Though the physician managed to maintain their cover by telling the knights that they were transporting a victim of Red Thrush Fever, Gwaine was somewhat skeptical, as he'd never heard of the illness before. Though it's never shown he knows in the show, so a head canon is all it is :-/ Though Uther initially had Gwaine arrested for what he'd done, intending to execute him for what appeared to have been the murder of two knights, Gaius was able to prove that Oswald and Ethan were not all that they seemed. And Merlin? Gwaine and the other Knights would often tease Mordred, treating him like a little brother (similar to the way they treated Merlin). She appeared to derive a sadistic pleasure from watching him fight increasingly unfair battles with Helios' men, rewarding him with scraps of food each time he won. But I wouldn't miss it for the world. Gender: Lancelot has to find the god of magic. Mordred tells her at the end of that episode who Emrys is (aka Merlin). Interestingly, Gwaine is the only non-magical main character to befriend a creature of magic, (not including those who have befriended Merlin or other human magic users). Gwaine takes a sip of mead and says maybe he should, but then he clocks the man in the face. He, in turn, appeared unafraid of Morgana, reacting to each of her challenges with characteristic flippancy (The Sword in the Stone). Later, when Merlin escaped the dungeons disguised as Dragoon, Gwaine was one of the knights who pursued him through the castle corridors and out into the courtyard. 3. He's walking straight into a trap. -In their last scene together, if Merlin told Gwaine he was getting his magic back and Gwaine revealed he knew, it would have been a bittersweet moment but would follow along the show's running theme that whoever knew Merlin's secret shortly died afterwards. They ran into Merlin in the woods, who claimed to be gathering herbs for Gaius. But though they succeeded in vanquishing what remained of her army, Percival even managing to land a blow on Morgana herself, their attack ultimately failed when Morgana easily knocked them out with her magic. The knights journeyed across the plains to the Tower, dealing with both a blistering sun and blistering feet along the way. Biographical Information It may have been 11 years since the last episode of Merlin aired, but the fanbase continues to thrive. the 'Bromance' between Arthur and Merlin were posted and I had to make a post, to which, surprise surprise, there were lots of angry comments. Gwaine's opinion of the nobility was forever altered by this experience; he believed that all nobles were blinded by power and greed, and that true nobility should be determined not by who you were, but by what you did (Gwaine). He did, however, tell Merlin to look after Arthur before he left, idly remarking that, "Maybe that one's worth dying for." After years of secrecy, Merlin's magic has finally been revealed. You're right standing, especially when it comes to sweet talking the ladies if nothing else. Percival was the only person that Gwaine took with him on his quest for revenge against Morgana. He was released in the throne room and given only a wooden dagger to fight with. Elyan was the first to make it passed the traps, and immediately pressed on without waiting for the others, determined to rescue his sister. Later, after the death of King Uther, he also attended Arthur's coronation alongside the rest of the knights (The Wicked Day). Later, back at Camelot, he attended Mordred's knighting ceremony alongside the rest of the court (Arthur's Bane). Unlike most of Camelot's knights, Gwaine was generally quite accepting of magic and magical creatures. Gwaine was still serving as a Knight of Camelot one year later. However, Gwaine demonstrated how much he cared for Elyan later in the episode, when he was the first to rush in to help him when he was being haunted by the spirit from the shrine. Gwaine was also quite humble, refusing to reveal his noble heritage even when doing so would get him out of unwanted punishments, and was shown to highly value respect earned through action over prestige inherited through a title. Search Works. Post author: Post published: 22/06/2022; Post category: brenda payne hendersonville, tn; Behind the Scenes Even though he was there, sitting next to Arthur's right hand side at the original Round . Arthur will need you by his side. This version of thecharacter was largely unpopular, and was not prevalent in most later works. One of the raiders (Kara) was eventually caught, shortly after which Gwaine and Leon interrupted a disagreement between Merlin and Mordred, both of whom refused to