After DNA lysis, a subset of samples was extracted using silica-coated magnetic particles on an automated liquid handling system (Agilent Technologies Bravo NGS Workstation)57. Natl Acad. 2011. Typically, it calls for a great deal of data heavy-lifting and data visualizations with SQL and Python or R. A number of things can be done with traditional analysis, but it is machine learning that has taken an extremely solid place in product development. Extended Data Fig. Nat. Int. First, we show that individuals associated with the Gravettian culture across Europe were not a biologically homogeneous population. Data science is a lot like cooking. 4a and Supplementary Data 3.C). PubMed In this episode we go through a couple really superb resumes that you should model yours after. This was achieved through collaboration with local curators and scientists from the countries where the skeletal material is preserved and who are listed among the authors of this study. Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia. We detect the highest amount of ROHs in Epigravettian-associated individuals from Sicily, who carry an extreme amount of more than 200cM of short ROHs (48cM). The Solutrean culture is temporally intermediate between the Gravettian and the Magdalenian (or the Badegoulian) cultures, and is found in southwestern and western Europe, which are considered to have been climatic refugia for human populations during the LGM25,26. The sample size of individualpairsincluded in each groupis reported in SupplementaryData 3.A. 71, 465492 (2015). All Rights Reserved. Dolukhanov, P. in Cultural Transformations and Interactions in Eastern Europe (eds Chapman, J. Track your course progress, set daily goals, and make success a routine. Consistent with previous findings, none of the analysed groups show the derived allele at SNP rs4988235 on the LCT gene, which is responsible for lactase persistence. The genetic affinity to the Villabruna ancestry is present in El Mirn and in Magdalenian-associated individuals from western and central Europe. Nat. C. Posth and H.Y. This derived ancestrythe Fournol clustersurvived during the LGM in Solutrean-associated individuals, possibly within the Franco-Cantabrian climatic refugium25, leading to later populations associated with the Magdalenian culture (GoyetQ2 cluster and El Mirn). Anti Slip Coating UAE Tina Huang: Data science, computer science, and career advice expert. First up is the MIT researcher and YouTuber Jordan Harrod. 9 posts. Here, we report genomic data from 4 individuals, including 3 approximately 13,000-year-old genomes from northeastern Italy (Pradis 1), northwestern Italy (Arene Candide 16) and Sicily (San Teodoro 2), as well as increased genome-wide coverage from Tagliente 215 dated to 17ka. The developed methyl gallate/cellulose acetate membrane exhibited PWF of 56.28 2.10 L m -2 h 1 and rejection rates of 99.14 0.03 % against oil emulsion. The labels in italic denote previously published individuals without new data generated in this study. Considering a freshwater reservoir signal in the upper Volga region making radiocarbon dates on human remains appear up to about 500 years older than their true age44, there could be an interval of more than 1,000 years between the first evidence of admixture in central European hunter-gatherers with Sidelkino ancestry and eastern European hunter-gatherers with Oberkassel ancestry. How to Rock at Data Science with Tina Huang, Older: Daily Habit #8: Math or Computer Science Exercise . Hi! PubMed A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Tina Llorca CPA, CWP, CEPP, CIS, MDRT Ampliar bsqueda. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia. These models are easy to implement as well as really helpful in deciding what to build and how much to invest in it. Kircher, M., Sawyer, S. & Meyer, M. Double indexing overcomes inaccuracies in multiplex sequencing on the Illumina platform. Okenla is also part of Atomicos Angel Programme 2021, and is an advisory board member for both Coders of Colour and the No.10 Innovation Fellowship. Nat. View Tina Huang's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. 2022 Weird Science Plus - All Rights Reserved. The de-multiplexed capture sequencing reads were cleaned and mapped to human reference genome hs37d5 using EAGER pipeline 1.92.5564. Genome Res. Sci. In the MDS plot, we find that all of the newly and previously reported Epigravettian-associated individuals fall within the Villabruna cluster4 (Fig. 14 following. Genome Biol. Archeol. "Presumably, these people came from the Balkans, arrived first in northern Italy around the time of the glacial maximum and spread all the way south to Sicily.". Moreover, previous studies have shown that El Mirn carries a genetic contribution from the Villabruna cluster, which is found in Epigravettian-associated individuals from Italy4,15. She has been working for the data sciences industry since 2014. Gnther, T. et al. Nucleic Acids Res. For the DNA lysis, a solution of 900l EDTA, 75l H2O and 25l proteinase K was added. In the video above, she explains the two major components of big data: data warehousing and data science. Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry, A genomic Neolithic time transect of hunter-farmer admixture in central Poland, Palaeo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and North America, A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean, Ancient genomes from the last three millennia support multiple human dispersals into Wallacea, Ancient DNA reveals admixture history and endogamy in the prehistoric Aegean, A 23,000-year-old southern Iberian individual links human groups that lived in Western Europe before and after the Last Glacial Maximum, Genetic history from the Middle Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Ancient DNA from mastics solidifies connection between material culture and genetics of mesolithic huntergatherers in Scandinavia,,,,,, Nature 505, 8791 (2014). Kristen Bell. Olalde, I. The inferred pattern of short ROH (48 cM, visualized in blue) being common is in stark contrast to most later farmer populations, where the majority of individuals have no short ROH whatsoever (see101), and evidences small effective population sizes across West Eurasian hunter-gatherer groups. Admixture events were dated using the ancestry covariance pattern-based DATES 753 program105, with a bin size of 0.1 cM for covariance calculation and the start of exponential fitting at d0.5cM. This is also validated by f4-statistics of the form f4(Mbuti, Zlat k; test1, test2), which are consistent with zero for all other pre-LGM hunter-gatherers (Supplementary Data 2.C), indicating an equidistant relationship of Zlat k to the tested groups. Populations headed south? However, the extent to which groups associated with the Solutrean culture are in genetic continuity with earlier and later populations from the same region is unknown because no genomic data from Solutrean-associated individuals have been reported previously. Tina Huang, a former engineer at Apple, Google, and Twitter, explains why she started API management startup Transposit. . Nature 528, 499503 (2015). The idea of data warehousing is to store large amounts of data in a way that makes it easier to extract and analyse. 1), we used pathPhynder99 based on the tree from Karmin et al.100. The two 14ka Oberkassel individuals mark the earliest presence of WHG ancestry north of the Alps, which we therefore rename the Oberkassel cluster(hereafter, Oberkassel cluster or ancestry), using the name of the oldest reported individual to date carrying such ancestry with more than one-fold coverage, for consistency4. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily, its staff, its contributors, or its partners. Illumina sequencing platforms were also used to sequence the 1240k and mtDNA captured libraries (Supplementary Data 1.B). Hunter-gatherers carrying an admixed WHG/EHG genetic profile have been sequenced from various regions of northern and eastern Europe, raising the question of how these two types of ancestries formed and interacted with each other through time and space37,38,39,40. Moreover, the almost complete genetic replacement of the Magdalenian-associated gene pool raises the hypothesis that parts of Europe were differentially populated during the abrupt climatic variation starting around 14.7ka with the BllingAllerd warming period, creating areas where southern European populations could expand. Details of the modelling are provided in Supplementary Data 3.C. Tina Huang is a data scientist currently working at a large FAANG enterprise. Known to have been the coldest phase of the last Ice Age, the LGM is considered to have caused a demographic decline in large parts of Europe10, with populations retracting to southern latitudes as attestedfor exampleby the contemporaneity of the Solutrean culture (2419ka) in the Iberian peninsula and southern France. Runtime Collective Limited (trading as Brandwatch). 537, 2432 (2020). Genome Biol. In anticipation of possible near-term approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for renal denervation, there must be an insistence on longer-term clinical outcomes and safety data. You need a lot of information to predict whats going to happen, but then you also need a lot of information to make decisions about what youre going to do. Become the most confident candidate in the room. The sex of each individual was determined by the ratio of sequencing coverages on sex chromosomes versus autosomes (Supplementary Data 1.C). Data warehousing is a field where you often have to deal with a lot of raw data. The analysed individuals span from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. Happy International Womens Day! Genet. This figure shows (a) the distribution of and interaction between hunter-gatherer genetic ancestries and (b) a simplified schematic representation of major chrono-cultural subdivisions of the European Upper Palaeolithic (green blocks) followed by a grouped Mesolithic to Neolithic block (in gray). Details on individuals involved in the analysis, read counts processing and allele frequency computation are provided in the Supplementary Information, section12 and Supplementary Data 1.J and 3.G. We also do experiments to test out the features we build and see how users respond to them. The Villabruna ancestry later appeared in central Europe and it is thought to have largely replaced groups related to the GoyetQ2ancestry4. 10, 1218 (2019). Sci. The dates were calibrated using OxCal 4.452 with calibration curve IntCal20 at 95.4% probability53 and when multiple dates were available for the same individual we used the function R_Combine to combine them52. Contrary to the proposal in Fu et al.4 but in agreement with Petr et al.17, we do not observe a substantial decrease of Neanderthal ancestry in most European hunter-gatherers through time (Supplementary Information, section6 and Supplementary Figs. Definitely a course worth investing in as it sticks out as a unique course focusing on SQL interviews and doesn't contribute to the abundance of generic courses on the internet! Hollywood Heights. Survival of Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer ancestry in the Iberian Peninsula. Tina Llorca CPA, CWP, CEPP, CIS, MDRT Expand search. Even better your perks will stay yours even after you complete the course. The number of individuals in each group is written to the right of each bar. The human remains were processed in dedicated laboratories at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena (Germany), University of Tbingen (Germany), University of Florence (Italy), Leiden University Medical Center (the Netherlands) and University of Tartu (Estonia). 