This will be the last time. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Every powers creating problems for me be destroyed now in Jesus name He is not my responsibility and I'm done praying and fasting. I was wrong for holding that secret from her. Heavenly Father, please remove all posers and leave only those good, faithful, and loyal supporters in their lives. Sheila. She has turned from her husband and is selfish and even abandoning her children to be with my husband 24/7. We'll share your prayer with others around the world. hough your husband may not deserve it, the Bible commands us to show respect towards him. I never do wrong, behavior and attitudes with the elder generation enabling the younger and anyone who does not follow suit, is the bad apple, black sheep, problem and object of blame. Open their eyes Lord bring them out of darkness. You can also learn prayers to rid of bad spirits so you can experience healing too. I choose to bless and curse not. Lord, I have come here to you, praying for your love and understanding. Day and night she sent him messages and pictures. Ask God today to give you wisdom and a discerning heart to know what to do regarding your many different circumstances and the courage to follow through on it! This is the first time I have heard of entities taking jewelry so thank you for sharing your story so others are more aware of protecting their valuables. Father, I thank you for giving me a very handsome husband in Jesus name. Protect me from devastating enemies' actions. In addition theres women that are controlling & manipulative of my middle granddaughter who go to a church I go to. And since Im not an addict he stayed sober until the deaths into our 13th year. 7 Daily Prayers to Get You Through The Week, You know what is in my heart, you know what I want, but, if that is not your will, then please, put me on the right path, Prayer For Protection Through the Precious Blood of Jesus. Fill the following form: 1. I am asking for you to pray with me I went to court on February 13th 2017 and my husband came with his GF and it butted but I prayed that Gods will stop it and I had filled out a Vacate Default on his Motion of Default and a week later the Judge granted me the Vacate cause my husband didnt put down everything I did. He may be gone again, but only for a season. Prayer To Remove Demonic Harassment. Oh, Lord, Please help me to remove people from my life who are hateful and spiteful. I do not sleep and see that they are chatting at all hours: 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM again at 6 AM, 7 AM and even during working day hours. We are separated because of his infidelity he used to live with her but it didnt work out now he sees her maybe once a week if that. Removal of invading bad spirit fragments can also be healed through the power of prayers. I have raised those children and ours together. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. We were very much connected. As we pray for our husbands, we can trust that God is at work in their lives. I will contact you personally to ask you a couple of questions. If you would like to learn more about dark beings, I wrote a blog post about the Signs of Dark Entities Including Demons to help you learn to identify when malicious attachments are present. There is nothing Satan can do when there is a Woman of God praying for her husband. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. A husband is a head of his wife, who is his queen or companion. Sometimes I pray that God should punish him and all the men who cheat on us there wives. Lord please remove him in a good way since he been here my luck has been one thing after another and he wants to see a witch person lord please send him packing from me and not look back send someone else in his life for him. Thank you so much, I prayed along for my husband. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This post was such a blessing! Lord, I place my husband before You knowing You will make him new in his thoughts. In Jesus name, Amen. Do not do such event . How to remain free from curses and spells. He has brought many, many, many prodigals home to their families with men and Women who are in worse situations than us. I pray my children get some peace since they will not speak with their father. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for every member of my family. God who created heaven and earth. It is customary for a husband to be the head of the household, which means that he is expected to provide for and protect his family. He seems to have no compassion, Im going to pray these prayers everyday, morning and night, Im going to keep in mind all the women and children who are going through this themselves. He left my house two weeks after me giving birth to his son. Also, Go to Haunted House Cleansing Checklist - Part 2 Dear Lord Jesus: Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I take authority and dominion over my home. He is a burden on me and very stressful to me. Father, I thank You for revealing the evil lustful spirits, attempting to drive me to lust. Thank you, May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. Therefore, You gave them over to a depraved mind and they were filled with wickedness. May he true, noble, right, pure, lovely Send the angels to war on my behalf and handle any demonic powers that we cannot handle. Psalm 20:1, 4-5. We did not do anything to deserve this. In the mighty name of Jesus. Maec, Thank you for that my heart an prayers go out to you and all the woman going through the same hurt an deception. As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Here is what the angel said when he finally showed up Daniel 10:11-14 He said, "Daniel, you . I need assistance to show these people out of my life. Thanks for your comment. Though I have tried to change the outcome, each time I am with them, the same things happen. He hasnt always been like this, hes a negative minded person, but it wasnt always towards his family, he doesnt make our house feel like a