discuss their problem. He quickly grew angry at the way that the council spoke to Arthur, which resulted in the Disir using their magic to throw him against a cave wall (The Disir). He escorted her to the guest chambers, where she would be safe. They held their position for several minutes, long enough for Merlin take out Morgause. He was distracted, however, by the crystal that Oswald wore around his neck. We need to get to Arthur. When he returned, Merlin was awake and determined to go after Arthur, who he said was walking into a trap. Did Gwaine know about Merlin? Merlin: 10 Memes That Prove Just How Funny The Show Really Was. Gwaine was immediately suspicious of the nobleman, accusing him of being Gaius's kidnapper, but Agravaine managed to persuade Gwaine otherwise. He and Percival barricaded the doors while Gaius and Merlin saw to Arthur's wounds. They rode on until they reached a cliff that gave them a clear view of the Tower, as well as the first obstacle that stood between them and it: the Impenetrable Forest. With the king as witness, he removed the blood crystals from around their corpses' necks, exposing them as Dagr and Ebor. Gwaine was ordered to secure the armoury, but was eventually forced to retreat to an inner chamber. She's a maiden in a tower. However, he was unable to use magic himself. Gwaine eventually left his home and family and began living a vagabond lifestyle, traveling the world with his sword. They were soon joined by Elyan after Morgana finished torturing him for information on Arthur's whereabouts. He was also the first to note that Elyan hadn't been himself since his sister's banishment, and asked Gaius to keep Elyan's recent problems to himself, as he (and the other knights) didn't want Arthur to think that his loyalties were divided (A Herald of the New Age). Gwaine presumably rejoined Camelot's forces after they'd set up camp at Camlann. He arrived just in time to see Oswald taking a swing at Merlin with his sword, and quickly leapt to his friend's defense. Though some distance grew between the two following Gwaine's knighthood, he and Merlin managed to remain close friends. You have my word. It was more Hatred for Morgana and those like her than magic. Absolutely. Gwaine was with Arthur, Merlin, and the other Knights when the group came across the remains of a Druid camp. "Sir Gwaine was slain with a fishing rod? When Camelot was invaded by Cenred's immortal army, Gwaine was one of four commoners knighted by Arthur to fight alongside him in his mission to rescue Uther from Camelot's dungeons (The Coming of Arthur). A princess shouldn't have to lump her washing around.". It is believed that Geoffrey combined earlier tales of . Gaius eventually returned to Camelot with the news that Arthur had been badly wounded and Merlin was taking him somewhere to be healed, as well as with suspicions that Eira was a traitor. Does Arthur find out Gwen was enchanted? When it was discovered that Julius Borden was searching for the last live dragon egg in existence, Gwaine was among the knights that Arthur took to find and destroy it. Sir Gwaine was a Knight of the Round Table and a good friend of Merlin. Gwaine was among the knights that Arthur took with him on the journey, along with Merlin, Gaius, the princess, and her maidservant. The wound proved to be a fatal one, the sorcerer dying moments later, and Gwaine's injuries were treated by Merlin back at camp. They discovered that the attacks were the work of the Dorocha, ghostly voices of the dead unleashed when Morgana tore the veil between the worlds on Samhain's Eve. Gwaine caused quite a bit of trouble during his stay in Camelot, attempting to charm Guinevere in the marketplace (who politely turned him down) and buying drinks for all the other tavern patrons despite the fact that he had no money. The next day Gwaine watched Eira's execution from a castle window, with only Percival to comfort him (The Diamond of the Day). Though the knights were scattered throughout the caves, Gwaine and Percival managed to stay together. Eventually, Gwaine's tortured screams gave Percival the strength to break the bonds that held him. There they encountered The Cailleach, the Gatekeeper of the Spirit World, who refused to heal the veil unless given the sacrifice she desired. Furious with Morgana and hungry for revenge, Gwaine recruited Percival to his plans and the two knights rode out to find and kill her. Kara refused, and was executed the following morning, shortly after which Mordred escaped from the cells (The Drawing of the Dark). Eventually they came to the realization that they'd been going in circles. 