She was backed by Moms for Liberty, which in July donated $250, and finance reports show in May radio and TV political commentator Dan Bongino, of Palm City, donated $1,000. All rights reserved. This is real competition for the district and the only school board member that sees it clearly is Christia LI Roberts. My skillset provides a keen understanding of the financial and legal aspects, ability to explain intricacies involved, and expertise to craft multiple solutions and options for consideration (Reasonable). To further my knowledge, Ive participated in ongoing training sessions including Learning Losses, Communications, Mental Health, Customer Service, Safety and Post-Crisis Leadership. The next meeting will be September 9, 2021. A few weeks ago, there was a proclamation that was championed by Victoria Defenthaler regarding LGBTQ+ month in October. All of this complicates bussing patterns. Her job titles have included teacher, assistant principal, the first principal of Jensen Beach High plus several more. It is all about perceptions and ultimately choice. Yet I have seen inordinate expenses charged to use current facilities by other governments and groups. Unfortunately, I didnt have all the employee evaluations from the district until now. Sometimes it may be hard to get an answer, but parents can always write one of the School Board members or all of them with a question if need be. Insurance, whether a traditional plan or a self-insured plan, is a market. I believe that local government is where most decisions should be made. A description of the suggestions can be found here. Another consideration was where to fuel the busses. If Amy had the same support as Jen, then she too could have had a much larger victory. Both parents and children have attachments to the schools they are attending, so why change that unless there is a need. Doing so would take innovation and changesomething that seems improbable. A motion was made by Anderson to issue the resolution. That tax was for a term of seven years and will expire in 2025. Yes, charter schools receive a portion of those funds in a manner determined by the Florida Department of Education. Volunteer with Amy as she steps up to defend our parents and children in Martin County Schools. MARTIN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS NEW SUPERINTENDENT. The events at each high school are based on responses from what seemed like a distinct minority of seniors who bothered to respond to the survey. I am mom, experienced leader, and passionate advocate for education. He diligently has done so by changing around positions. For personnel expenses (additional instructional or support staff), employees must work first before payment, so those type expenses truly stretch over a scheduled time period. I look forward to continuing to meet and learn from each member of our community as we celebrate success and develop new goals for the future together. The question that the board and superintendent are trying to figure out is should all legal services be outsourced. As Ms. Defenthaler said, she wants to see the ROI for this work. Website : School Board Latest News From The Feb 26, 2023 Edition SCHOOL BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 2023 Dr. John Millay, Martin County's first appointed superintendent, surprised the board, staff, and citizens by resigning effective June 30 th. That should not take away from her years of dedication to the county as an employee and elected official. Millay has not been the change agent that some thought he would be. 2016 Agendas. They now own their decisions and their implementation. The budget is worked out based on student numbers. The current cent expires in June. The other factor is whether the employees buy in. This was mostly in response to overcrowding at Martin County High School which is at 135% of capacity. Defenthaler is not wrong in that assessment. It is time to let the matter rest. Wake County Board of Education District 4 Vacancy; 2020-21 Enrollment Proposal; Staff Feedback; . Kathleen Price; Micky McCoy ; Steven Gauze ; Bowie Clark ; Lorna Cassady; Meetings ARCHIVED MEETINGS Documents That again may make sense if the student is younger but what about those older students? you may remain anonymous when submitting your responses if this option is the most comfortable for you. He touched on the war over desegregation when he was child of 9 or 10. I even asked several times if those documents were posted and if so just send me a link. Defenthaler in her written notes mentioned that school board members were elected to represent the best interest of the children. Superintendent Laurie Gaylord retiring in November. In the almost 3-hour meeting, much of the time was devoted to COVID not education. Graduation will probably have an option on whether masks should be worn. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. This is nothing new only the increasing ferocity with which the Lords of Tallahassee exhibit their disregard for local voters control. The board is going to check with the Department of Education to see whether they can stop the practice for the remaining weeks of this school year. By the districts own estimation, it still is at $6 million. While necessary it was not anything that would warrant any interest. It is, though, just as concerned as other districts. All Staff Members participate in continuous program of professional learning. According to Superintendent Millay, the form was not used and that every student plan must be signed by a parent agreeing to the plans implementation including anything having to do with LGBTQ issues. Please join me by offering your support so I can let your voice be heard on our school board. If you would like to contact the entire board, please use the following email address: That would bring brand new housing within the urban core at affordable rates. Yet those accomplishments can be seen by a gay kid as an inspiration as he becomes an adult. 2015 Minutes. Education is the foundation of our democracy and I believe it is our job as citizens of this great nation to ensure that we uphold the constitution and the right to public education. Until the legislature passes a budget, all state aid and mandates are uncertain. 2015 Minutes. But he believes in service and that is what is making him stay in the fight. You can see a sample of the budget bookhere. This group of items will be woven into the 2021-22 Operating Budget that the Board has been working on for the last three months at Budget Workshops. 2018 Minutes. Without those simple facts it is hard then to understand our constitutional evolution. I think we may be closer with this generation of students than ever before. In reviewing the Districts mission and vision statements, three inspirational words stood out to me as guiding principles for our work All, Dynamic and Excellence. Russell received $1,000 donations from a handful of political action committees, some associated with the Republican Party: Friends of Ron DeSantis, Best By Kids, John Snyder for Florida and Heavens to Oceans, which is associated with state Rep. Toby Overdorf. Yet what good are busses without drivers? Parents & students want choices that meet their academic needs. Parents are contacted to come in, have an explanation and sign off on the plan. During his presentation, Dr. Millay made comments regarding how close the district is to obtaining an A rating. She now knew that she had been led down a path. The proposed regulations will limit the distance to 50 feet from schools in most instances. The key here is that there has been a steady erosion of students from regular district schools. 500 E. Ocean Blvd | Stuart, FL 34994 | p 772-219-1200. Then there is the growing home-school movement where parents get to spend perhaps too much time with their kids. She looks forward, she said,to advocating for students, parents and teachers. Like Defenthaler, it is caught in a time warp where parents knew their place and educators were the only ones knowledgeable enough to call the shots. Some charters have students begin reading the Declaration and Constitution in the early gradesnot textbooks about the documents but the documents themselves. Classes in mechanics, home economics, metal and carpentry were introduced. Existing schools are not filled because the students and their parents are voting with their feet for alternative education. The plans would still be individually drawn up and administered for the unique problems of the student. That shortage will not be easily addressed in the district or any place else. Laurie Gaylord has now finished her 2ndterm. So, when a school official such as Dr. Millay states that he could add an additional nursing classroom at each of the high schools, I think we miss the point about what is needed. By way of explanation, the board has no control over whether to impose one or not. I am not always in agreement with Governor DeSantis, but I am on this. However, since he works as a teacher outside of Martin County and is gone 5 days a week at least 9 hours per day, he would not be there to perform the duties of a chair. Once discussion was held, the workshop was adjourned, and a special meeting began. 2016 Minutes. Martin County High School; Martin County Middle School; . Im sure most providers in Martin County would be happy to do the same. I would be incredibly surprised if any obstacle found, including the site being a radioactive dump, would be serious enough to ward off the Arts Council. The only thing that holds us together as a nation is a belief that we are all equal under the law and we must treat each other civilly. Charters, both public and private, must explain what they are selling to their consumers. Nor do I suspect they will be coming back anytime soon. For those wanting to have classes virtually, parents must sign up their child at Florida Virtual or Mosaic. I think Powers was a good chair. But this is Florida in the time of unreasonableness, and it is quite apparent how limited the power of local government really is. One of my issues with Anderson is at times he seems to be thinking as a union member and not as a school board member. There have been a variety of funding programs (like CARES, GEERS, ESSER, ESSER II) that K-12 public school districts have been able to utilize to address the unexpected costs and consequences of the global pandemic. Read More about THE MARTIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS VOTED TO MOVE TO MASK OPTIONAL . JBHS will become an open school choice high school next year to hopefully alleviate more overcrowding at the other two high schools. Now lets see what the follow through is. Generally, someone moves to approve for example 18.2, followed by a second and then a vote without any discussion or