In such ways we want them to get sober in any way that works for them so not to affect others. Are these 12 steps in alignment with the Scriptures? AA/NA holds people in bondage, making them think they are free. However, what is the true motive of this program, what is its foundation, and is it suitable for those who profess to be walking with Messiah? I decided to leave after that, and not attend the meeting, and I didnt come back for a couple weeks. I am a new creation in Christ and have left a lot behind, but this program keeps digging it back up and putting it in my face. Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol / wine? I would like to also share a few things if you will so allow me.. We have all been lied to or deceived on some level or another, however once we know the truth, we are held accountable and can no longer hide under the mercy of the Father while we were in ignorance. Celebrate Recovery has moved to Community of Hope Church on Thursdays at 6:15PM. Search: Dangers Of Celebrate Recovery. Every week we state that we make decisions based on the truth. For more info click on church name after choosing a province or territory. Celebrate Recovery is a ministry committed to seeing lives changed and healed through Christ. Plight of the disillusioned. Baker, Celebrate Recovery Leader's Guide, 12). The program began in Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, and is now used in churches around the world. I know it would offend the people in the program if I were to discount or question it or say my discomfort. You bring up several great points, ones that I became very familiar with while attending the program. Show me the Buddha worshiper or the person whos higher power is a rock, and I can pray that God will use me and give me the wisdom through His Spirit to share Gods Word and the Good News with that person. Baker went on to study at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary and serve at Saddleback as volunteer, staff member, pastor, and elder as Celebrate Recovery grew across denominations and ministry networks. Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Modesty of the HeartWhere is your Treasure? Celebrate Recovery is credited with helping destigmatize addiction among evangelicals and opening the church up as a safer place for recovery. Recognizing these dangers will help you avoid a possible problem in the future. What partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? So before I continue on with my story, I would like to go through some areas of AA. Even the very symbol that is used on the AA book is very occultic, as seen from the pictures provided. There was only one woman after me, that was the program group leader for the night, that sat to my right, that proclaimed the Name Jesus, and what He had done for her. Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? The magnificent reality. This was all completely orchestrated by Yah, and He even told me that I was going to be her sponsor before she asked, however I not knowing the truth about AA, or the 12 steps, I was a little confused with the strong caution and hesitation with not only AA, but the 12 steps. I was not her sponsor for too much longer after that, as Father had other plans for me, and later led me to go to a program called Celebrate Recovery. (Pgs 8-9). As above, I will be going through steps 1-3, and 12, and directly quoted from CR website: 1 ) We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable. It is no different than saying once a thief, always a thief, or once an adulterer always an adulterer. Yes, you are correct in that we should never simply believe anyones word at something, and I am not offended if you do not believe my testimony. If I were to base my experience and how it made me feel as the only factors of judgement on such practice, I would consider it to be good. I also know many who have never even tempted themselves ever again. The Dangers of Dishonesty in Recovery. 20 years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. Staff was great, attentive to our needs and" more. So, in that dim lit room, and with 10 women around the table, some of which, for the last 12 months I had cried and prayed for, my 5 minutes began. While I want everyone to come to know Jesus Christ our Lord, it is ultimately their decision. His moral teaching-most excellent. Anything that impairs your mind, will also affect your spiritual wellbeing, and can lead into sinful choices. People who have experienced this deep form of sin sickness God has used and helped people through these programs. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 Alcoholism is not a disease. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Gender-specific Groups meet for issues with anger, co-dependency, chemical addiction food addictions, sexual integrity, survivors of abuse, grief, and life issues. Sign up for our newsletter: John was a great leader, and he will be greatly missed, but the impact of his faithful obedience will go on for generations, Ackerman wrote in tribute. Yeshua is still in the healing and deliverance ministry. The ministry has also expanded to serve the incarcerated, as the program became adopted by state prison systems in New Mexico, California, and beyond. When someone is in AA, it is no different than someone being in Hinduism. Also, by their fruits you shall know people. Jim, thank you for your comment. 