304: Merlin grinning as he recognizes Gwaine's disarming maneuver on one if the thug knights. When Gwaine drank all of his water during a patrol, for example, Elyan was not amused, though Gwaine merely laughed when he voiced his annoyance. When it was discovered that his saddle had been tampered with, Gwaine was one of the knights sent to arrest the king's stablehand, Tyr Seward. the 'Bromance' between Arthur and Merlin were publicado and I had to make a post, to which, surprise surprise, there were lots of angry comments. When Arthur learned that Gwen was being controlled by Morgana, he, Merlin, and Gaius conspired to drug her and take her to the Cauldron of Arianrohd, where she could be restored to her true self. Morgana learns of Merlin being the mage only in the 3rd to last episode (Season 5, Episode 11, The Drawing of the Dark). He was eventually rescued by Percival and the other knights, who had freed themselves and dispatched the guards soon after Arthur and Merlin had arrived. Merlin, Arthur, and Gwaine, prisoners of Jarl. Human Gwaine originally stayed with them, but soon left to gather firewood and quickly became Lamia's next victim. By. Jarl returned soon after, looking to make two of his prisoners fight one another for his amusement. Gwaine and Merlin quickly rode out to the mining caves. Merlin: Everyone Who Knew Merlin Had Magic. So handsome, so selfless. Gwaine was portrayed as a fun-loving, laidback, and highly loyal character, adamant in his belief that nobility should be defined by what a person did rather than who they were. Arthur ventures forth deep into the forest of Balor to find the antidote, but little does he know that he's walking into a trap. He rescued her and took her back to the citadel, where Merlin treated her leg wound. Work Search: tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply" He may not be of noble birth, but I can vouch that he has a noble heart. The morning after the fight, the knights awoke to find that Elyan, who was supposed to be on guard, was missing. They have to find that person to get out. Eoin Macken They discovered her horse abandoned in the woods, as well as a trail leading east. The Cailleach is the spirit world's Gatekeeper. They reached the city the following evening, after it had been seized by Cenred's army. Ah, finally! They were reunited in Jarl's dungeon, where Gwaine summed up his capture by saying: "Well, you know, wrong place, wrong time, wrong drink." Merlin and Gaius attempted to smuggle her out of the castle in a wheelbarrow, but were intercepted by Mordred and Gwaine. Arthur Pendragon Guinevere PendragonMerlinGaiusKnights of the Round TableKnights of CamelotEuchdagEira (formerly) Other spellings of Gwaine include Gawain, Gawaine, Gauvain, Gawayn, Gawayne, Gawen, and Gwayne. Gwaine was among those who volunteered to accompany him, and was subsequently made a Knight of Camelot alongside Lancelot, Elyan, and Percival. Gwaine joined the others in playing a trick on Merlin during their journey, pretending to eat all the food and then producing the bowl they'd saved for him when he'd just about given up hope. Gwaine first met Eira when she was being attacked by a Saxon in one of Camelot's villages. Male He told Merlin that he'd only seen iron ore once before in Camelot, while on patrol near the mines at the ridge of Kemeray. Anxious to reach Mithian's father before Odin's men caught him, Arthur ultimately decided to continue on to Nemeth, ordering Gwaine to remain behind with Merlin and Gaius. The sorceress took to entertaining her army by forcing Gwaine to duel Helios's warriors in exchange for scraps of food. Gwaine was not in favor of this plan, as the tunnels were crawling with Wildeorren, but ultimately went along with it. The monster seemed unaffected, however, and likely would have killed them both had Arthur not arrived and killed it. The Tears of Uther Pendragon; Goblin's Gold; Gwaine; The Crystal Cave; The Changeling; The Castle of Fyrien; The Eye of the Phoenix; Love in the Time of Dragons Hurt and betrayed, Gwaine watched as she sent a message to Morgana telling her where Gwaine had told her Arthur and Merlin were headed. His most notable feat in unarmed combat likely occurred during his imprisonment by Morgana following her second attack on Camelot. It wasn't long before the Leon and Percival met the same fate, leaving Merlin and Gwen to face the Lamia themselves. The two quickly became friends, and though Gwaine must have guessed that the Euchdag was a creature of magic, he never displayed any distrust or hostility toward it. As a result, he and the other knights were stricken ill when Julius poisoned their food, and had to be