This is very good. - After the death of Saul, all the tribes other than Judah remained loyal to the House of Saul, but after the death of Saul's son Ish-bosheth, successor to the throne of Israel, the Tribe of Gad joined the other northern Israelite tribes in making Judah's king David the king of a re-united Kingdom of Israel. Music of the Ga-Dangbe people also include [Klama], [Kpatsa] and the Dipo dance all of the Krobo people. Jacob has two sons with Rachel. We would of course give you credit for your great work! Im so glad its helpful, Aliciathank you for the kind words! This castle was used in Ghana to ship the slaves across the continent. Proverbs 3: Thanks in advance! In addition, they are each adorned with custom-made glass beads, colorful loincloths, and various forms of woven headgear. Coins placed in the coffins of the deceased believing that. Issachar has even less biblical presence than Zebulun, but the tribe was loyal to Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:15). have great information regarding this. July 18, Ghanadot - The political economy of policy formulation and Remember, Levi didnt receive tribal territory like the other tribes. During the period of the Great Tribulation there will be 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, who will be sealed and who will carry the message of the Gospel during this period. The tribe of Ga are descendants of GAD and are the hebrew Israelites. for harmony (Ephesians 4: 20-32)The desire and counsel for peace A common saying at Asere is, There is no such thing as a pure Ga. Not only were many European and inland African ethnicities represented in Accra over hundreds of years, but also the lateral coastal connections produced migrations of Brazilian, Sierra Leonean, and Nigerian families, who formed clans and assumed Ga identity. River at a place between the Old Kpong and Akuse and established The Tribe of Gad still originated from the original Hebrew Israelites. The Ga have lived in southern Ghana for more than a thousand years. It is mainly a food festival which celebrates the passing of that terrible period in the history of the Ga people. These are the languages that they speak in that area. The Bible teaches that we They did so, but they did not assist the other tribes in battle during the period of judges (Judges 5:16), and the tribe falls into scriptural obscurity. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The twelve sons form the basis for the twelve tribes of Israel, listed in the order from oldest to youngest: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. The tribes of Gad and Reuben were the first that went into exile (Lam. No stipulationsenjoy using this for ministry if its helpful. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. The Ga-Dangbe music includes drumming and dancing. Jeroboam set up a new priesthood to false gods in the North, and so because the temple of the Lord was in Judah, the Levites migrated there (2 Chr 11:13). ", Following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes after about 1200 BCE,[2] Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. children of Jacob (Exodus 13: 1-10); Exodus 12: 1-50; Numbers 9:1-5 King Sennacherib Facts & Accomplishments | Who was Sennacherib? The Ga-Dangbe, G-Dab, Ga-Dangme, or GaDangme are an ethnic group in Ghana, Togo and Benin. Wonderful aid to understanding the Old Testament. proverbs in the light of Biblical teaching, which point to their Hebrew 2.2 The Tribe of Simeon: History, Territory & 4 Lessons We can Learn. I had known that prior to the divide there were about 48 Levite Cities scattered through each tribe, with a total of 13 in the territorites of Judah & Benjamin. This leader is the Moses of the Ga-Dangme people, with his seven puritan laws he gave them and that has formed the basis and philosophy of the state, making the state a friendly state recognised by all in respect to making Greater Accra Region the capital of the, then, Gold Coast in 1877. Id like to produce not only a printable guide, but one with better illustrations sometime this year. Thanks for the vote of confidencethat makes me feel good. People are held accountable in this community for their actions. Reviews further lend support to their Hebrew Israelites origins (Genesis 17: Heres a link to the printable PDF. Lineage members generally return to the traditional lineage home from the Huza farms several times a year to participate in the festivals of their lineage gods. may go to, type in MY HEBREW NAMES and search. The great castle then became the African headquarters of the Dutch West Indies Company, whose business was