25 years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. I previously completed step studies and attended CR as a participant. Through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I was told to throw them away. So, if you are sharing the truth about Gods Word, and how it contradicts the doctrine and spiritual application within AA, then great, but I am not sure how they would allow that to continue if the leaders of AA became known you were speaking out against the program. My KJV Bible is all I need in this life plus my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is like taking a pile of poop, and placing the Bible on top. I needed to see this. One of my last few meetings, the Spirit had come upon me so strong during my 5 minutes(we were only ever allowed to speak for 5 minutes) of talking that I exposed and rebuked the lie of Alcoholism being a disease, confronting it as the sin of drunkenness, that the saying once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic is a lie from the pit of hell, and that the the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ can set us free from all bondage, and that His Word says that we no longer need to be identified with our sin, once it has been repented and been crucified with Christ. The most common reason why people relapse after a period of sobriety is that they become stuck in recovery. Within AA, the introduction is similar in the person identifies as their addiction, My Name is, and I am a drug addict/alcoholic. Spirit Word Church (8.9 mi) 4849 South Lindbergh, St. Louis, Missouri 63126 United States. I am going to go through these areas, and will be sharing what I have learned, what I have personally gone through, and what the Lord, or YHWH, has shown me, through the guidance of His Spirit. See more ideas about celebrate recovery, recovery, recovery quotes. Is Celebrate Recovery a biblically sound program? They have been talking up the step study lately and there is pressure to join. B. This was actually the point of my blog post. Much love to you Kellie and your endeavors . God is good, all the time. Wilson was also not shy in expressing how he felt about Jesus/Yeshua Christ. I understand how you could have mixed feelings about this, and I appreciate you sharing. This immediately goes against the first 2 of the 10 commandments, as it promotes the worship of any or all other gods, and idolatry(Ex 20:3-6). Forest Brook Community Church. Michelle, thank you for your thoughts and I am glad that you took time to read this. I would like to serve Him some other way, in another ministry. And Sobriety in any sense is not just for the addict but also for the many afflicted by the addict, such as the one that died in an accident. Variety of ways to faith. The ministry is "group based." All groups are gender specific and use the Small Group . Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Also on the part of forgiveness, we ar encouraged to also forgive God. Who am I? Life after the Military does not always make sense. After the meeting was over, all the women left, did not say anything to me, just turned their backs and left. Your daily news briefing from the editors of CT. Free Speech and Abortion Collide: Supreme Court Hears One of Its Biggest Cases of 2018, I Was the Proverbial, Drug-Fueled Rock and Roller, Christian Conservationists Sue to Protect Ghana Forest. Thanks for your post. We believe that this program targets the one thing that we all have in commonwe're all messed up in one way or another. $5.16 shipping. Before I go further, I want to share something on this topic. Dishonesty in recovery is dangerous because: It is a common relapse trigger. Defiance is an out standing characteristic of alcoholics. I believe that God has put me there for some reason so Im waiting on Him right now. Self-righteousness. This very much includes programs like AA/CR which do not have a grounding in the Bible at all. Likewise, the acceptance of false doctrine will also impair correct judgment and can lead to spiritual decay/death. Recovery is not a straight road or an easy fix. Never believe one persons opinion about something. Other than that they all denied Him, and His Word, and praised the 12-step program, based upon AA. Mental obsession plus physical allergy. 4. We have also been to Indonesia twice . Negative and positive thinking. Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous. With 40% to 60% of those with a substance use disorder who receive treatment relapsing within the first year, some people even refer to relapse as a natural part of recovery. Two members of that group William(Bill) Wilson, and Dr. Bob Smith came together in 1935 to officially start what is known as AA. Judge everything you think, say, or do harshly, as never "good enough." Are a perfectionist. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. This is what He did for me, and through such, I am obliged to warn others. These first three steps of the 12, undermine the gospel, and allow an individual to accept whatever higher power they choose. Celebrate Recovery operates as an extension of Fellowship Bible Church, a unique congregation focused on healing. Bakers ministry began in 1991 at Saddleback Church in California and has spread to 35,000 churches nationwide over the decades. Dangers of self-sufficiency. The program seems to tip-toe around sin and evil instead of calling it out as such. Then they can turn their lives over to this god as they understand him. Every meeting, except my last, I was always led to open my Word and read directly from it. Having said that, this review (completed largely with the help of Matthew Mumma) will demonstrate