Charlottesville, Lee Lynchburg & Johnsons Bedford Virginia Artillery 57th Virginia Infantry 34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 18th Virginia Cavalry Purcell (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. There are printed pamphlets containing a roster of the Lee Camp Soldiers' Home in 1913 and also bylaws from 1910. Battles, 5th Louisiana Infantry- Maj. Alexander Hart (w), Capt. Brigadier General George E. Pickett took command of the brigade. Brooke, Fauquier, Loudoun & Alexandria Virginia Artillery His duties were to "collect all muster rolls, records, and other materials showing the officers and enlisted men of the several companies, battalions, regiments, and other military organizations from Virginia in the armies, marine or naval service of the Confederate States." 16th Virginia Infantry- Col. Joseph H. Ham Itbrought 75men to the field and lost 4 menkilled and27men wounded. 12th Georgia Infantry- Col. Edward Willis There are payrolls from April 1862 for thirty-seven Tidewater Virginia & North Carolina units. 47th Alabama Infantry- Col. James W. Jackson, Lt. Col. J. M. Bulger (w/c), Maj. James M. Campbell Volume five includes the following units: 4th Virginia Infantry In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. 9th Virginia Cavalry Included are letters from Joseph Reid Anderson, Jr., son of the former owner of the Tredegar Iron Works; General Thomas T. Munford, Grand Commander Grand Camp Confederate Veterans; Generals Francis C. Ainsworth & Robert Shaw Oliver, Secretaries of the War Department; Governors Claude A. Swanson, A.J. Col. Gottfried Becker 116th Ohio InfantryCol. See the National Archives Compiled Service Records for more detailed service record information. 6th Louisiana Regiment: - From Irish Rebels, Confederate Tigers by James Gannon. R. Preston Chew Extent: 68.19 cu. For example, there are both original muster rolls and rosters compiled as per the Acts of the General Assembly in 1884 and 1900. Virginia (Richmond) Battery- Capt. These include lists of Confederate veterans at the Gettysburg encampment in 1913, veterans admitted to the Lee Camp Soldiers' Home in 1915, Virginia military organizations mentioned in official war records, and Virginia soldiers mentioned in special orders. No report nor details of losses made. The enemy came up rapidly, and we advanced a short distance to meet them. 8th Virginia Infantry This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. Virginia Partisan Rangers- Capt. Stuart Horse Artillery Major Robert F. Beckham strength: 400 men, 19 guns casualties: 5 killed, 22 wounded, 27 total. The powers of attorney were issued by employees to appoint individuals to draw and receive pay on their behalf. Danville, Eighth Star New Market & Dixie Virginia Artillery Joseph D. Moore) Lieutenant Colonel Carrington was exchanged. Its members were recruited at Danville and Farmville, and in the counties of Nottoway, Cumberland, Prince Edward, Appomattox . Artillery. 1st Tennessee (Provisional Army) Infantry- Maj. Felix G. Buchanan These special orders were issued by Jonathan Withers and George Deas, Assistant Adjutant Generals, by the command of the Secretary of War. Merritt B. Miller Virginia in the American Civil War. 7th Tennessee Infantry- Lt. Col. Samuel G. Shepherd 11th Virginia Cavalry Thomas J. Kirkpatrick Fredericksburg (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. William K. Bachman T. Andersons Brigade in support of the Washington Artillery. 5th Texas Infantry- Col. Robert M. Powell (w/c), Lt. Col. King Bryan (w), Maj. Jefferson C. Rogers, Brig. 13th Alabama Infantry- Col. Birkett D. Fry The lines were much broken in crossing the post and rail fences on both sides of that road but with shattered ranks the Brigade pushed on and took part in the final struggle at the Angle. Artillery Brigade, VI CorpsCol. Arrived about sunset and bivouacked on the western border of Spanglers Woods. Colonel Withers was badly wounded and Captain Wall was badly wounded leading the regiment in its attack on a battery, losing his leg. Basil C. Manly 22nd Virginia Infantry Battalion- Maj. John S. Bowles, Brig. . James A. Hopkins Gen. William Barksdale (mw/c), Col. Benjamin G. Humphreys, 13th Mississippi Infantry- Col. John W. Carter (k) 53rd Virginia Infantry Moorman's (Virginia) Battery- Capt. 23rd North Carolina Infantry- Col. Daniel H. Christie (mw), Capt. Campbell was killed in April 1865 at the Battle of Sayler's Creek -ironically next to Nottoway County in Prince Edward County, Nine more officers of Company "G" 18th Va Infantry, Private John G. Lee of Company H, 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment. 12th Alabama Infantry- Col. Samuel B. Pickens Military Units Participating in 1865 Mobile Campaign. Subseries 5: Reserves Civil War Genealogy Database. 