Shin Megami Tensei is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed and published by Atlus.Originally released for the Super Famicom in 1992 in Japan, it has been ported to multiple systems and eventually released in the West for iOS in 2014. And when he. [6] The game was released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on February 10, 2016,[5] and in North America on September 20, 2016. . Merkabah, immediately followed by Lucifer. A massive penalty to your hit/evade rate, inability to run from battles, reduced damage output and increased damage taken, Merkabah and Lucifer, by way of their merged form Satan, Japan's psychopathic Defense Minister Tamagami, who caused the entire war out of sheer bigotry, as he invented demonic-powered superweapons that he aimed for Japan to use to conquer foreign countries. During fusion, players can choose which skills are retained and which are discarded.[1][4]. Taking part in, and succeeding in these quests, can help a Samurai earn the respect of their peers and superiors. Battles take place from a first-person perspective, and are triggered either through story sequences or encountering enemy sprites in the environment. Nanashi and Flynn every time they "die", Asahi in the bonds route, and Nanashi's chosen companion in the Massacre route. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. Multiple mechanics from Shin Megami Tensei IV have been updated based on player feedback. Loki tricks a pack of Beast race fairy Dormarths into thinking he was a member of the Divine Powers. the game mentions that you've killed enough people to create hills full of corpses, but you never actually, On the Peace route, the original Dagda dies proud that he created a Godslayer strong enough to slay even him, YHVH takes this role. Choose peace or anarchy as Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is coming to the Nintendo 3DS this summer! The story incorporates folklore from ancient religions, including deities such as Krishna, Odin, and YHVH. The only time this was possible for your demons in, You can now fuse demons by selecting them from your stock. It also grants temporary bonuses to a character's skills. This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 02:40. This Flynn is also neutral, having been killed by Merkabah as he was about to bring hope to Tokyo. The Bonds Ending. [12], The game was first teased through the main website for Shin Megami Tensei IV: when a specific hashtag had been forwarded through Twitter 15,000 times, a rocky surface hiding the title would break and reveal its secret. Doi designed the deity figures based on the traditions surrounding them in their native mythologies. Dagda hopes that Nanashi will be this as the Creator of the new universe. With the concept of skills that gain additional effects while Smirking, several formerly powerful skills have been depowered to a shadow of their former glory. You can still have one of your usual partners alongside him, as he doesn't use the Partner slot. The original Dagda's Godslayer was so effective, it cost him his existence. The name is used again here for a similar, yet even more important entity, YHVH's Universe, incorporates elements from the major boss battle theme from, the first set of bosses fought consists of Beelzebub, Lucifuge, and Lucifer. and after Shesha shows itself, he devours Asahi in the most horrible manner possible, and the most you see is her goggles falling to the floor and a pool of blood forming around it. Flynn is so far gone due to you brainwashing him that he doesn't recognize it, and you end up tossing it, it's revealed his endgame was the summoning of. [22] Morgan Sleeper, however, for Nintendo Life described it as a "sequel-of-sorts" whilst Forte wrote that the game was "not a sequel or even a DLC, but a masterpiece".[20][21]. In order to get more quests, simply examine the blackboard (K's Tavern) or bulletin (Hunter 's Association) at their respective locations after completing certain . The game is part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, the central series of the Megami Tensei franchise. [2][3] The party gains experience points and levels up by winning battles and completing quests. Nanashi is later guided to Him, where everyone still alive teams up to defeat Him, Merkabah will help you during the final battle with Lucifer, the inverse doesn't happen, as Merkabah is already dead once the route is triggered - instead, the ending automatically starts, Flynn will follow you around and assist in battle, he only helps in the final dungeon, but also helps outside of battle, he doesn't help in the field, but he follows you everywhere, he forms his own party to help fight YHVH. Furthermore, demon negotiations have also been revamped to be more forgiving. Demons and humans co-exist, but in this state, the remnants of humankind are just a prize being fought over by the higher deities. Cognitive Sugimura Those who see one are said to die within nine months.Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium. Anyways, these quests will be covered in the Shinjuku Quest Cleanup. which will enable the creation of a new world. Partners will also never attack a boss blindly and/or repeatedly use attacks that a boss is immune to, and if they have the ability to heal, they'll prioritize healing the most injured party member. A few exceptions exist, though - some enemies can smirk with Smile Charge. He reveals himself to be Shesha, reincarnated in Flynn's form, and explains that Krishna faked his own defeat to manipulate the Hunters into eliminating the angels and demons; the real Flynn remains in Krishna's clutches. Gaston will sometimes jump in and steal your Press Turns to attack. Each quest rewards the player with an armor piece of the white samurai set. try to take the remaining souls in Kasumigaseki after Shesha becomes the Cosmic Egg, YHVH's influence. He has vulnerabilities to Bind and Charm, reminding the player that ailment-causing skills are still useful in boss battles at times. You must find the weakness of the enemy and defeat it in five turns. Afterwards, Stephen appears and explains that the new universe cannot fully come to fruition until YHVH is killed and the old universe destroyed. Nanashi has the option of siding with Merkabah, Lucifer, or humanity. This leads to Krishna being freed, setting the main plot of the game into motion. The party ascends the Sky Tower and fights Medusa again, revived by the Divine Powers. From vanity items to new quests, each DLC offers content that will enrich the demon hunting experience. 9 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor - 84 (DS) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor was released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS and was the first game in the series to be made for that console . Supporting Merkabah will destroy Tokyo and transform Mikado into the new Kingdom of God, while supporting Lucifer will destroy Mikado and plunge the world into anarchy. 0. Free shipping for many products! The human forms of Merkabah and Lucifer were based around the idea of the monotheistic factions drawing power from human faith. "Mysterious Story of Tennozu," due to the implication that Flynn didn't finish the questline, Beelzebub ate everyone and later Arahabaki showed up to kill people being sent there for shelter anyways. Both Nanashi and Aleph were formerly named after birds of prey; Aleph was Hawk before he was told his real name, and Nanashi's past life was known as Aquila to Mikado. It plays increasingly urgent sirens the closer you get to Shesha. You can have both on your list, by a technicality :p. 2010 - Mass Effect 2 (my favorite series for any fictional media) 2011 - Portal 2 (probably one of the best games ever made) 2012 - Max Payne 3 (I've beaten this one close to 9 times since) 2013 - GTA V. Two or more demons can be fused into a new form, granting new abilities. . They have special Skills and stats making them valuable additions to your party. These sales figures were approximately half of the debut sales for Shin Megami Tensei IV, and were noted by Siliconera as a good performance for a Shin Megami Tensei game outside of new, numbered entries. Development began shortly after the release of Shin Megami Tensei IV. And a few of the people you meet along the way look like children compared to the adults standing next to them. For all the praises the game get for not being as hard as the predecessor, the final battle in the Ichigaya Reactor stands as a hair-splitting example, for those attempting to get one of the two neutral endings. [4] USGamer's Jeremy Parish praised the game and called it one of the most "uniquely realistic games on 3DS". Gods and demons are incarnations of the Axiom given physical form from nature by Observation. "Godslayer" gets mentioned frequently throughout the story, it being the player's intended role in Dagda's master plan. Lucifer's forces are also represented by yellow to a lesser extent. This allows them to finally move on to the afterlife. The game was released in Japan on February 10, 2016, and on September 20, 2016 in North America. Nozomi, Danu, and Merkabah are associated with Red. A red flag icon on the map screen helps the player determine. In the afterlife, a demon named Dagda offers to resurrect him in exchange for his service as a Godslayer. Unfortunately, Merkabah later sees through their ruse and the fake Samurai all get imprisoned. [16] North