home. In my experience, good people who are trying to gain light and become better are the biggest targets of the adversary/darkness. I had a stroke 3 years ago and my husband married me and was taking care of me plus gave me allowance every 2 weeks plus buying my good , medication and pay for my hair to done and nails and toes everything. My husband has cheated on me all 7 yrs but this time shortly after he was released from prison met an old lover. I love my husband and I want him back. Its the 2nd time for the ring I found it in between couch cushions the first time, I live alone and there is not a single person who knew where I kept this jewelry. Here are some tips on how to deal with a wicked husband, according to the Bible: The first and most important thing you can do for your wicked husband is to pray for him. May Gods love surround all of us who have cheating husbands and may the holy spirit comfort us and give us strength. I still have the entity attaching itself and touching me day in day out its really effecting my mental health I have even burned sage and nothing! She says someone has put a curse or something on her. Lord, listen to my prayer. I come to you today praying for you to protect my husband from evil. Please heal and transform us to be the spouses you want us to be, Please restore our marriage and have us love each other as you would desire. Your prayer sent today has been a blessing. Removal of invading bad spirit fragments can also be healed through the power of prayers. Yet you are here. I have prayed for God to remove her from our marriage.. Ive prayed to give me strength in letting him leave. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. God, I also pray that you will give him a hunger and thirst to live his life for You. The have confiscated property of the man and places it under their right. I prayed the prayer for both my husband & I. I need it most because he has to see Jesus in me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Prayers For Your Husband. May God break the hold of this woman on my husband. For God to remove any all skanks. Forgive us from hardness of heart. I have also been praying it for my future Hubby, waiting on Gods promises for the man God has chosen for me. Its hard Ive tried get him to talk, open up, tell me again if he is done? (Ro.12:2). Lord draw him closer and closer to you. I have just discovered your website. Father, we come boldly to Your throne of grace, and find mercy and grace to help in time of need. 3. I will be praying this over both my husband and myself. Satan youre not going to take our marriages. Prayer for protection from enemies. Remove Evil Spirits From Marriage Dear Lord Jesus, I am asking you to remove the evil spirits from our marriage. All in all hes going to have to pay me big time. Is this somehow biblical? How? There are various types of dark entities, but it isnt essential when removing them to identify each type. They consider their relationship with You as top priority and what You say in Your Word is final. Please pray for my safety and that of my children and grandchildren! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But I still pray for me and him adultery is adultery I have kept myself pure and faithful. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. GIVE IT TO GOD!!!! I pray God would make this woman ugly to him that he sees what she really is: a thief, a wife stealer and family destroyer. Pray that he will not be tempted to sin and will have the strength to resist temptation when it comes his way. I would like to ask you if you would PLEASE pray for us to get back together. He will give you your hearts desires with those who have a pure heart and believe and have strong faith. But do not let anyone know what you are doing. Believe in His power and in His Holy Word. He is Ill and very demanding of my time. You are my hiding place, and under Your wings I can always find refuge. Please keep my husband and I in prayer he is always in his head overthinking allowing the enemy to enter ..and says words that cannot be taken back ..i pray for him to trust me and remove fear from our marriage .. Praying for you both! Pray to Remove Dark Entities | Entity Attachment Removal, I have a friend who studied the New Testament to. Block him some how from her. I choose to favor the documentation presented in the book Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia that dark entities residence merges with the earths surface. Convict him and enable him to stand against the wiles of the devil when an attack is made upon his mind. Pray that your husband will not be tempted beyond what he can handle and that he has the strength to resist temptation. So, if you are feeling desperate and feel an urgency to get well, see my three simple jumpstart steps to achieve faster results. Until I stopped and listened to the lies of the enemy. And blunt to my face, even the day he left telling me he hates this OW woman as much as he hates me and would never have anything to do with her again that she was a big mistake and could do better. Let me have those that can help me see You all around me and lead me to the paths that will always end at You, Lord. Thank you so much. I enter boldly into your throne of grace and i recieve mercy for all my short comings and grace to overcome in Jesus name. Will you obey when you hear that small voice in your spirit tell you to do something? Can prayer actually change our husbands? Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name . Listen to a sister who has faith in God.. Do not give up hope. And please pray for my marriage. There are strange women and men in most marriages today and these forces have been able to hinder the glory of a marriage and subject their victims under their manipulative powers. I too feel the same if more then one person prays for the same there is more power. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. There is no doubt our heavenly father the Lord God listens to our prayer. Its all too painful to bare. Ask God to help him see things from His perspective and to make wise decisions. Prayer Against Evil Spirits | Remove, Get Rid, Ward Off, Drive Away Demons sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) to c. You are all in my prayers. Lord Jesus Christ I ask You according to . "Heavenly Father, we come to you today seeking your protection and guidance. Its a ringing noise in her ear and just has random outburst she is totally not the same person she will randomly yell out in the name of Jesus in the blood of Jesus she has always been so spiritual so this is why is so weird to me!! Pray that he will be filled with the knowledge of Gods will and make decisions that please Him. She has turned from her husband and is selfish and even abandoning her children to be with my husband 24/7. Your email address will not be published. Molding them according to your plan. Please Father give us understanding, Please God in Heaven Please remove Rachel Torres & any other women or persons interfering in my marriage to Jose Luis Toro Amdor Please God in Heaven Please bring my husband back to me we have been married 15 yrs & for 1 woman to come along & destroy our marriage is not of GOD i pray with all my heart & sole that you God Bring us back together as one & to be stronger than ever because I Love this my & no other i do not want to lose Jose Luis Toro Amdor PLEASE GOD IN HEAVEN BRING MY ONE & ONLY MAN BACK TO ME THANK YOU GOD IN HEAVEN I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART GOD In JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN, Please I pray with all my heart that bring Marty out of sin and darkness please let Traci seek you and she will will see the sins that she is doing on our 23 year marriage. Wisdom is both the ability to discern what is best and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge. I do not sleep and see that they are chatting at all hours: 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM again at 6 AM, 7 AM and even during working day hours. And conveniently his cousin kept in contact with her. May peace be restored to my family in Jesus Mighty Name! But I am gong through things because of him his actions his selfishness that yes he needs to know and help with. I think of and pray for her. Pray that he will follow Gods lead, even if its not an easy path. It is important to reunite a fractured spirit because healing will NOT occur if a spirit is fractured. We pray that through this hedge, any other lover will lose interest and depart. Dear Lord please help my husband Peter to stop cheating and keep this woman Kenisha out of our life and father I pray that you hold our marriage together on the 29th of July will be our 4th wedding anniversary and Lord I pray that we make up before anniversary and that we live together for many more to come and Lord please bless us with a family in Jesus name I pray amen. On that day when I revealed to my wife about my issue, it didn't settle too well with her. I have learned saying a prayer to remove negative energies is the first thing to do when someone is sick to help lessen bad symptoms or even cure the sickness. Remove A Love Spell From My Husband, Often your marital relationship suffers the brunt of jealousy and hatred. To learn more about closing dark portals, see my blog post, Satanic Portals Guidance to Getting Rid of Satanic Portals. EVERYTHING in EVERY direction came as is. Which I know by the grace of God and me praying fervently for God to intervene in their sinful relationship, was Gods doing. Recently, he has been communicating with his first wife. The Bible reminds us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray for all people so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness. I wrote a blog post to share three simple jumpstart steps to get rid of them with urgency. Protection from the Evil One Prayer Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. Currently I do not have each prayer available for individual download. 2). We are believing that you will remove all these women from our husbands lives as far as the east is from the west. I realized that this is what is happening, yet I still can not bring myself to turn away from my friends. Have you had someone attach themselves to you that you maybe would like to go away and not come back? We are crying out to you Father to break demonic strong holds on our spouses. For prayers like these to pray over your wife, you might find my book 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Wife helpful. And wont say firmly hes done. I want my husband back. I put on the Shoes of Peace! 3 Simple Steps. The ability to work from a distance is why when performing a dark spirit removal, it is essential to command the beings in and around a person/place/thing to go to the light of God. Do not let their false and hurting words of them touch me. Craigs list for many years has caused major issues for my marriage and many others I am learning. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, 113 deliverance prayers against strange women and men, 30 Prayer Points For Urgent Healing From All Kind Of Illness, 30 Warfare Scriptures That Will Deliver You. We are separated and she is allowing sin. Praying this for my husband, lost son and nephew!! I am including a link to this blog below: I am asking you my prayer partners to please touch and agree with me that every ungodly relationship in my husbands life and your husbands lives are destroyed. Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. God bless! Amen. I pray God removes the desires he and this woman has and they quit seeing each other. I didnt even used to believe there were demons or dark entities, but God taught me differently when dark entities began to personally affect my life. We certainly need all we can get. My husband of 25years started cheating on me 3years ago with a younger woman. ? It has helped me immensely to pray, understand what my husband is going through and how to trust in God and to fully depend on him. May Gods love surround all of us who have cheating husbands and may the holy spirit comfort us and give us strength. (Ro.1:28-31) I stand in faith praying You will not give my husband over to depraved thoughts which will result in all kinds of diseases of the mind. We ask that you would surround us with your love and goodness, and keep us safe from all forms of evil. Guard your heart by removing non-Scriptural, perspective-influencing inputs. Being with him is an emotional roller coaster. They are working together but my husband is her boss. It is often said that prayer can change things, but is that true? I pray divine inspiration and success over him. They asked Christ why, and He told them this kind doesnt come out except by fasting and prayer. Lord God remove other woman out my life for good show him what he are doing in his vows.Lord God my husband story to me say he not deal with nobody my step-daughter told me the true say every body the family know about the other woman she be by the apartment.Lord God i want my husband to fall back in love with me his wife.Lord God my husband do not call me are text me.I love him and i miss him too but telling me story after story it hurt me alot in my heart what he are doing not been honest to me walk complete out his marriage to hurt me because his family told him.My husband had deal with this out side woman behind my back last year 2017 story behind it.Lord God come to you for help save our marriage vows between us.Lord God i want other remove from my husband for good out his life show him what he are doing wrong to his wife come back home to fix his marriage leave past behind him. Now, 5 kids and a grandchild with two more on the way. I have no clue what happened. 4:8,7) Amen. I so would like to be able to print this out to have in my prayer room. 2. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle. Well this woman would call me everyday telling me things about my husband .She made up lies to my husband about me so I left them alone. Here is the sample battle prayer: 1. After removing dark energies, and closing dark portals, it is vital to offer a spiritual shield of protection prayer. I pray that he will have a willing heart to follow you, even when the path is difficult. We ask you dear Lord to deliver our husbands from the power of darkness. Before I commit suicide!!! I dont but I am going to be writing more blogs on this subject because there are quite a few interested in more information. If I asked you to tell me what your greatest desire is today, you would probably say it is to have your spouse surrender to the Lord and have your marriage restored. Because the woman who has snatched your man might have used her body, seduction or charm to gain the attention of your husband towards him. Prayer is not a magic fix-all, but it is a powerful tool that God uses to change our husbands. Hi Jean! Anything good in my life taken away by spirit spouse be released and be restored to me in Jesus name. I heard him whisper things, among asking her to sit on his pillow while he left the room to talk to me out in the hall, and her husband was out of the room. i pray god removes those not good in my life and has me meet good people that are good for me amen, I pray god to remove this man I moved in my place with good intentions to helping him succeed. Remember to ask God to lead you in prayer and to give you the words to say. I am quite use to have prayer warrior friends, but here, 3 yrs later, I am still with no partners thus far.. I pray a hedge of protection around my husband. Please pray for our marriage and that his mind and heart would turn from other women and he would only have love and desire for me. Part of this existence we reside in is dealing with opposition which I address in my blog, Education of Darkness Leads to Rewards of Light. Keep trusting God to do miracles in your lives, as well as seek His wisdom in how you are to handle each situation. I now clothe my loved ones and myself with Your armor, against any plans of the evil one against my loved ones and self today. The best way to pray for your husband is to ask God to lead you in prayer. Pray for Your Husband. Thank you so much for these precious prayers. In 1 Kings 3, the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream. Keep seeking Him! He knows your husband better than you do and will give you the specific guidance you need. So my drunk husband took her in for money. This will certainly not be easy, but it is important to remember that God is in control and can change even the hardest of hearts. Amen. I pray and join in praying for others in my situation that God would break strongholds, turn my husbands heart towards Him and bring back love and not hate in his heart for me. Thank you! Hi my husband is seriously lying and cheating on me and its hurting me. She is doing all she does woth my husband behind her own husbands back. He is retired and has a house in another country, which he travels to quite often. Dissolve, this night. Im praying that any other women to not give him attention anymore. One of the best things you can do for your wicked husband is to be an example of Christ-likeness. Dealing with a wicked husband can be very difficult and dangerous, so praying for Gods strength and protection is important. I will be praying for my unsaved husband. Flee to the isle of Chittim! Satan I command you in the mighty name of Jesus to flee and take all of your reserved demons with you. Our first year of marriage he suffered 2 deaths and he started drinking again. She stalked and pursued him for a long time even when he said no. Go to part 1 of the house cleansing prayer and do the ten steps before doing the spiritual warfare house cleansing prayer. Trust Scripture Study (a REST Method Bible Study), Courage Scripture Study (a REST Method Bible Study), 30 Prayers in Scripture {a REST Method Bible Study}, For When You Are Exhausted {PLUS Free Printable}, 5 Verses to Pray Over Your Children {Plus Free Bookmark}, A Prayer for Your Husbands Mind and Thoughts, A Prayer for Your Husband to Have a Right Attitude,, 30-day Personal Spiritual Warfare Prayers.