explanation of what 18.2 is. What exactly does that mean when you say, becoming nasty? Should I take it as a threat? We are now at the eighteen-month mark of his tenure. Christia Li Roberts, Vice Chair from 11-22-16 1 Marsha Powers, Chair through 11-21-16 2 Rebecca Negron 3 And I was a bit taken aback that the rest of the community did not come out and speak about this. I wished that both Powers and Anderson had voted in the affirmative when they saw no minds were going to change. That would require more busses than what would be available at any one school. During that time, he oversaw the districts challenging time with COVID. Thank you for reporting on the school board meetings. Before one can know whether to support this tax, one should look at how the money was spent previously. The union is reimbursing the district for her pay plus benefits. This will have a total cost to the board of $608,183 per year. No terms were listed. . We have spent years trying to stop the scourge of racism. For every mass in the year, it had one side of the page in Latin and the other side was in English. He gave them an update on the organizations activities. Once again, congratulations to this chair and vice chair. As we have said previously, this incident is in complete opposition to our values and the ideals that we instill in our students. The initiative probably resulted in many teachers staying in the district rather than go north or south. I could not help feeling that it is everything that is wrong with the way public education operates. Further we recommended that a committee meet at least every five years or sooner if the board decides. What we have adopted in Martin County is the old Sgt. Email the Board. As the head of the Early Learning Coalition, she believes that pre-k teachers should have at least a bachelors degree. It had to do with the racist post of six Hidden Oaks students. However, the process of utilizing summer math programming for students that need extra help between fifth grade and sixth grade creates the opportunity to complete Algebra I in Middle School. This was the school boards reorganization meeting. Anderson and the other school board members are not going to challenge DeSantis authority regardless of their own personal beliefs. During public comment, there were many speakers who spoke for and against banning books. The board will have Morrison come back with a proposal for a part time person to augment his staff during peak times instead of a separate position that reports to the board. The person doing the evaluation might think that the employee is not close to an acceptable performance level, but it isnt reflected it in the employees written evaluation. A few mentioned the district dashboard that has the up-to-date numbers. Here is the breakdown: 113 elementary school students, 80 middle school students, and 344 high school students. For that matter, any academic improvement wont be better because of fewer dollars. There was discussion regarding an item on page 8 for the Pandemic Health Services Manager that is identified as a watch/hold (so that we dont fill a position that may be unnecessary). Waters and the Arts Council attorney will be working out the particulars to be presented at the February board meeting in two weeks. As a father of three (Allie, Maggie, and Jake), all educated in public schools, I fully understand the dreams and aspirations that all parents have for their children to have the very best possible education that also meets their unique needs and differences. It is in a very distinct and separate way than for other students. Dynamic means bringing a positive attitude, energy, fresh ideas and an adaptable spirit to our work each day. Will it be better or worse? If teachers or anyone else feels they can make more money by changing jobs, they should. United Health Care was third. Ms. Roberts in fact did an impressive presentation even going further than the proclamation and explaining ways of having a diversity class on LGBTQ+ history. The newsletter will continue to report on you and write opinions about your conduct as a school board member. There is a shortage of work force housing for teachers. In the boards discussions, they mention the problem of a premises being close to schools (only Palm City Elementary qualifies because of other zoning issues). 30222 This is something that requires more study, and I would suggest that the administration reach out to their LGBTQ+ students and find out what they believe their needs are. Pineland Prairie has decided to resubmit its Master Site Plan Application to the County in the next few weeks. This is a situation that happens all too frequently with the district and the board. The district had an old form still on its website that does not conform with a parental rights law passed in 2021. However, the district did file a required plan with the state to reopen schools earlier that the state approved. I am not quite so sure whether a regular high school is the right place for this education today. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The district is the one that will pay the medical bills of those in the plan. Knowing that we have more than that number of students and expecting an award amount at half of that $8.59 million, this number would be determined at a later date. One is that public charter schools take 8% of the money available. I guess no rush there. The Martin County School Board and District should concentrate on the education of students. I remember reading the book in my Catholic high school. Ms. Christia Li Roberts, Ms. Jennifer Russell and Ms. Amy B. Pritchett were inaugurated as Members of the Martin County School Board on November 22, 2022 . They will be voting on the options at the November 16th meeting. Pritchett and Russell agree. Both Pritchett and Russell are not professional educators like Anderson and Defenthaler both of which had worked for the Martin County School District. That is the entire point of choice in education. If you believe that homosexuality is wrong and evil, then any mention of it (even in the context of explaining that Heathers family is different than ours) should be kept out of schools. Until the final budget is passed and after adjustments are made, the numbers are fluid. Mr. Anderson stated that Mrs Gaylord, the last elected superintendent, did a great job of bringing back the district from chaos. I have proven my ability to work collaboratively in complex situations and am comfortable with the analysis needed to tackle complex educational budgets. It was nice to know that Millay may not agree with everything they do but is willing to exchange ideas. And that means whether you are a public or a private sector employee. Schools cannot provide the same level of job training that doing the jobs can. While there is a lot of content on government websites already, how many people read or have their questions answered there. This is counter to the purpose and mission of the schools. The ballot will read as follows: Shallthe Martin County School Districtcontinuetheexisting ad valoremmillage up to one-half mill per year beginning July 1,2022,andendingJune30,2026, foressential operatingexpenses (School SafetyandSecurity, Mental Health Programs, Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Teachers and Support Staff, Professional Development, Academic Initiatives); providingcharter schoolsfunds proportionate to student enrollment as required by law with annual reporting to citizens. Please call 219-1200 X-30222 for assistance. You cannot just have rights without corresponding responsibilities. Parental involvement goes hand-in-hand with supporting our teachers. There was so much verbiage that I once again felt like the child in the pew trying to understand what was going on in front on the dais. Roberts said no tax dollars would be used. The district does need to make sure that these children are taken care of psychologically, physically, and academically. The language is slightly different than in 2018. Board Member Defenthaler once again brought up hearing from health experts but, except for Anderson who I think was for listening to those experts, no one else was biting on that apple. Now she is moving the Arts Council further from the district. 2016 Minutes. Two things ought to be considered. of Education product and it supposedly goes back to basics. That means it has lost money. Good for you Tony! She had been taken by surprise regarding not only the resolution but that it had been used as an alternative to her proclamation. To attract and retain excellent teachers, salaries must be competitive. Ms. Roberts and the board have a right to be concerned about duplication. It is not just their parents though. 30512 Email: [email protected] Term Expires: November martin county school board meeting Millay was not on the short list because he did not fulfill the qualifications that the school board stated they wanted in the candidates. The state is making more and more conditions where parents can become involved in their childrens education. You understand their motivation and how they think about things and process information. The board that claims to want transparency needs to make sure it is provided. That is the schizophrenic nature of Tallahassee. To read more gohere. (You can find ithere. He has a pension from Kentucky. Ms. Resciniti is the union president and cannot adequately perform her teaching assignment and union representation at the same time. Millay can receive $2000 additional by maintaining his certifications. Anyone who has ever had to change doctors or try to have different medicines substituted knows how disruptive it is. I thought it especially interesting that he said that his tie and jacket come off. The district will no longer be providing paid leave for Covid exposure and infection. Martin County School Board Member Rene Purvis successfully completed the Advanced Leadership Corps (ALC) training offered annually to select local elected officials by the School of Government . The second was payment for Covid-related sick days. Carter Morrison was concerned that they would need more people on his staff. The Spotsylvania County Public School Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination with regard to sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age . DiTerlizzi also expressed his doubts. The meeting focused on whether to fill vacant positions or not. At future meetings, there will be continued inane public comment, threats, and incivility. It was the equivalent of an A for the course. Superintendent Millay will recommend the School Boards approval of the following 2022-2023 school calendar changes during the Regular meeting scheduled forDecember 13, 2022: The next meeting will be November 22, 2022.