supplying the needs of the New Worlds great plantations. The man Simeon (with his brother Levi) slaughtered the men of an entire city to avenge his sister (Genesis 34:2531). The nation of Israel was made up of tribesthe families descended from Jacobs sons (and grandsons). Commentary for Site Analytics Log in. These cookies do not store any personal information. One of their traditional music and dance styles (albeit a fairly modern one) is kpanlogo, a modernized traditional dance and music form developed around 1960. In the Book of numbers, the Bible had made extensive references to the children of Israel, which includes Gad and Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54).Biblical history strongly lends support to the claim by Ga-Dangmes that they are HEBREW ISRAELITES due to the fact Ga-Dangme names are found throughout the OLD TESTAMENT. This website helped me pass! obaakpaJustice, fairness and impartiality are counseled in Gad was a son of Zilpah, a handmaiden of Jacob's wife, Leah. Similar at Dahome and later, travelled to Huatsi in Togo where they stayed Very helpful! and the Ga are a mixture of peoples concentrated in the capital, many first-language Ga speakers also know English, one or more of the Akan languages (Fante or Twi), and/or Ewe. It commemorates the victories of the warriors in battle and is a memorial for those who fell on the battlefield. strongly lends support to the claim by Ga-Dangmes that they are HEBREW You have helped me to organize the information and put things in context BEFORE reading each book of the Bible. Jesus is of the tribe of Judah (Matthew 1:12). Unlike Reuben, however, it is mentioned on the Mesha Stele and so there is definite proof of it still being around as a recognizable entity in the mid-9th century. ..More, Commentary, Feb 20, Ghanadot The coffins can be anything wanted by relatives of the deceased from a pencil to an elephant. Also, we would love to be able to copy this and put in notebooks for a reference, if you are able to make it printable. According researcher and author Priscilla Akua Boakye, "[Dipo] was a form of vocational training for young women in which they were taught generally how to assume their roles as responsible women." Photos. So, thats the list of tribes, and an idea of what happened to them when the kingdom split. Moses was buried in the territory of Gad (Sotah 13b; Yalkut Shimoni, Vezot Habrachah, sec. Also, Josephs sons were considered heads of their own tribesboth of which received an inheritance of land. I shared this with my Old Testament class and one student noted that Reuben slept with Bilhah and not Zilpah. FYI. Growth rates have been NILE comes from. I am going to research this tribe and continue to update this post with my findings. Several figures played a role in the creation of this movement, including William Saunders Crowdy, a former slave who embraced parts of Judaism while arguing that there were deep connections. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Restructuring . state we are in today as a nation, they have not fully met our They migrated again in 1100 A.D and settled Tago Taga33. These three quarters are commonly called James Town and formed the original area of British jurisdiction at Accra. According to the Bible, the Tribe of Gad (Hebrew: .mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}, Modern:Gad, Tiberian:G, "soldier" or "luck") was one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who, after the Exodus from Egypt, settled on the eastern side of the Jordan River. When I try to print it however I get everything condensed to one page and thus the print is unusable. However, because they crossed the river to help their brethren in the conquest of Palestine, just as Simeon did when he took his sword and warred against the men of Shechem, they were found worthy to follow the tribe of Simeon at the sacrifices on the occasion of the dedication of the Tabernacle (Num. Mantse, in consultation with the Ga Mashi Mantse gave Osu lands to the 36.Sabra Sabra37.Adon Adon38.Gali Gali39 Gai 40 Ade Adel ;-). A genealogy of the "children of Gad" is set out in 1 Chronicles 5:1117. Certain shapes, such as a sword or chair coffin, represent royal or priestly insignia with a magical and religious function. The Dangbe people from Odumase - Krobo also Celebrate the [Ngmayem] festival, An Annual Harvest festival to Celebrate the bounty harvest of their farmers is celebrated by the Krobo people throughout the last week (Seven days) of October with a visit to their famous Ancestral home, the Krobo Mountains [Kloyom] on the last Friday of October with a climax on the Saturday with a grand Durbar of Chiefs and People of the Krobo Traditional Area. Ga-Dangmes people migrated from Israel about 6th Century B.C through R. 13. [8] The Dangme People have the largest Population among the two related Ga-Dangme People. Kadi Kadi18. Being the seventh son and the offspring of a handmaiden forced him to assert himself. ..More. that Queen Dode (Dodi) Akabis name DODI is a Hebrew Name. He says that one piece (Judah) will remain with Solomons son for the sake of Gods covenant with David (1 Ki 11:3132). 