1863). A wounded member of the crew was still in the tank, and Staff Sergeant Volk and Sergeant Blankenship, also of Company A, both lay wounded near the tank. The Civil War Archive section, 137th Regiment Infantry, (accessed 25 May 2012). Corps artillery was in support of the operation. [5] Troops were recruited from all over Kansas. Compared to this was the woeful lack of supplies suffered by the Germans. Located at the Neville Public Museum of Brown County, Green Bay, WI. Located at University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va. Greene, George S. "Address of Maj. Gen. George S. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Whittier, Edward, "The Left Attack (Ewell's), Gettysburg." New York Infantry Regiment. The 2nd Battalion operating in the vicinity of le Carrillon, advanced 600 yards at one point. World War II veterans of the 137th IR prefer to see their crest WITH the five battle stars which they earned with blood, sweat and tears. On 7 March 1885, the Kansas Volunteer Militia became the Kansas National Guard.[1]. Although continued German fire prevented his evacuation from that area until the following day, Lieutenant Guinessy was still alive when finally evacuated. [4], Between 14 December and 26 February 1922, the 1st and 3rd Battalions were called up for riot control during a strike of coal miners at Pittsburg. Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. The Divisions on the right and left of the 35th continued their advance. High among these was the heroic action of Technical Sergeant Frank A. Gonzales of Augusta, Kansas, a Platoon Sergeant in Company I. The first enemy prisoners captured indicated that the Division was facing elements of the 897th, 898th and 899th Infantry regiments, and composing the Kampt Gruppe Kentner (combat team commanded by Colonel General Kentner). The records have personal enlistment information and military service, as well as regiment engagements. - Died of Wounds; DSC - Distinguished Service Cross; GCM - Good Conduct Medal; German prisoners also reported their morale as very low, due to continued artillery pounding and their own lack of supplies and replacements. Albert Bayless was the source of the original letters, electronic files sourtesy of Robert Bowen. [1] They subsequently set sail for Europe, entering the frontline on 18 June 1918. Casualties in the regiment totaled 127. It brought 456 men to the field. At the time the Regimental Commander was wounded, Lt. They advanced on, and were the first to enter, Caloocan on 10 February. The Division consisted of the 69th and 70th Infantry Brigades, composed of the 137th, 138th Infantry, with the 129th Machine Gun Battalion; and the 139th and 140th Infantry, and the 130th Machine Gun Battalion; all of the 60th Field Artillery Brigade, which was composed of the 128th, 129th and 130th Field Artillery. The 1st Battalion of the 137th Infantry remained attached to the 134th Infantry, who advanced throughout the day with little opposition. In April, 1864, the corps number was changed to the 20th, Gen. Hooker being placed in command. The 137th New York Infantry Regiment lost 6 officers and 121 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 4 officers and 163 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. The 320th Infantry also attacked at that time. DIV. Col. Greene's speech before the McClellan Club of Ward eleven, Boston, October 28, 1864. At 1600 a strong enemy position was captured about 1000 yards south of St. Gilles. There was one report of enemy aircraft over the area. 57th Regiment Infantry. Private 1st Class Leonard L. Coffman of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Private 1st Class Cofford S. Goza of Avans, Georgia, both of Company M, have been recommended as deserving of the Silver Star for their rescue of an injured soldier of the 219th Field Artillery Battalion who was enveloped in the flames of a burning quarter-ton truck after a direct hit from enemy artillery.
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