American pre-orders and launch day copies included a set of three metal emblem pins in the forms of a peace symbol, an anarchy symbol, and Dagda's mark. The alignment system has been reworked, allowing players to pick their ending by simply answering obvious questions. The Hunter's Association has bars all over Tokyo for dissemination of quests, although instead of a blackboard, the information is displayed on monitors. Quests that are in blue are only available in New Game+. In post-apocalyptic Tokyo in the year 203X, a Hunter cadet, whose default name is Nanashi, is killed by demons on a routine supply run. Hunt and Search quests must be accepted before they can be started, as their objectives will not be visible and cannot be attempted prior to acceptance. Nanashi must now destroy the forces of Lucifer, Merkabah, and the newly arrived cabal of Old Gods led by Krishna, before their three-way war obliterates what remains of mankind. Challenge Quests are basically the side quests in Shin Megami Tensei IV. one of the skills he learns in his fusable form, This also applies to his form that appears in the Demon Market of "A Godslayer Needs Demons", as Salvation is one of his skills, should Nanashi make a choice that goes against what the others think is right, they will immediately turn their blades on him without a moment's hesitation fully intent on killing him where he stands. Dagda witnesses the beginning of the beautiful new universe alongside the new Creator Nanashi, saying farewell to him before disappearing with the old universe. Nanashi is essentially a zombie, Nozomi is a Fairy Queen, Hallelujah is half demon, Abe is a fallen angel, and the Flynn who notices him is actually Shesha. To complete this quest, you must use Tetrakarn . The game features gameplay mechanics from previous Shin Megami Tensei releases, such . The true Dagda then resurrects all of Shesha's victims, including Asahi. This is a complete list of Challenge Quests in Shin Megami Tensei IV. is entirely normal. The original Shin Megami Tensei IV was released in 2013 (well, 2014 in Europe) and we were very critical of its unusually weak storytelling and characters, and its lack of gameplay innovation. The only people he has remaining by his side are a. YHVH traps mankind in a near inescapable cycle of Law and Chaos with Neutral being a minor reprieve before the cycle begins again, and mankind suffers pointlessly clinging to a false hope that gives rise to the omnicidal White. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. [8] Demon designs from the previous game were refined, including the characters Medusa, Merkabah and Lucifer. You play as a 15 year-old "Hunter" in Tokyo named Nanashi, who soon after the game starts is killed by a demon. Not in the main game, but it certainly puts the "Star" in "Guest Star". Orochi is much much wasier to fuse and may even need to be fused. After after Hugo is killed, Dagda notes that every single person in Mikado died along with him, which includes the children. It even dims the icon whenever you get all the dialogue and brightens it up again when there's new dialogue. Stephen asks them to defeat the true enemy YHVH for true freedom. This guide helps you complete the quest. The forces of Law and Chaos have made a temporary truce in order to fight against the polytheistic gods. [6][9][11] The game's main protagonist was originally designed to be much older, with his adult design carrying over into one of the game's non-playable characters. For instance, once Hagen has prepared Critical Eye (which telegraphs a physical attack), if the player uses Tetrakarn or raises an Attack Mirror, he will debuff the party with War Cry non-stop until the player yields. . This epic quest will challenge your loyalties and bravery in a world filled with dangerous monsters and cunning opponents. What do I think of side quest bosses in this game? Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from As much as I like the main story bosses of Apocalypse, the quality just doe. Flynn leaves out of disgust as Nanashi and Lucifer head for the surface with an army of demons to raze Mikado to the ground in order to make a new kingdom from the ashes. Yet, they continue to work together to deal with the Divine Powers along with Merkabah's angels and Lucifer's demons. In Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, the player controls the demon hunter Nanashi as they explore locations including a post-apocalyptic Tokyo and the medieval kingdom Mikado. Later, when the party is arrested in Mikado and stripped of all weapons and phones, he breaks everyone out of prison by summoning demons. There is also an update patch available in the 3DS E-Shop which will allow players to gain 40 App