Lyran Starseed Love and Twinflames Lyran Starseeds often tend to have love and twin flames who are also Lyrans. And you feel as from the same blood type very interesting. I am not really sure who I am, but my son is definitely a Lyran. You have a deep inner wisdom that everything will work out no matter what. I have one now that the connection is both ways. The sacral chakra is right above, just below the navel. They entered reincarnation cycles in these new star systems. As their descendants, one of the characteristics of Lyran starseeds is high intelligence. If they want something, theyll go after it. We suggest 6 ways below. I told my bestest friend, who is andromeda, about all of this as our spiritual journey is forever developing together and so she mentioned Lyra. As a Lyran starseed, you have a deep self-assurance which means you have no interest in boosting your self image or making yourself popular among others. They played a unique role in the creation of humanity. It is said that 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to observe and set up the Universal gamer that they had completed in their universe. At other times, you might find that you end up as the unofficial leader of a group. Now that youre familiar with the common characteristics and traits of Lyran starseeds, its time to do a little self-reflection. I felt myself get so excited reading your article. Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. Thans Stephanie, I can relate to this so much, I am just puzzling the pieces that I start to remember. By pursuing this goal, youll be doing a great service to humanity as you can then begin to fulfill your mission towards others and humanity at large. instead they wanted to Starseed their own races. These Starseeds are highly spontaneous and persistent and always have extremely high . , I have susoected Im Lyran because of a dream I had many years ago. Many other starseeds can have their heads in the clouds. #2 Well-grounded They are the most grounded type of Starseeds. Lyran beings are diverse in appearance but they have some common behavioral traits. I remembered the syncronystic lion dream from my youth, and marveled as each Lyran characteristic you unveiled resonated like a perfect fifth inside me. They cohabited with two other ancient civilizations, Felines and Avians. Until my awakening I struggled with many emotions I knew not their source. They also prefer meaningful connections over shallow or trivial ones. It is absolutely fascinating. I just awakened to Light Language and it is amazing I was reading all of these articles and can relate to the Lyrians. I have a deep connection with them. This might sound a tad bit selfish but thats far from the truth. Click here to get your own personalized starseed reading. Its also a very useful way to learn and discover new things about yourself. What is my starseed mission in this lifetime? Lyrans have a particularly adventurous spirit. Apart from being amazingly cute and cuddly, cats are also an integral part of the Lyran Starseed identity. It also had what looked like a crown on its head. I can say for sure that this is my family group and I love them all. Youre also always on the lookout for ways to improve things, rather than simply accepting the status quo. Time to dust it off and play. Maybe this adventurous nature will lead you to travel to gain experience. This goes for all areas of your life, from career to relationships and personal hobbies. They were present in the lost civilization of Atlantis and spread throughout the world after its fall. Lyrans. because that will be annoying. But the list doesnt end there! You trust that whatever is meant to be will be. You may wonder why people get so upset about trivial things. It might even be in the lines on your palms. They come from a number of planets that are linked with the Lyra star system. This curiosity keeps you moving forward rather than getting hung up on things which you wish could be different. Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. However, remember not every star race is on the physical plane but may be in other dimensions and other planes of existence. This guide will go into everything you need to know about Lyran starseeds, so you can determine if you (or a loved one) might belong to this group. Lyran Starseeds have "the itchy feet". But what exactly is a Lyran Starseed, and what are the signs that youre a Lyran Starseed? This has dine that I must change my job some and then. What type of starseed am I? While this is tragic, you can take peace in the fact that it is all part of the cosmic plan. I really enjoyed it, so much that Ive decided to leave a comment. As a result, its pretty hard for anyone to swing any type of bullsh*t by you you have an extremely good radar for it, and you call out dishonesty and deception without any qualms. Youre able to ponder things from multiple angles and assess the situation with a cool head before taking action. It would be difficult to tell one apart from a human. My heart filled and sang to me while reading this. This is understandable, but part of your Lyran Starseed mission is about learning how to slow down, enjoy the little things to the fullest, and make the most out of any situation even waiting. We two cats need space around us! Here are 12 signs you belong to the oldest civilization in your galaxy. Its not possible for Lyrans to ever return to their original home as it was destroyed. Lyrans are connected to Atlantis and Lemuria. It all makes sense now! Theres a shortcut to all that. One of the biggest signs of a Lyran is when they show extreme interest in concepts such as metaphysics, space