52nd Virginia Infantry Company D enrolled at McArthur, Ohio on April 18, 1861. However, the 8th Virginia suffered its fair share of losses, including its newly-elected Major, James Thrift, mortally wounded while leading a charge. Phillips' (Georgia) Legion Infantry- Lt. Col. Elihu S. Barclay, Battery A, 1st North Carolina Artillery- Capt. The Miscellaneous (Volumes) files contain a number of loose volumes arranged alphabetically by title. 15th Virginia Infantry 9th Alabama Infantry- Capt. Consists of 40 volumes (20 original and 20 photostat) compiled by the Secretary of Virginia Military Records documenting Virginia soldiers who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. Colonel Withers retired. Gen. Wade Hampton (w), Col. Laurence S. Baker, 1st North Carolina Cavalry- Col. Laurence S. Baker William M. McGregor 37th Virginia Infantry- Maj. Henry C. Wood, 1st Louisiana Infantry- Col. Michael Nolan Richmond Fayette Artillery- Capt. Information included is the name of the soldier, rank, unit, date of enlistment, and the last date found on the company muster roll. This very religious letter was written by Pvt. . 1st Battalion Virginia Infantry Pichegru Woolfolk, Jr. (w), Lt. James Woolfolk 36th Virginia Infantry, formerly known as the 2nd Kanawha Regiment, was organized in July, 1861. When that command was relieved by S. D. Lees Artillery in the afternoon, the Brigade advanced into the cornfield in front of Lees guns, between this point and the cemetery wall, and engaged the right of the advancing Federal line. Related Records: Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1784-1821, RG 98. The field officers were Colonels Henry A. Carrington and Robert E. Withers, Lieutenant Colonel George C. Cabell, and Major Edwin G. Wall. From Major Cabell's Official Report for the 18th Virginia at South Mountain: About 5 p. m. on Sunday, September 14, the 18th Virginia Regiment, about 120 strong, under my command, after a rapid and fatiguing march from Hagerstown, was directed to a position a little north of the gap in South Mountain, near Boonsborough, Md. Please help us improve our roster by submitting names and addresses of former 18th Regiment members that you know. 4th Company- Capt. 5th Virginia Infantry- Col. John H. S. Funk 138th Pennsylvania Infantry. Officer casualties were very heavy. 19th Virginia Cavalry Brunswick Rebel, Johnston, Southsides, United, James City, Lunenburg Rebel, Pamunkey & Youngs Harborguard Virginia Artillery Georgia Battery- Capt. Captains Zachariah Blanton, James Holland, William Johnson, Robert McCulloch, and Elijah D. Oliver and Lieutenants James P. Glenn, George Jones, Lewis Vaughn, John Weymouth were wounded and captured. 10th Alabama Infantry- Col. William H. Forney (w/c), Lt. Col. James E. Shelley Benjamin C. McCurry 24th Georgia Infantry- Col. Robert McMillin They typically include: Name; Ranks; Locations; Unit; Commanding officer It lost 6 killed and 13 wounded at First Manassas and in April, 1862, had 700 men fit for duty. The unit fought at First Manassas under General Cocke, then was assigned to General Pickett's, Garnett's, and Hunton's Brigade. Pendletons, Ritters, Allans, Hardaways, Moodys & Colters Virginia Artillery CS Navy 20th Georgia Infantry- Col. John A. Jones (k), Lt. Col. James D. Waddell, Maj. Mathis W. Henry There are both original materials from the Civil War and secondary materials gathered by the Secretaries of Virginia Military Records or the Adjutant General. Virginia (Staunton) Battery- Capt. 59th Infantry Brigade 117th Infantry; 118th Infantry: Roster; 114th Machine Gun Battalion; 60th Infantry Brigade 119th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post. My regiment, with the remainder of the brigade, was ordered to the summit of the hill, and fire was at once opened upon the enemys skirmishers, who were soon driven back to their advancing line of battle, composed of two or three regiments, immediately in our front. David Watson Lewis (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 7th Regiment, USA. Beauregard, and other miscellaneous lists of soldiers. 44th Alabama Infantry- Col. William F. Perry 2nd Virginia Cavalry 59th Virginia Infantry 2nd Rockbridge (Virginia) Artillery- Lt. Samuel Wallace B Donnelly, Ralph W . CS Signal Corps. 