that CR contains two major problems: (1) Though claiming to be biblically based, its teachings are often constructed from a misuse of Scripture and an erroneous hermeneutic. Once I was done with 6-7 weeks of rehab, I went back to my base in Italy, and continued on with a program through the military. Contemplative prayer, and other eastern meditation practices were, and are still very much part of AA. As the story goes, Warren replied, Great, Johngo do it! and the program soon launched at Saddleback. I dont agree with that. Both were heavily involved in the occult, and many of the practices that were endorsed in Oxford Group, continued on with the establishment of AA. However, I have a slightly different view. Forty years sober in AA.Yes,I believe everything you said about both programs.I Am a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. 36If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. How shall we let God into our lives? 10h 30m. The topical groups vary by site, and some. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. Celebrate Recovery gives the support and love that so many churches fail at. Manny blessings, and I will be praying for you! Mark 14:38 38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink. Dangers of Celebratory Occasions in Recovery Most people in recovery will be prepared for their sobriety to be tested when times are hard. To admit to be powerless over alcohol, does not address that it is a sin of drunkenness and a lust of the flesh, and needs to be repented of, as the Scriptures state, but rather that a combination of an allergy and mental obsession to bring a humility to sobriety. (RNS) John Baker, co-founder of Celebrate Recovery, an evangelical support group that helps people with "hurts, hangups and habits," has died. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! This is an excerpt from one of my blogs The Deception of the New Age Awakening through DNA, The New Age movement is not a conspiracy but an eclectic configuration of spiritual seekers who have despaired of finding personal and cosmic satisfaction in either religious orthodoxies or secular materialism. Readiness to receive free gift lies in practice of Twelve Steps. We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable.Who cares to admit complete defeat? Is Celebrate Recovery a biblical program? Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry of discipleship and healing designed to help adults and families overcome different struggles in life as they grow together in a relationship with God. If you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, please call: 911 - Emergency or 988 - Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or 1-800-273-8255 HELP IS AVAILABLE. To find a group near you go to group finder on our web page:. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. Daly City Celebrate Recovery. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. It was not until a few years ago that I really started to know the truth about AA, as well as other recovery groups with a foundation in AA, that even profess to be Christian alternatives. To become truly sober, or sober-minded, is not just abstaining from toxic substances from the physical body, but also toxic doctrines from the mind/heart. 48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery: How God Can Heal Your Life by John Baker. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.. Yet, this is an occultic practice, which is a form of witchcraft. So, I dont think we really have differing views on this, as you can be led into a church, program or group to share the truth of Gods Word, without necessarily being a partaker in it. nph: to be sober, to abstain from wine. I also believe in the deliverence of it. The ministry, started at Saddleback Church in the 1990s, announced the news of his death Tuesday (Feb. 23) on social media. 3. Satan manifests as an angel of light, and his workers as ministers of righteousness(2 Cor 11:14). Today, when individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders seek help, they are met with the knowledge and belief that anyone can recover and/or manage their conditions successfully. It means that the individual is returning to old ineffective coping strategies for dealing with life. Celebrate Recovery founder John Baker, who turned his testimony recovering from alcoholism into a biblical 12-step program used by more than 7 million people, died unexpectedly on Tuesday at age 72. (Pgs 5-6), Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.Joy of living is the theme of the Twelfth Step. The ouija board got moving in earnest. We all have issues that may be interfering with our fellowship . Romans 7:18. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. While also providing a witness and a rebuke to the women leaders or the womens group, as it was preaching different gospel, and a different Jesus/Yeshua.. None of these women, spoke to me again, nor did I ever go back to Celebrate Recovery, as my assignment there was done. I read this and the Spirit of God prompted to reply. And theres many avenues to recover. I have gone and still go to CR meetings. I too may have mixed feelings about this post. Celebrate Recovery is just another type ofSyncretism, as mixes Gods ways with heathen ways. Do not ask others to meet your needs or desires. Perhaps, in learning these truths, God might want you to share this with others; and yes, while you are correct, it might, and probably will offend. Celebrate Recovery is a proven 25+ year old Christ-based 12-step program based on the Beatitudes. When he hit his bottom, he began attending daily AA meetings, working through the steps, and finding hope in a God who loved him unconditionally. Over the years, many celebrities have chosen to use their voices and their platforms to speak openly . This is the very definition of deception, to appear one way, but with the intention to do another. The Participant Guides are designed to create movement through the steps as each person is on a healing journey that creates new understanding and hope through the work of the Holy Spirit, and not . Theyre always there to help somebody if theyre struggling. Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? Create a safe place for hurting teenagers to overcome life's challenges by launching a Celebrate Recovery ministry-The Landing-for the students in your church, with the The Landing: Celebrate Recovery for Students Kit.. We are also told to test the spirits (1 Joh 4:1) as not all things that outwardly manifest as good or righteous will be so. See ya, Baker said. I lived at AA and Alanon meetings for years and was helped tremendously and then almost completely stopped. It is basically peddling the same lie that Satan spoke in the garden, in that both Adam and Eve would achieve knowledge apart from the wisdom of God. To produce good fruit, a practice or program has to be sound in the word of God. Celebrate Recovery at Family Life Church is a Christ Centered program that uses valuable principles to help free us from the effects of our hurts, habits, and hang ups. A.A. teaches that alcoholism is a disease for which there is no ultimate cure. Step 12, not only speaks of New Age enlightenment, but blasphemes the true free gift, that of salvation, as well as the responsibility for a believer to share and take the gospel message to all, not the AA message. How should a Christian view addiction? He delivered me completely of alcohol, and a great many of other things. It is strongly advised that they remain focused on themselves until their sobriety is strong. His efforts to make amends to his wife, Cheryl, as part of the 12 steps led to him attending Saddleback Church with her, hearing Rick Warren preach, and renewing their marriage vows in a span of months. 1 Peter 1:13Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;14As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. They didnt attend any program, they just hit their rock bottom which is only decided by the individual suffering addiction. Pregnancy clinics are a crucial force in the pro-life movement, and the center of the argument before the justices today. In Celebrate Recovery, the levels of recovery are far worse. Just as those in Acts burned their magic arts, so should the Alateen/Alanon and AA books be destroyed. Step Two is a rallying point to sanity. John 14:6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I know what you are implying with sin sickness as it has to do with things I already addressed in my blog and is a strong lie taught within AA/CR. As you can probably imaginethings did not go well for me after that. Recovery is a term that primarily denotes a process of physical healing. I went on to expose AA and the 12-steps. Many coming into AA are ready for a change in life spiritually; its a great harvest ground. Both founders, Bill Wilson, and Bob Smith were heavily involved in practicing necromancy, performing seances, using the Ouija board, seeking spirits, and allowing a practice in the occult called automatic writing. (As well as: 1 Thes 5:6, 8, 2 Tim 4:5, 1 Peter 1:13, 1 Peter 4:7). The one woman though, who had praised Jesus, wanted me to stay and chat with her for a little while. Celebrating each milestone is encouraged, as long as you can find safe celebration activities! For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Ive experienced His amazing grace and mercy through both programs. So, with my final mission in view, with bible in hand, I walked into Celebrate Recovery for the last time. What an amazing God. Thirty years ago John Baker turned the ruins of his life over to Jesus Christ and God transformed him from a driven businessman with an addiction to alcohol, a failing marriage, and alienated children to a Christ-follower with a passion to help others with their hurts, habits, and hang-ups through the principles of recovery, wrote Kay Warren, cofounder of Saddleback Church and a mental health advocate. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. A. for the living to the dead?(KJV). 3. The atmosphere had changed, and I could sense the Spirit strong with me, and guided my every step. Relation of humility to sobriety. It wasnt until I became a facilitator that I began questioning the program. (KJV), When we choose the difficult path, which often leads to affliction, we are choosing to partake in the sufferings of Christ, and this is part of what it means to pick up our cross daily. There did not come a time when there was an exception for drunkenness. All rights reserved. This is why we are told to come out, Be ye separate, Be holy, as He is Holy. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. So far this year we have raised over $20,000.00 for missions. As such, the potential for a relapse to occur is very high. Thank you for sharing. I am so glad to hear of the insights that you have received from the Holy Spirit pertaining to this program. Until a chance encounter with my moms old Bible opened my eyes. Happy are those who know they are spiritutally poor. When Jesus stated, By their fruit you will know them, (Mat 7:16) He was speaking about wolves who appear to be good through what they do, and what they teach, yet are false. I couldnt wrap my mind around the Beatitudes being misrepresented in the steps of CR. This is why people become deceived and un-willing to accept that possibility. John touched more people with the healing power and grace of Jesus Christ than anyone else that I have ever known personally and one of those lives was mine, wrote Celebrate Recoverys national director and national training coach Mac and Mary Owen. 2 Cor 11:13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. At Landmark Recovery, we are happy to help you find a support system that meshes with your belief system. A perpetual drunkard, is being in perpetual sin, and those who do so, do not inherit the Kingdom. Blind yourselves and be blind! So, below I have steps 1-3, and 12, all of which were quoted directly from 12-Steps and 12-Traditions. He instead, as is mentioned in the Big Book(pgs 12-13), made his own god, professed this god to be the Father of Lights and was led by this god-consciousness from within, and insisted that all he had to do was believe in a power higher than himself, and nothing else was required. Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, NOR DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Giving that asks no reward. (KJV), 1 John 2:22Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? I will also provide links at the very end, that I found helpful while doing my own research, that may help you as well. With the introduction of The Landing-God's vision for Celebrate Recovery is now complete!" -John Baker "The Landing provides a safe place for students to share about their hurts, hang-ups, and habits and learn to apply the Principles of Celebrate Recovery to help them break the cycle of dysfunction in their families." - Johnny Baker So, with my meetings with the woman I sponsored, I started out with repentance and I went through the 10 commandments, what sin is, and what it means to turn from sin. Thank you for sharing, and I am glad that you have had your eyes opened to the deceptiveness of this program. About Of Dangers Recovery Celebrate Meeting Time: Tuesday 7:00 PM. Once a person has repented, turning from sin, they are no longer defined by that sin, but rather are set free, and become a new creation: 1 Cor 6:9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? There were many practices/beliefs that I was led to not partake in. So, it is important to keep ourselves pure from false doctrines and teachers. I can assure you, that it is not the Holy Spirit. 314-607-8165. Not only that, but these biblical comparisons are verses that are taken completely out of context, and have absolutely nothing to do with what they are trying to fit, it is like trying to fit a square peg into a round holeAnd just as like above, there is no mention of the these addictions being sin, but rather what is called: hangups, habits, and character defects; and of course no mention of repentance either. Any spiritual experience that is not vetted through the written word, and the Spirit of Truth, could lead a person down a path of destruction. It was still a deep tissue massage, which helped me to relax, and relive my sore muscles, however, I was engaging in a practice that is contrary to biblical practices. 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(KJV). A.A. does not demand belief; Twelve Steps are only suggestions. Lost faith found in A.A. Those who profess to be a believer in Jesus/Yeshua should repent of any and all involvement, and get rid of any material associated, to include: books, chips, manuals, etc. I know several people who were addicts and now can occasionally partake in rare occasions because they no longer want the life they had before . 4. Sustained and personal exertion necessary to conform to Gods will. This is what brings us to our Lord. Barb, thank you for commenting! a sermon that goes along with our Celebrate recovery ministry, covering the different steps. Whether you choose a Christian rehab center that uses the Celebrate Recovery program or follow a different approach, you can find the help you need to live a sober life. This is why I had thrown away the Blue Book, as well as an Alateen book I had aquired when I was younger. 6 Mar 2015. Whatever my point of willingness to believe and have faith to walk in and with him is where he meets me. Im going through something similar at my job. It reminds me of a favorite passage of mine: Hebrews 11:25Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. Hi Kellie, (Pg 5), Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.What can we believe in? With maturity comes discernment, and with discernment comes an understanding that just because something may have been beneficial, or helpful, does not mean that it is sanctioned by God. A person could choose Buddha, Allah, Shati, Satan, as well as AA itself. He shares in his testimony that he grew up a believer in a Baptist church but struggled with feelings of unworthiness. Contact the group directly to see if these are offered. "This is a great place to hold an event. This is why we are told to come out, Be ye separate, Be holy, as He is Holy. Throughout scripture, Yeshua/Jesus tells us to not be deceived, and in order to obey that command, we have to be willing to test the practices, programs and doctrines we have accepted into our lives.
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