12 tribes 1 (Levi) 1 (Joseph) + 1 (Ephraim) + 1 (Manasseh) = 12 tribes. Merchants in Accra acted as middlepersons in the trade of slaves, gold, and other commodities between the Europeans and the Asante kingdom to the north. I will be exploring their heritage and other tribes later in this blog. They later provided military support to David as well, crossing floods to be by his side. Queen of Sheba Appearance & History | Who Was the Queen of Sheba? originates. Overview of Tribes & Lessons We Can Learn. The Ga-Adangbe or Ga Adangme people are usually grouped as part of the Ga-Dangme ethnolinguistic groups of Ghana, Benin, and Togo. After the kingdom divides, the Northern Kingdoms capital is in Ephraims territory, and the prophets sometimes refer to the entire nation as Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:9,Hosea 5:3). Thanks to this musical, many people learned about the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whereby Jacob's twelve sons later became the twelve patriarchs of Israel's tribes. As you said, people from Joseph & Simeon defected to Judah. According to the Torah, the tribe consisted of descendants of Gad the seventh son of Jacob, from whom it took its name. . I am currently doing my own research of the 12 tribes and putting together my own study and I am definitely use this as a reference. The Tribe of Gad was one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. [5] These details seems to indicate that Gad was originally a northwards-migrating nomadic tribe, at a time when the other tribes were quite settled in Canaan. So if someone says "Hey, the USA has 51 states just like Israel has 13 tribes". e oldest area of settlement in Accra, now known as Central Accra, is composed of seven quarters, among which Asere, Abola, and Gbese are oldest and considered to be the most traditionally Ga. Otublohum originally was settled by people from Akwamu and Denkyera to the northwest. This site uses cookies to analyze traffic and ensure you get the best experience. First, the flat wide lands that the Tribe of Gad occupied were good for herding cattle. Ofei Ofer6 Ada Ada7 Tema Tema8 Nunu Nun9 Dodoo Dodo Carter, 21, turned himself in at the Athens-Clarke . briefly. I will share it with a friend in seminary. [8], Linguistically, the Ga-Dangbe speak the Kwa languages Ga and Dangme and are a patrilineal people. Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54).Biblical history After the conquest of Canaan, the land was divided up amongst the twelve tribes. ancestors of Ga-Dangmes and some other Africans have always known who Social Scene The tribe later joins Jeroboam in idolatry when the kingdom of Israel divides (1 Kings 12:2829). Some of the people enslaved were described as AKAN in the slave records. ORIGINS AND TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS by Dr. Joseph Nii Abekar Mensah, PhD. The other three quartersAlata or Nleshi, Sempe, and Akanmadzeare said to be of later origin. The Dangme People include the Ada, Kpone, Krobo, Ningo, Osudoku, Prampram, and Shai, all speaking Dangbe of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family of languages. Job Opening Jacob was known to display favoritism among his children, particularly for Joseph and Benjamin, the sons of his favorite wife, Rachel, and . It is one of the ten lost tribes. Hi, Diane! are usually linked to booms in the primary sectors The area is centered at approximately 2 W. longitude and 5 N. latitude. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. - A respected Anlo chief named Tobgui Kumassah has explained that major Ghanaian tribes hail from the 12 tribes of Israel - According to the chief, who is the spokesperson for the paramount chief of Anlo, Gas come from Gad whilst Ewes come from Judah - He also mentioned that Akans hail from the tribe of Levi in a video sighted by Accra developed from a series of contiguous settlements formed at different times by different peoples who developed a coherent but flexible sense of Ga identity. The warriors of Gad also prevented raiders from entering Canaan and built large fortifications that the other tribes were allowed to use in their own defense. =) But unfortunately this isnt for salemaybe that would be a good poster for us to make in the future, though! The manner of the exile led to the further history of the tribe being lost, and according to the Book of Jeremiah, their former lands were (re)conquered by the Ammonites.