travel, astronomy, the unknown, extraterrestrial life, paranormal beings, and even nanotechnology. You dont want to miss out on anything that feels good and exciting. Lets have a look at some defining traits of the Lyran Starseed personality. That said, they may have a few of the following physical traits: These starseeds may look older than they actually are. As you would expect, Orion starseeds originate in the Orion constellation. Maybe you feel strong emotions when a certain song plays. When you watch a movie or listen to music, you feel that there is a deeper value than mere entertainment. Why as i was reading this i started to tear up. It was wiped out during the Draco-Lyran war against power, greed, and control. You can do the same too just speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. They are also linked to the lion-sphinxes so prominent in Ancient Egyptian history and mythology. I was led here by searching for answers to something I saw when i was a kid. But I was so tired of struggling with trying to figure things out on my own, that when a friend suggested I talk to someone at Psychic Source, I decided to go for it. Youre quite comfortable with the concept of exploring new things, both in the physical world as well as in your spiritual life. Would live to connect with other Lyran Soul Family, and find out more about them. I remember when I saw the original Star Wars movie as a teenager in 1977, I felt a profound sense of loss and sadness upon seeing the death star blow up planets without knowing why. In particular, Lyran Starseeds come from the Lyra constellation. Now is the time for old souls to make their way from the depths of the universe to Earth and guide us through this transitional period with their pure spiritual wisdom. So maybe im not a crazy cat lady after all but lyran instead. You get energized by spending time alone, and dont care about being the centre of attention. Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. I recently started to meditate asking what my origin was and a few days later my Mother told me she had a vivid dream about myself. Wow. So rather than becoming an expert in one single area, you cultivate talent and skill in various activities and fields. Nor can NASA travel all the way to Vega in the Lyra constellation. You hate the idea of spending all your time and attention on just one thing as then youd have to give up all the others you love just as much! This is all very fascinating , Hey! Lyran starseeds come from the star Vega in the Lyra Constellation. Youre probably a self-starter, able to have a goal, formulate a plan, and do whatever you need to do to pull it off. All of this paints a picture of people who arent afraid of change and different ways of thinking. This comprehensive guide will give you the real answer to all these questions. If this list seems to describe you pretty well, then you might be a Lyran starseed. You have a healthy skepticism of things you dont know or understand, and an unwavering desire to learn more. If you have any questions or stories youd like to share about your journey to discover your starseed, send them over. Lyran symbol Lyran Starseed Appearance Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics include: An older air or appearance. It all helps. This will give them access to great spiritual abilities to help them achieve their starseed mission. I believe there are more Feline Lyran starseeds than Avian. Thank you! As such, theres no way to give a clear answer without knowing more about your unique background and spiritual journey. Lyrans are incarnated into other star systems also: Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus. Being service to others without expecting anything in return. The silver lining of this ancestral experience is that it encoded you with great perseverance. Or what would you think? I connected with someone and they have been talking to me about it. Although being a Lyran starseed can mean some feelings of loneliness and sadness initially, these introspective traits are likely to evoke an awakening of some sort. If youre interested in gaining more insights into your soul and purpose on this planet, I can recommend this free numerology reading. As a Lyran starseed, you may be drawn to a career in something like photojournalism or travel blogging. I first learned about the Lyrans a few months ago and was reminded of it today. I developed a weird pattern on the back of my neck and they pointed out that it looked like a Lyran. Rather than acting on a whim, you are able to devise a plan that will get you exactly where you want to go, and you can see the big picture as well. Amazing! Their appearance on Earth today is more of a legacy of survival than out of a desire to complete a mission. It is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ1) and can be seen at latitudes between +90 and -40. You may even feel better when theres chaos or major changes in your life. They traveled to other realms in their minds first, then manifested new realities. As was mentioned previously, all Starseeds carry some markers of their alien origins. And to my surprise everything in your article resonates with me. Thank you very much! You are perfectly capable of taking care of everything you need yourself. You might have the feeling that youre somehow stuck and this is because in a way, you are. Lots of love, nici. Oh, and theres something else! As such, they dont crave their homeland as intensely as other spiritual beings. As a Lyran starseed, you might already have vivid dreams, lucid dreams, and/or naturally astral travel in your dreams. You might even be a bit of a daredevil