38th North Carolina Infantry- Col. William J. Hoke (w), Lt. Col. John Ashford, Albemarle (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. The unit was largely composed of veterans of the 30th N. Y. infantry. Gen. John. 36th Virginia Battalion- Capt. 8x11 All six volumes in the above as a set, with a savings of $32 off the price of individually purchased volumes. Joseph G. Blount, Maj. Gen. John B. This advance was made in good order under a storm of shells and grape and a deadly fire of musketry after passing the Emmitsburg Road. However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. A CIVIL WAR SOLDIER'S LETTER FROM THOMAS BONNER, HEADQUARTERED 18TH TEXAS INFANTRY, SEPTEMBER 11,1864, with a handmade envelope addressed to "Lt. Allen A. Cameron Bonner's Ferry, Cherokee County, Texa. James T. Scales 35th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 17th Virginia Infantry, VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 3 A. Robinson (absent) Copyright 2023 Iberian Publishing Company. A more comprehensive inventory of Virginia soldiers, dead or alive, who fought for the Confederacy was still in want. It brought about 120 men to the field, and lost7 killed, 27 wounded, and 7 missing. State Records Collection, The Library of Virginia. 11th Virginia Infantry The regiment marched to Sharpsburg and formed line of battle east of the village. Salem (Virginia) Artillery- Lt. Charles B. Griffin. Records, 1859-1996, of the Dept. Company B - Capt. The regiment was then drawn off with the remainder of the brigade. 2nd Louisiana Infantry- Lt. Col. Ross E. Burke Army of Northern Virginia Stuart's Cavalry Division Imboden's Brigade 18th Virginia Cavalry 62nd Virginia Infantry Virginia Partisan Rangers and McClanahan's Virginia Battery. 10th Virginia Infantry 48th Virginia Infantry- Lt. Col. Robert H. Dungan, Maj. Oscar White Washington Territory . The abstracts enumerate and total the number of provisions such as beef, bread, sugar, soap, etc., and the number of men issued these provisions. Gen. Alfred M. Scales, Lt. Col. George T. Gordon, Col. W. Lee. . 26th Alabama Infantry- Lt. Col. John C. Goodgame, Jeff Davis (Alabama) Artillery- Capt. Henry Peale 28th Ohio InfantryLt. 2nd North Carolina Infantry Battalion- Lt. Col. Hezekiah L. Andrews (w), Capt. J. Lowrance, 13th North Carolina Infantry- Col. Joseph H. Hyman (w), Lt. Col. Henry A. Rogers The unit was assigned to W.E. West Confederate Avenue, near Spangler Woods. 58th Virginia Infantry Brigadier General Garnett was given permanent command of the brigade and George E. Pickett was given command of the division, assigned to to Longstreets newly-created 1st Corps.. Volume three includes the following units: Company C - Capt. Transferred from the Adjutant General's Office, Dept. Please send any roster updates or corrections to the 18th Regiment Roster Project: Roster Project, 18th Infantry Regiment Association, Email Roster. Includes correspondence, muster rolls, payrolls, clippings, descriptive rolls of pay & clothing, powers of attorney, rosters, printed material, scrapbooks, letter books, general & special . Lastly, there is a catalog of muster rolls from the Richmond Circuit Court related to the court case between the Commonwealth and Joseph F. Wren in 1910. 26th Virginia Cavalry Montagues Battalion of Virginia Infantry The Scrapbooks include two volumes of clippings from "Our Confederate Column" between 1904 to 1909 and two volumes of obituaries of Confederate veterans who died between 1910 and 1917. 1st Richmond Howitzers- Capt. In addition, Virginia-born men who served in other regiments and commands are also included. 1st DivisionCol. Parks, 40th Virginia Infantry- Capt. In April . John C. Carpenter Escort: 39th Virginia Cavalry Battalion (2 cos), Chief of Staff, Inspector General: Col. Robert H. Chilton It participated in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from Williamsburg to Gettysburg except when it was detached to Suffolk with Longstreet. The Transcripts of General and Special Orders from the Adjutant & Inspector General's Office from 1862 to 1865 were transcribed by the Secretary of Virginia Military Records. Brig. On January 25, 1898, another act was passed and later re-enacted on March 6, 1900, to provide a roster of all the ex-Confederate soldiers living in the State of Virginia. 