saved by Merlin's magic (Aithusa). Does gwaine find out about Merlin? As he passed, Percival placed a kiss upon his forehead, a symbol of love and unity in Camelot. But he arrived too late, and Gwaine died in his arms, having told Morgana where Arthur and Merlin were heading. When Morgana and her ally Helios launched a surprise attack on Camelot during the Feast of Beltane, Gwaine was the one who informed Arthur. Gwaine never shows a personal opinion towards magic, good or bad. Some time later, Gwaine, Mordred, and the other Knights were sent on a patrol to locate a renegade sorceress and her accomplice. He ran into Gwaine on his way to Arthur's chambers. When they spotted a dragon in the caverns, Merlin ran out to distract it and Arthur went after him, leaving Gwaine on his own. . and empty the blood from the Cup of Life, which instantly destroyed the immortal soldiers. Early in his childhood his father died fighting in Caerleon's army, leaving his family penniless. Behold! Once more, Morgana tried to come between Arthur and Gwen . Published by on January 24, 2023 on January 24, 2023 Arthur and the knights infiltrated the dungeons, Gwaine and Percival trapping a few of the soldiers in a cell and later managing to hold their own against those that remained. The fifth and final series of the British fantasy drama series Merlin began broadcasting on 6 October 2012 with the episode "Arthur's Bane - Part 1" and ended on 24 December 2012 in the UK, with "The Diamond of the Day - Part 2". A. literature. Discouraged, they made camp for the night and set out again in the morning, intending to find their way back to the clearing they'd first seen the Tower from. There she enlisted Arthur's help to rescue her father, who had escaped with her but been too injured to make the full trip. With John Hurt, Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Sarah Counsell. Arthur has a braincell for the first time in his life and figures out Merlin has magic. Later, he was a member of the patrol that nearly discovered Gwen and Morgana conspiring in the woods. Gwaine, Elyan, and Gaius were soon freed from the dungeons by Percival and Leon, who were greatly relieved to see them. Upon questioning what the young servant was doing in Mercia, Merlin explained howArthur had embarked on a quest to retrieve theFisher King's trident from the Perilous Lands and that he needed their help. Gwaine seemed to add a little humour to Leon's personality; the two often joked around together and with others. . Merlin and Gwaine arrived at the Perilous Lands some time later. Later, he and rest of the court assembled in the council chambers to witness the two kings sign a treaty that would establish an alliance between their kingdoms (The Hollow Queen). When it was discovered that Arthur had been poisoned, Gwaine was present with the other knights when Gaius made his diagnosis and Gwen accused Merlin of the crime. Leon and Gwaine, on the latter's trying to steal honey from bees. The strength of their bond was shown when Gwaine was one of the few people who went to visit Merlin to see how he was coping when it looked as though Gaius had turned traitor. His character is believed to be based on Arthur's nephew Gwalchmai from The Mabinogion. Gwaine later accompanied Arthur, Merlin, and the other Knights on a hunting trip, during which they came across a dead Camelot patrol. Gwaine has to find Dragoon. He preferred to avoid the nobility whenever possible; though he didn't hate all noblemen, he had yet to meet one he felt was worth dying for. Arthur and his father were deeply grateful for what Gwaine had done - the king even wanted to thank him in person - but Gwaine was dismayed to learn that he'd saved the life of the Prince of Camelot. BBC's Merlin truly was a magical piece of comedy and despair. Gwaine was born to a knight and his wife. And yes, she was so totally faking it. He is credited with at least three children: Florence, Lovell, and Gingalain, the latter of whom is also called Libeaus Desconus or Le Bel Inconnu, the Fair Unknown. When he eventually came to, the veil had been healed and Lancelot was dead, having sacrificed himself in Arthur's place. A Knight of Camelot, famed as the greatest knights in five kingdoms. At some point in their journey they came across a group of bandits camped out in the forest. He eventually returned to Camelot with the rest of Camelot's army when no trace of the king could be found (The Diamond of the Day). Knowing that Eira's message would lead Morgana to the forest near Brineved, the two knights lay in wait for her and set up an ambush. Gwaine traveled with them as far asCamelot's border; with