points for Streetpassing another player who has this game, and either Etrian Odyssey 4 or Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers. Dagda released the Divine Powers to further his own objectives, letting them think he was on their side. If Nanashi decides it's not a good idea to unseal the Ark, Dagda takes over his body temporarily to force him to unseal it. Nanashi and Asahi set out to defeat Krishna and Shesha. Satoshi Ohyama, who had worked on Shin Megami Tensei IV as main programmer, was assigned as director. Nanashi sides with Lucifer after Merkabah's defeat. You can accept these from the blackboard in K's Tavern or Hunter Associations later in the game when . Denying the dream results in a battle with Mephisto and ending with Dagda intervening, breaking Nanashi out of it. In a twist, it's revealed that they and their ancestors from the Cocoons were part of the angels experiments, revealing that the reason they turn into demons in the previous game is that they all have the Demon Gene. Look for long-term solutions Look for long-term solutions when choosing bonuses. Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse, also known as Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final in Japan, is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by Atlus for the Nintendo 3DS. *All the quests in Mikado (that are not story-required)will become permanently unavailable to completein the Chaos Ending, **In the Neutral Ending, all quests in Mikado will be temporarily unavailable until after you beat Merkabah, but will permanently become unavailable to complete once more after beating Lucifer, After Beginning 'Let's Get Breakfast' (Post-Alraune), After Beginning 'Capture the Black Samurai' (Post-Kiccigiorgi Forest), After Beginning 'Activate All Terminals' (Post-Minotaur), After Completing 'Find the MIlitary Base', After completing 'Capture the Black Samurai', After beginning 'Onward to Shibuya' (Post-Kagome Tower), After choosing to side with Jonathan or Walter, After completing 'PeallaidhExtermination', After Completing 'Find the MIlitary Base' Main Quest, Upon first entering Shinjuku Station (after accepting Corpse Disposal), After Completing 'Seat in the Government' (Post-Kuebiko), After beginning 'Kill Yuriko' (Post-Koga Saburo), Upon first entering Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple, After beginning 'The Great Spirit of Hope', *All the quests in Blasted Tokyo (that are not story-required)will become permanently unavailable to completein the Law Ending, and temporarily unavailable until after you beat Lucifer in the Neutral Ending, After beginning 'Defeating the Demon' (obtained upon leaving Shinjuku, not required to complete), After unlocking Blasted Ikebukuro (upon talking to the man in 'The Only Food Source' quest), *All the quests in InfernalTokyo (that are not story-required)will become permanently unavailable to completein the Law Ending, and temporarily unavailable until after you beat Lucifer in the Neutral Ending. The year is 2038, 25 years after a war between gods and men left the world in ruins. It is made all the more noticeable by some of them stating that they would support him no matter what he chose only to then attack him moments later. Shin Megami Tensei V. Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore. It's now possible to rearrange the skills of both yourself and your demons. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. The story of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse depicts the remnants of Tokyo, ravaged by a catastrophe. At the end of 3/8 Moon, the game introduces a new mechanic it'll start using a lot: back-to-back boss fights. He does, however, have a weakness to Dark, which is now a standard damaging element. The story is set in an alternate timeline of Shin Megami Tensei IV, and focuses on the demon hunter Nanashi, a silent protagonist who dies and is resurrected by the demon Dagda. In terms of demons, the non-DLC Level 99 demons (Merkabah, Lucifer, and Mother Harlot) and Krishna. This is a sign that Hallelujah isn't quite human. An early bad ending. They will be at Level 25, and their affinities are below. Hugo appears in a scene before the Azrael fight, and Hope can be seen with some Samurai at certain points before introducing himself to you properly. New Challenge Quests are automatically added to the list as you progress through the game, rather than having to visit each individual Association bar and checking the request board. David and Matador keep their drops from, Early on in the game, Nanashi can pick a hunter name for Asahi. Dagda's ideology regarding human independence and plans to recreate the universe often place him at odds with the main party, who each