[11]. [2][3] The Ga-Dangmes are one ethnic group that lives primarily in the Greater Accra of Ghana. For example, they helped solidify the relationship between the tribes in the east and west of the river by building an altar to Yahweh, thus demonstrating that all twelve tribes would worship the same monotheistic God. The cities mentioned are often also shown as part of other tribes (as part of Manasseh in the North and of Reuben in the south). paradox. incredible research work! Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. The Ga and Dangbe people are grouped respectively as part of the GaDangme ethnolinguistic group. Through my own research I have found that the Ga-Dnagmes believe in one supreme being and an evil being who we would call Satan in Europe society. In the Book of numbers, the Bible had made sane This means that peace brings no trouble in its wake. Of those, 10,000 left Elminas shores when the castle was operating at full capacity, according to Ghanas Museums and Monuments Board. .This promise was given concerning the land of Galilee, specifically, the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali. You can read the whole prophecy in Isaiah 9. The Twelve Tribes of Israel would forever be defined by the personalities of their founders, so we need to start by learning about Gad himself. From Ethiopia, they travelled through Identification and Location. Dode (Dodi) Dodi 19). You are probably thinking of the people of Sefwi Wiawso, who established their home in Ghana 200 or 300 years ago, according to tradition. implementation has led to outcomes that we characterize as the Ghanaian Theyre also remembered as men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do (1 Chronicles 12:32). Page Thus, the tribe's symbol was a military tent. We dont read much about the man Dan, but we do see his tribe up to no good in the book of Judges. You can save it for future reference or send it straight to the printer. He had to develop confidence and integrate himself in the family. A more complete explanation came to light with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: although not present in either the Septuagint or masoretic text, an introductory passage, preceding this narrative, was found in a copy of the Books of Samuel among the scrolls found in cave 4:[1]. implementation: The Ghanaian ParadoxReview, wisdom. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Proverbs.Let us consider or evaluate few of GaDangmes values and I would like to purchase the Twelve Tribes of Israel; an Illustrated Guide. had Dan and Gad and four more sons. of circumcision of their male born and their patriarch traditions Aryeh Aryeh2 Afra Ofra3. Isaiah 18:12) led the Ga-Dangmes from Cush in Jerusalem to Ayawaso and The Tribe of Gad opted to forgo the land in the protected center or along the fertile Mediterranean coast, and instead took the land on the eastern border of the territory, east of the Jordan River. Official Sites In fact, Zebulun had the largest presence in the army that made David king of Israel at Hebron, and they served him with an undivided heart (1 Chronicles 12:33). There is something amiss here. The original inhabitants of America. King David was part of this tribe, and his royal line ruled in Jerusalem from around 1,000 BC until the city fell to Babylonian forces in 586 BC. The eastern settlement is often referred to as the half-tribe of Manasseh.. Despite the ritual being designated for older teenaged girls, it is not uncommon for young pre-adolescent and even toddler aged girls to take part.[10]. It fills in some gaps from my own reading in a study Bible and a commentary. You are blessed to give your time! The celebration reaches its climax with a durbar of chiefs, a colourful procession of the Chiefs in palanquins with their retinue. Excellent work! thanks this was a great overview! [8], The Ga-Dangme are organized into clans based on patrilineal descent; the clans are subdivided into localized patrilineages, the basic units of the Ga-Dangme historical, political, cultural tribal group. But were not from ancient Israel. Biblical history suggests that Jacob, whom God named YISRAEL had Leah as his wife who gave birth to four sons for him. Tribe of Zebulun | History, Symbol & Characteristics. Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of women's property are by matrilineal descent. Foremost among these was the need for labor; the Dutch became the slave trades masters. 961). Inheritance of other property and succession to male-held public offices are by patrilineal descent. However , some notable men were missed . Ethnic Ga family names (surnames) include Nikoi, Amon, Kotey, Kotie, Adei, Kutorkor, Oblitey, Lartey, Nortey, Aryee, Poku and Lamptey. R. banks of River Volta (know as JOR). Gad was the seventh son of Jacob, and the son of Zilpah, Leah's handmaiden. Itd be fun to teach this to the kids in our church. Many families spend excessive amounts on coffins because they often feel that they have to pay their last respects to the deceased and being buried in a coffin of cultural, symbolic as well as expensive taste is seen as fitting. Jericho History & Location | Where is Jericho? In the Torah, Leah offers Zilpah to Jacob so that he may have more children, then she raises those children as her own. I dont think thats true at all. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The population obtained seven days' grace from Nahash, during which they would be allowed to seek help from the Israelites, after which they would have to submit to the terms of surrender. The history of early Georgia is largely the history of the Creek Indians. Through Zilpah, Jacob had Dan and Gad and four more sons. four sons for him. The abayan, cloth belonging to the deceased, which is torn to pieces, and each piece placed on the left wrist of the deceased relatives and very close friends, is an ancient Jewish custom. When Leah noticed that she had passed child-bearing age, she gave her maid servant, ZILPAH to wife. Like their founder, they accepted their role in the Israelite community, asserted themselves, and lived with confidence in their ultimate victory. ), It turns out that Benjamin joined the tribe of Judah, and combined to form the Southern Kingdom (1 Ki 21:12). The Ga-Dangbe, G-Dab, Ga-Dangme, or GaDangme are an ethnic group in Ghana, Togo and Benin. Saul, the first anointed king of Israel, was from Benjamin. The tribe of kings, and the most preeminent of the 12 tribes in the biblical narrative. These three quarters are commonly called James Town and formed the original area of British jurisdiction at Accra. This is consistent with Jacobs prophecy concerning Simeon and his brother Levi: I will disperse them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel., The tribe of the priesthood. In Ethiopia, they settled in Also, the DIPO or OTUFO customs of the Ga-Dangmes are said to be ancient Hebrew Israelites customs. This is good teaching material for Bible study night. By the beginning of the nineteenth century Accra had a population of approximately 7,500 to 10,000 and was well developed, with extensive interior and exterior trade connections. My church is going through the minor prophets this summer. Adama Adam22. The Bible presents Israel as having twelve tribes from both northern Israel and southern Judah. Look up Levitcus 18:20-24. Gad's position in the family may have had an impact on his personality. Judah prevailed over his brothers, (1 Chronicles 5:2), and the tribes territory included the city of Jerusalem and the holy temple. supports their claim that they are Hebrew Israelites, descendants of Oral traditions state the Ga came from the region of Lake Chad and reached their destination in the 16th century. It appears that the slaves were shipped straight from Ghana to Jamaica and other ports that I have yet to explore. They are accompanied by traditional military groups called 'Asafo Companies' amidst drumming, singing and dancing through the streets and on the durbar grounds. Ghanaian Paper The tribe does boast a strong, loyal fighting force during the days of the judges and King David. developmental needs. This was an early and innovative form of capitalism where an elaborate system of property ownership was established and subsequently shared. River Jordan. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. According to the Bible, the Tribe of Gad ( Hebrew: , Modern: Gad, Tiberian: G, "soldier" or "luck") was one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who, after the Exodus from Egypt, settled on the eastern side of the Jordan River. The following are names derived from the ethnic Dangme and common among the Ningos Nartey, Tetteh, Kwei, Kweinor, Kwetey, Narteh, Narh, Dugbatey, Teye, Martey, Addo, Siaw, Saki, Amanor, Djangba. About 70% of the Greater Accra Regional Land is owned by the Dangmes located in Dangme East and Dangme West Districts of Ghana. Source: Twitter. The Asr group of people comprises of five different clans which relocated to the coastal settlements of Little Akra (Ga Mashie) after the destruction of Great Akra (Ayawaso) by the Akwamus in the early Sixteen Century. In ancient Israel of the Bible, the deceased were said to be buried across the river Jordan. Create your account, 14 chapters | Here the contrasts that characterize Europes first footholds on the continent make themselves felt: the gray and white of the stone against the turquoise and green of the sea, the fortified solidity of the structure against the airy openness of the horizon. =). principle which runs throughout the Bible. It is bounded on the west by the Densu River, on the east the Chemmu lagoon, on the . that their spirits will use it in paying for their passage across the Ga-Adangbe tribe is one of the ethnic groups in Ghana with vibrant culture. Aku Akuv29 Aye Ayelet30. Coins placed in the coffins of the deceased believing that their spirits will use it in paying for their passage across the River Jordan. So finding out that many of them remained faithful, and that many of them escaped the Assyrians is a relief. There are two reasons behind this settlement. A personal account of St George Castle in Elmina is below by the New York Times, These and ancient traditional customs still observed by Ga-Dangmes clearly lend credence to their claim that they are of Hebrew Israelites origins. "Kufuor, A New Face" documentary. Dangme occupations are fishing, trading and farming which is based on the Huza system. supreme in the Motherland (Israel). Converter I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. "Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. Some Ga peoples believe that they were part of Israel- migrating from south through Uganda, then along the Congo River, westward through Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and finally to Greater. The Tribe of Gad still originated from the original Hebrew Israelites. The Ga-Dangmes claim to be descendants DAN and GAD, the fifth and seventh sons of Jacob. 2.1 The Twelve Tribes of Israel: Reuben, The Lost Tribe & Lessons From His Life. I stored the picture below as my investigations led to Elmina Ghana. King Saul of Israel: History & Timeline | Who Was the First King of Israel? Your work is truly blessed, and has helped me strengthen my relationship with God. GaDangme proverbs: Ke okee nwei no le, okei shikpon no. Moses agreed to this, on the condition that they assist the western tribes in conquering Canaan (Numbers 32:2832). relatives and very close friends, is an ancient Jewish custom. Debate The illustrated, disturbing story of the 12 tribes The divided kingdom of Israel and Judah Here we go! The festival also coincides with the harvest cycle, when these special customs and ceremonies are performed. Ga Gad14. The Tribe of Gad knew that they would be invaded and tested, but that they would fight and ultimately prevail. The Ga and Dangbe people are grouped respectively as part of the Ga-Dangme ethnolinguistic group. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Dangme is the language that is most used in the . The use of these fantasy coffins is explained by the religious beliefs of the Ga people regarding their afterlife. Elmina is conveniently located at the shore line providing a means of transporting the slaves at the time. within the Ghana Democratic Movement (GDM), a political activist The other three quarters, are said to be of later origin. [5] In common with Asher is the possibility that the tribal name derives from a deity worshipped by the tribe, Gad being thought by scholars to be likely to have taken its name from Gad, the semitic god of fortune;[5], Like Asher, Gad's geographic details are diverse and divergent,[5] with cities sometimes indicated as being part of Gad, and sometimes as part of other tribes,[6] and with inconsistent boundaries,[5][7] with Gilead sometimes including Gad[8] and sometimes not. Tribe of Dan Facts, History & Descendants | What Happened to the Tribe of Dan? Benjamin stood against the rest of Israel in a national civil war (Judges 20:1421:24). Millet was formerly the staple food, but more common crops now include cassava, yams, corn (maize), plantain, cocoa, and palm oil. It is a wonder to me daily how much he loves us earthen vessels and the depths of his mercy and compassion are just beyond my comprehension. For most of Georgia's colonial period, Creeks outnumbered both European colonists and enslaved Africans and occupied more land than these newcomers. It is believed that the Ga-Dangmes
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