his banishment still in place, he could go no further. Leon was very patient with Gwaine; the only time the two ever fought was when they were both being controlled by the Lamia. Gawain is generally portrayed as the son of King Lot and Morgause (or Anna) of Orkney and Lothian, and his brothers (or half-brothers) are Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred. Apparantley Gwaine is the next knight to find out Merlin's magic and it is said he will find out before Arthur in Season 5 How is Merlin important to King Arthur? He was taken back to Camelot and examined by Gaius, who determined that he had no broken bones, but ordered him to rest anyway. like they absolutely know that he has magic (so does arthur) but they also . After meeting up with Arthur and Merlin (and now Gaius) in the physician's chambers and reporting what they'd seen, the two were then ordered to take Gaius and find refuge in the woods beyond the castle. Appearances. However, he was knocked unconscious by two guards before he could get close enough to tell what it was. Portrayer: When the trio were eventually paid a visit by Morgana some days later, Gwaine demanded that they be given food, pleading particularly on behalf of Gaius. There Arthur revealed his intentions to infiltrate the citadel and free his father. While there were plenty of running gags on Merlin, one of the best was how oblivious Arthur was to Merlin's magic . Gwaine was one of the knights who escorted Gwen and Elyan when they went to visit their father's grave. Arthur was wounded in the chase that followed, and the Cup was taken by Cenred. Strength has arrived. When they eventually reached Merlin's destination, a cave, the servant sent Gwaine back to Camelot, saying that he could make his own way from there. He dispatched the two knights without much trouble, but was caught by Sir Leon and brought before the king for breaking the Knight's Code. Lancelot volunteered to take the servant back to Camelot, and Arthur, Gwaine, and the other knights continued on with the quest. Gwaine was among the knights present in the courtyard when Sarrum of Amata arrived to discuss an alliance with Arthur. Taking advantage of the guard's preoccupation, Gwaine quickly knocked the man out and stole his crossbow, which he used to shoot the guards surrounding the knights (Another's Sorrow). They made camp the first night at an old fortress called Daobeth, where Merlin was badly injured by the Dorocha. When Leon and Percival eventually broke the three out of the dungeons and asked if they were all right, Elyan replied with good-natured bitterness, "I've been locked up with Gwaine for a week." Later, Gwaine and the other Knights of the Round Table encountered Merlin (disguised as Dragoon the Great) while on patrol. "You never take me out anywhere!" Morgause pouted. However, Merlin managed to convince them that he could find the way out, and (using his magic) successfully did so. The group was attacked by snakes sent by Morgana on the way back, with Percival and Leon quickly falling victim to their bites. Gwaine fought tooth and nail (Merlin's side of the story stated that Gwaine instigated a flyting with the guard rather than any physical altercation) for the better part of an hour so that Merlin could stay in their cell and rest. Confused and somewhat concerned by Merlin's odd behavior, Gwaine nevertheless did as he asked and left to catch up to Camelot's army, though he insisted that Merlin take his sword. Gwaine and Elyan were sent to the dungeons, where they discovered Uther being dragged away by Cenred's soldiers. Osgar fought back, using his magic to throw the knights into a tree, though not before Gwaine pierced him with his sword. The ring seen on Gwaine's necklace is actually his portrayer. When Morgana threw it into the cell with him afterward she told him to enjoy his meal, as she feared it would be his last, implying that the next time he fought the match would be so unfair he would have no hope of winning. Merlin managed to stab her with a sword during their initial confrontation, but Lamia responded by transforming into a snake-like monster. You know what you said you'd do if you ever found Morgana? Eager to get away from his current predicament, Gwaine agreed to lend a hand and the two rode out of town as quickly as possible. The only time Gwaine and Percival were ever shown arguing was when they were enchanted by the Lamia. During Gwaine's first visit to Camelot, Morgana was surprised at how skillful he was with a sword, managing to save Arthur from the two thugs who attempted to kill him (Gwaine).
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