emphasis the importance of working together and wish not to meddle with the recreation of the universe. Nanashi and his companions defeat Shesha, defeat Krishna at his base in Tsukiji Konganji, and rescue Flynn. If you generally choose antisocial or rude answers, then you side with your friends and go with Bonds, Dagda deletes all of your demons in retaliation for betraying him. M-DEUS. the Cosmic Egg, where Dagda desires to use the egg and its many souls to recreate the universe while the other main characters want to revive the souls and destroy the egg. While there are warps to shorten return trips, the sheer number of them can be rather telling of their length. Demons are also more willing to be recruited if you had previously registered them (including on new cycles). The people of Tokyo and Mikado witness the reincarnation of the Goddess of Tokyo, and work together in harmony with the fairies and demons to make both nations wonderful. ), On the Massacre route, Nanashi kills all his former friends and everybody in the old universe to create a better one free of YHVH's tyranny for good. After beating her, the quest will clear, only for a third boss to show up. He worked on Apocalypse alongside his work arranging tracks for Persona 4: Dancing All Night. Production began after development ended for Shin Megami Tensei IV in 2013. Writing for Game Informer, Daniel Tack commented that "other than the story, not a whole lot is new" with Apocalypse. though there's debate over whether the final dungeon makes as much narrative sense in Bonds as in Massacre, This includes Akira/Aquila being a Messiah like Flynn, Merkabah and this version of Lucifer both serving YHVH and actually being halves of Satan, and Odin betraying Flynn. Accident rates increase when Nanashi or any fusion components are sick or dead; using Foul demons as the components also double the chances. the Misoka Moon phase at the end of the game, and make note of the fact that they could not when the Tokugawa Mandala is in place, you're not done with the Divine Powers after Tsukiji Honganji if you notice, The first casualties of the Massacre route are the companions who have been traveling around Tokyo with you. The first, Megiddo Arc, is a reference to the Law faction's ultimate weapon in, En no Ozuno appears as the highest leveled Fiend, two of his moves contain the names Zenki and Goki, who were En no Ozuno's servants in, Much like his infamous Bonus Boss battle in the second, the Cosmic Eggs were the items needed after alignment lock. Dagda's mother Danu opposes him, and wants Nanashi to destroy the Egg. This includes time spent completing side quests and exploring the game. . Lead programmer of Digital Devil Saga, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne and Shin Megami Tensei IV, Satoshi Oyama serves as director, with Masayuki Doi again working as the character designer. He will show you all the Snake demons you can fuse. They now do normal damage, making them worth using on enemies that are immune to instant death. The objective of this quest is to slay seven demons called Corpses. Inside the Egg, Dagda reveals his plan to hijack it and create his own universe where all humans are completely independent from one another, and demands Nanashi's aid in his plan. The game is part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, the central series of the Megami Tensei franchise. 100% Compendium. On the Massacre route after you return to Ginza and fight there. They're right on the mark, as it is later revealed that the Flynn you rescued is a fake. [8][9] The game's world and basic scenario were created by Kazuma Kaneko, while the script was written by Yusuke Miyata. You'll also get said item if you overwrite that skill. The word "puppet" is also frequently used, in reference to more than one character. Initially, quests are given out by Samurai as a way to entertain themselves as they deal with the daily life of fighting demons; quest information is placed on a blackboard in K's Tavern, which can be received by raising one's gauntlet to the blackboard. Nanashi means "nameless" in Japanese, and Manabu comments that it is a lazy name for an orphan. I had my doubts about Shin Megami Tensei V.Since Sega's purchase of Atlus in 2013, I've felt ambivalent about the direction the series has taken. Except in the Cosmic Egg. Zhong Kui is fought in the basement of Tsukiji Konganji on 2/8 Moon. With Shichi Ikeda, Miki It, Michiko Kaiden, Yki Kaji. Just after passing the Law and Chaos options and rejecting them. The Patriots (or rather, their spirits) give Nanashi a Balm of Rising to use on them at the end of Hiroshi's quest chain. There's one particularly for those who did a Neutral run of, The sidequest chain dealing