and feel drawn to skydiving, climbing and other extreme sports. Like Pleiadian starseeds, Lyran starseeds have a quiet confidence about them which humans naturally gravitate towards. A definition from a shamans perspective, 10 possible reasons youre dreaming of another man sexually, 16 meanings of teeth falling out in a dream (spiritual + symbolism), Hard workers and not afraid of physical labor, Deeply intellectual with a particular interest for history, metaphysics and astronomy, Love having a good time and enjoying the pleasures of life, Inspire others to live life with joy and make the most of it, Teach others to seize opportunities and embrace any circumstances. Youre willing to give many people a chance but unfortunately, very few of them can keep you interested for too long. may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits; . Definetely, I am Lyran. However, negative RH blood is generally more common among all Starseeds. The Lyrans are primarily a feline-humanoid race. You just need to remain conscious of this tendency so you can become aware when youre starting to inadvertently slip out of peoples lives. This is because Lyrans see the beauty in every part of the universe, and feel a deep sense of connectedness to the creative energy that music, books and films are produced by. December 7, 2022 July 1, 2021 by celestial. Starseed Sister Angie. The mission of a Lyran Starseed is a little more complicated to grasp than some others. So it is. This is because Lyrans are highly creative beings with a deep connection to the magical realm of the fairies. The Lyrans appear to be the same as everyone else due to the physical nature of planet Earth, where everything is experienced as three-dimensional. Didnt the Lyran seed the Arcturians and the Arcturian seeded the Pleiadians. Being a Lyran Starseed means being a very strategic thinker. Lyran starseeds are very solution-oriented and are good at getting things done, as you absorb information very quickly, like a sponge. These Starseeds operate fiercely in the physical dimensions. cat deities call to you: Bastet, Sekhmet, Freya, etc. Looking out into the vast emptiness of space at night is extremely enjoyable for you. I can not explain in english, what I felt when I read this infrmation I hug from my heart to your heart, dear light! Lyrans can have avian or feline-like features, especially catlike noses. Reading this made my energy escalate to the point that my Hannes felt like they were on fire. She should take a Pledeijan to serve her. As you can see, your Lyran Starseed mission is absolutely crucial to the progress and evolution of the galaxy. It is helping collective consciousness, and thus humanity. 17 Common Lyran Starseed Traits. Its also likely that the sight of space tugs at your naturally inquisitive mind. Its said the Avians dreamed up ways to travel to other universes. Life is Duhka which translates as suffering or stress. This can even become a problem at times, especially if they want a different kind of connection than you do. I had connections to the pleiades, arcturians and siriansbut felt not to fit in there. They model optimism, problem-solving, and a love of adventure. An energy that's serious and wise and everybody knows to respect. The Pleiadian starseeds are 9th-dimensional beings. although I actually feel I just have to be Lyran! With so many amazing qualities, its no surprise that Lyran Starseeds pull others towards them like a magnet. Thoth and Bastet are just a few of the ancient gods from Lyra. She enjoys a good party, relaxation, and will help you explore your past lives on earth. A Lyran Starseed comes from different planets, galaxies, and star systems. Starseed Witchcraft: Modern Starry Practices, feeling like you are from somewhere else entirely (another planet or universe). Through spiritual awakening, starseeds activate their powers. I have had the sense that I am a very old soul my whole life. If you have a problem, theyll solve it. Try guided meditations on YouTube. Theyre not afraid to be sensual and flirtatious, and they dont hold back any of their passion when it comes to being intimate. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. You might even feel like you have to be careful what you wish for. I look out for them all the time and will happily stoke any random cat i come across, even the supposed unfriendly ones. I did a past life regression last night on the 11/11/20 because I knew it was a strong manifesting day and Ive been yearning to find my starseed since I realised it was a real thing and described me exactly. I thought my girlfriend was Lyran from what I heard but it matches me more closely. Im Ryan. Different starseeds have varying purposes on earth, but their general reason for coming here is to help us evolve spiritually and realize that we are all part of the same source energy. Look for Lyra and the stars of Lyra in your birth chart, OR have someone who analyzes birth charts do it for you! Hey, thank you so much for this article 1. What an amazing miracle. Lyrans didnt necessarily send out starseeds by choice, and being nearly wiped out was a major contributing factor. That being said, I have discovered that I have incarnated from every single one the planets you list! Part of this is because theyre so intelligent, but part of it is that theyre good at creating plans of attack and seeing projects through to the end. So if youre tired of wondering if youre a Lyran Starseed, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. Some people hate chaos and avoid it at all costs. Think Ive finally been shown my more primary origin. This doesnt mean you look for attention quite the opposite in fact. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. If you want to learn more about Lyran Starseeds and find out if you're indeed one, read on. you are a big proponent of personal hygiene, sometimes taking 2 or 3 showers a day, feeling like you dont belong to this planet, yet you are grounded. Its likely that other people regularly come to you for help. Jokes aside, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed about finding your Lyran Starseed mission right now. Hope to take to you soon, Sooo I have been deeply compelled over the yrs of my life that I just felt as if there was something more something greater that I had some sort of great reason of being here well the last few yrs Ive gotten into this starseed thing and things pointing to the stars and just great feelings of beings not of earth and I read up on starseeds last couple yrs and more in-depth this yr of the different starseeds such as this one lyran starseed well I was on fb and someone asking if people needed help finding there planetary family and told me to check out the cat family as my last name is gatto close to cat in spanish lyran starseeds and reading this right now is litterally me to a tee not a note off I am in to astrology and usually fits my but nothing like this this is insanely me crazy thank you for the article, Im so happy to hear it was helpful, thanks for sharing, Samantha , I sent an email aswell, looking for more information on the bird kind of lyraeans. It means that you are self-assured, and people trust you because they can sense the deep wisdom within you, even though they may not know that in terms of feeling rather than knowledge. Lyran starseeds tend to have a high forehead and eyebrows that are well-defined. . Of course, you still use sound judgment but youre open to new ideas and dont limit your thinking with preconceptions. Theyre fun at parties. Thanks for the knowledge! Its likely that a regular 9-to-5 lifestyle doesnt appeal to you. So when I was going through my own struggle with this, I reached out to Psychic Source. The main reason that Lyrans have such a strong sense of purpose is because they have recently reached a higher plane of existence, and are here to show the human of Earth how to do the same. By connecting with the music, youre nurturing your inner Lyran starseed. Alongside their freedom, Lyran starseeds are also fans of spontaneity. You teach humans the right balance between the physical and spiritual parts of life. Theyre always seeking new things like foods, sights, music, you name it. It is the small constellation that is surrounded by Hercules, Cygnus, and Draco. They look like bird-humanoids, and interestingly the star Vegas name in Arabic means Falling Eagle. Active, Energetic & Adventurous. Its just as likely to be their problem-solving and goal-pursuing abilities at work. If youre ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here. That doesnt mean that they arent passionate people, because they are. They offered the element of fire to earth and also seeded the first souls to. Lyran starseeds are often regarded as 'old souls', they live in the present moment and are regarded as the wisest ones among all of the . If you think you might be a Lyran starseed, its crucial for you to understand their common traits and characteristics. If you prefer to sing or dance, let it rip! If a Lyran starseed wants something, theyll get it. This is completely understandable but of course, deep down you want to give your loved ones the time, attention, and care they deserve. Are you a teacher? And youre completely right: chaos is definitely a necessary component of life. They stay active throughout their whole lives and take joy from moving their bodies as much as possible. You are a doing person who like to go all in. spirit animals, which I have covered in this post, Best 21 Starseed Books You MUST Read In 2023, Are You A Blue Ray Starseed? They love novelty and freedom. Be aware, you will have a lot of the fire and air element in your birth chart too. Lyran starseeds are dyed-in-the-wool ambiverts. I cannot stand that someone else tells me, what is best for me and what I want without asking me first! Do you play an instrument? I had NO clue back then that many of the Egyptian and ancient gods were originally from other star systems and realms. A Lyran starseed can only shine their light and inspire others by being the most fulfilled version of themselves first. Lyrans tend to sympathize with the underdog as they understand that anyones wrongdoings are due to their association with their ego, which is encouraged by the collective state of consciousness on this planet. Lyrans are here to show others that their inner state is the only thing that matters, and through transforming that, they are able to move the planet Earth toward a new plane of existence. Vega was the gateway to that galaxy from another: in Old Norse the word Vega meant to move or to transport. They tend to accept this role, too. This means building altars, providing offerings, invocation, prayer, etc. Its just so weird that I feel like I dont fit in, theres something wrong and its like Im just an observer of what happening around if that makes sense. Knowing us very well, it made an intense amount of sense. You know the importance of saying NO and you are selective about relationships. I would like to know the bigger reason why we are here. Lyran Starseed Lyran Starseed: Traits and Characteristics. In the pivotal times which we face on our planet today, its become clear that we need help to navigate the unknown territories that change thrusts us into.
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