13th South Carolina Infantry- Lt. Col. Benjamin T. Brockman Hugh R. Garden New York: Chs. 27 February 2023 . This act replaced the Office of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records and appointed the secretary for a term of two years to be paid out of the Military Fund. Charles I. Raine (mw), Lt. William M. Hardwicke, 2nd Richmond (Virginia) Howitzers- Capt. Aide de Camp, Asst. The 18th Virginia completed its organization in May, 1861. Fire was soon opened along the entire front of the Eighteenth Regiment, when the skirmishers retired, and soon the main body of the enemy fell back a short distance, sheltered themselves behind trees, rocks, &c., and opened a heavy fire upon us, which was replied to with spirit and vigor for some time. Chews Ashby Virginia Artillery Commanded by Colonel R.E. Gen. Ambrose R. Wright, Col. William Gibson, 3rd Georgia Infantry- Col. Edward J. Walker The majority of the correspondence, however, was addressed to Col. Bidgood since he took over the duties in 1910. Robert Lee Snow has published several books which combine Civil War history and the genealogy of the soldiers in the regiments. Amherst, Albemarle & Sturdivants Virginia Artillery Madison (Mississippi) Light Artillery- Capt. Edward A. Marye Bedford Virginia Infantry 21st Mississippi Infantry- Col. Benjamin G. Humphreys, Brig. 45th Battalion Virginia Cavalry . Colonel Philip St. George Cockes Fifth Brigade, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, First Corps, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, Longstreets Division, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, Longstreets Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia. 45th Georgia Infantry- Col. Thomas J. Simmons Van Brown, 5th North Carolina Infantry- Capt. , 11th Virginia Cavalry- Col. Lunsford L. Lomax, 2nd North Carolina Cavalry- Lt. Col. William Payne (c), Capt. The unit fought at First Manassas under General Cocke, then was assigned to General Pickett's, Garnett's, and Hunton's Brigade. Gen. Evander M. Law, Col. James L. Sheffield, 4th Alabama Infantry- Col. Lawrence H. Scruggs 6th Louisiana Infantry- Lt. Col. Joseph Hanlon 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment. The regiment lost 7 killed, 27 wounded, and 7 missing, a report of which has already been forwarded. 10th Virginia Infantry- Col. Edward T. H. Warren The 18th and 19th Virginia Infantry Regiments took most of the loss in the action, thus saving the 8th from heavy casualties. The John Brown's Raid Unit records contain muster rolls & payrolls from various regiments of the Virginia Militia stationed in Harper's Ferry after John Brown's Raid. A.] 5th Louisiana Reigment. 42nd Mississippi Infantry- Col. Hugh R. Miller (mw/c) At the cessation of the cannonade advanced and took part in Longstreets assault on the Union position in the vicinity of the Angle. 18th & 20th Battalion Virginia Artillery William B. 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, USA. 7th South Carolina Infantry- Col. D. Wyatt Aiken 23rd Virginia Cavalry 2nd Louisiana Regiment: Co. F ( 3rd Louisiana Regiment. Lurtys Roanoke Virginia Horse Artillery, VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 5 1st Virginia Infantry (CSA) 21 Ancestors. Goochland Light, Goochland Turner & Mountain Virginia Artillery Attached to Picketts Brigade, Longstreets Division, Army of Northern Virginia, Attached to Picketts Brigade, Kempers Division, Brigadier General Richard Brooke Garnett took temporary command of the brigade, which was transferred to Major General David R. Jones Division. The lists were collected by the Secretary of Virginia Military Records and compiled by veterans and veteran organizations between 1900 and 1922. Inspector General: Maj. Charles S. Venable 34th North Carolina Infantry- Col. W. Lee. Each certificate provides the name of the veteran along with a brief description of their service including their unit, whether wounded or captured, and dates of enlistment. Leroy W. Stowe 61st Georgia Infantry- Col. John H. Lamar, Charlottesville (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Chief of Commissary: Lt. Col. Robert G. Cole, Processed by: Craig S. Moore Assigned to Floyd's Brigade, the unit fought at Kessler's Cross Lanes and Carnifex Ferry in western Virginia, then moved to Tennessee. The 18th Georgia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The Mobile Campaign, Battle of Fort Blakely and Spanish Fort. VIII (8th) Army Corps (Army of West Virginia)Brig. 47th North Carolina Infantry- Col. George H. Faribault (w), Lt. Col. John A. Graves (w/c). Oversized (except Muster Rolls) from Series II: Unit Records, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry, Local Defense, Reserves, Virginia State Line, Militia, & Misc.
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