with Hunter Hiroshi is completely optional, but it accompanies a positive, You come home from Tsukiji Honganji, having seemingly defeated, So you're doing the Diamond Realm DLC and you defeat the first phase of, When you're summoned to Cafe Florida for a hearing with Fujiwara and Skins. For example, Salvation only removes ailments if used while Smirking (functioning like a more expensive Mediarahan under normal circumstances) and Antichthon only decreases stats if used while Smirking. In either case, Nanashi then makes his way to the heart of the egg, where Krishna and Flynn are. Shesha smashing a hole in the Firmament causes this effect to stop. The title "Apocalypse" was reached after much discussion. This makes it more difficult to access immunities or better, which makes it more difficult to cheese bosses with a. If Nanashi sided with his friends, Flynn finishes Krishna off. Naturally, refusing Dadga's offer at the beginning enough times leads to Nanashi dying for good and the game not happening. There rest are simple delivery quests that grant special costume armors of various strengths. Afterwards, humanity is finally freed from the gods and a new peace is forged by Tokyo, Mikado, and the demons. Alignment -1 = Kill him Shortly afterward, Nanashi and his friend Asahi are manipulated into unsealing Krishna, a malevolent deity who intends to destroy the universe and recreate it in his own image. In post-apocalyptic Tokyo, Nanashi is killed by demons. Previews: Trailer 1, Tokyo collapse animation, Trailer 2, Localization Announcement Trailer, English Story Trailer. Dagda's gambit and Nanashi accepting to be his godslayer set in motion the cycle being broken, even in the Law and Chaos endings where the Powers and Monotheism fight on sets in a different cycle. YHVH has hijacked this belief by controlling the Axiom of Life, Death, and Rebirth to create mankind with a Convenant bound to YHVH and started the, Toki (given that only she has enough resistance to do the task). If he picks, Sukuna-Hikona calmly accepts being killed by you as reprisal for Japan's militaristic past. For example, take Hallelujah with you into the fight with David and he'll cast Warding Shout in his first round, which is what you want against a boss whose main tool to screw you over is ailments. Nanashi can lead humanity to victory if he kills both Lucifer and Merkabah in a massive three-way battle. By denying His divinity, He is brought down to a normal demon, albeit a very powerful one. In Kether Castle in. Quests can also be received from demons through conversation; they are given out by random demons as the story progresses, and often have excellent rewards. YHVH. List of Shin Megami Tensei IV DLC (North America) Visage Pack (free) - three delivery challenge quests. updated Jul 30, 2013. The database speculates that they're made from the same technology, were both created by YHVH, and that Lucifer was made as a strawman for the Law side to defeat, is reminiscent of how Aleph and Daleth were both created by the Messians, and that Daleth was created for the sole purpose of being defeated by Aleph, in, the leader of Law fuses with a demon to become Satan, Flynn and Nanashi, both transhumans, create a new world by holding seven floating spheres of light, and casting one above, By joining him in the Massacre route, you become one as well, you fight his Baal form and an illusion of him in the penultimate and final dungeons, respectively, but there is never a genuine Beelzebub fight, in the fight against Satan and Vishnu-Flynn, the effects resulting from their dialogue options always end up detrimental to the player one way or the other as opposed to the Bonds route where they will be constantly buffed or healed instead. The system revolves around exploiting physical or elemental weaknesses, and landing critical attacks: if a character strikes another character's weak point or deals a critical hit, the party gains an extra turn, while if the attack is absorbed or blocked, they lose their turn. The protagonist wears a green jumpsuit, just like the Neutral Hero of, Odin first meets Nanashi and Asahi as his old human man appearance from the quest in, The Fiends, after losing their unique moves in, When having rematches against the Fiends, they can drop unique equipment. You can now select between different battle partners, instead of it being chosen at random from the cast traveling with you. *You can get demon talk quests from any demon at any time, regardless of location. [4], During battle, both player and enemy actions are governed by the turn-based Press Turn System, a battle system carried over from previous entries in the Shin Megami Tensei series.
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