3, 765771 (2019). We then removed samples with less than 0.04X coverage (calculated on the mappable, non-recombining region of the Y chromosome98) to avoid arbitrarily placing low-coverage samples at the root of major haplogroups. BMC Res. The mapped reads from the same individual and library set-up were merged and duplications were removed with DeDup. This affinity is even stronger towards Epigravettian-associated individuals from western and central Italy and Sicily (group 2 and group 3, respectively) than to those from northern Italy (group 1) (Supplementary Data 2.F). 7 and Supplementary Table 3), which coincides roughly with the first appearance of the Oberkassel ancestry in central Europe. Present-day individuals (gray dots) genotyped on theHumanOrigins dataset are used to define the PCA variation onto which ancient genomes (coloured symbols) are projected. Curr. Once we have the data, we begin to tease out the high-impact insights. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in 12, 5425 (2021). Meyer, M. & Kircher, M. Illumina sequencing library preparation for highly multiplexed target capture and sequencing. Tina Huang. Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. An equimolar pool of all libraries was then prepared for shotgun sequencing on Illumina Hiseq4000 platform using 75bp single-end reads for screening. The MySQL engine is also known for being extremely slow compared to others. The black-outlined diamond marked out in the Gravettian group shows the PMR between the two Gravettian-associated individuals from southern Italy (Paglicci 12 and Ostuni 1). ), no. Rev. Quat. Leveraging the substantially increased sample size, we investigated genetically distinct hunter-gatherer groups for allele frequencies at selected loci that are known to be associated with specific phenotypic traits in present-day Europeans (Fig. The genetic prehistory of the Baltic Sea region. Other individuals from that period, such as Zlat k from Czechia and UstIshim from Russia, do not carry significantly more Neanderthal ancestry than other non-African groups1,7, indicating differential interactions between Neanderthals and early modern humans during their initial expansions across Eurasia. Rohland, N., Glocke, I., Aximu-Petri, A. 4, 324333 (2020). 27, 32023208.e9 (2017). 2c). Develped strategies for promoting G-Mark to Taiwan. Our results show that the contact zone and the admixture patterns betweenthe Oberkassel and Sidelkino ancestries changed over time (Fig. Tina teaches SQL in data science in addition to this basic material. One-time payment. Become an in-demand #DataScience professional TODAY with the 365 Data Science Program ->, analyzing similar products to compare how they performed, data visualizations with SQL and Python or R. Required fields are marked *. A negative and cave bear positive controls were included. DNA analysis of an early modern human from Tianyuan Cave, China. "We find that individuals associated with a later culture, the Epigravettian, are genetically distinct from the area's previous inhabitants," says co-author He Yu. The 10 mock interviews provide a great detailed approach to solving any SQL questions. The pairwise f2 distance matrix of Epigravettian-associated groups was generated with qpfstats 200 in ADMIXTOOLS 7.0.2 package, with parameters allsnps: YES, scale: NO, and Mbuti.DG set as the outgroup. The previous inhabitants may have migrated to the north as their habitat, the 'mammoth' steppe, dwindled," says Johannes Krause, the study's senior author. 38. TV Actress. In addition to her data science work, Tina has also created the popular popular game Code Wars. has received funding from the Van de Kamp fonds. ScienceDaily, 1 March 2023. Tina Huang is a well-known data scientist who has over 10 years of experience on YouTube and has previously worked at a FAANG organization. PubMed Central 2023 365 Data Science. Feb 2015 - Jun 20161 year 5 months. This research aims to determine whether a neural response telemetry (NRT) threshold determines the success of surgery. I'm interested in tech, trading, and how to minimize effort and maximize outcome. About me. 4. I have an undergraduate degree in . Check out my courses where we apply scientifically backed learning techniques to accomplish our goals. Mol. The f3-statistics were calculated with qp3Pop 435 in ADMIXTOOLS 5.1 package103. Each aDNA library was double indexed60 in 14 parallel 100l reactions using PfuTurbo DNA Polymerase (Agilent). AMAZING COURSE! Newsletter, I also have a newsletter called Boop's Keyboard! The Kostenki genetic signature (related to the Kostenki 14 genome, and hereafter referred to as the Kostenkicluster or ancestry) contributed to the later Vstonice genetic cluster(hereafter,Vstonice cluster or ancestry), named after the Doln Vstonice site in Czechia4. Many students or recent graduates appreciate her for sharing what helped her break into the field. Int. My main tasks: Modeling and developing the data structures and processes to optimize the loads of information, discovering insights and creating and maintaining reports. The key areas to focus on when getting started in data science [6:01] Tina's five steps to consistently doing anything [11:55] Tina's day-to-day life as a data scientist at one of the world's largest tech companies [20:02] How Tina's computer science background helps her work [26:20] Traditional banking culture vs big tech [32:12] In our case, we had data about people who had fallen off the internet, and we wanted to predict the probability that they would fall off at a certain time. The colours correspond to the grouping of tested populations, dots refer to the f4-values and the dark and light error bars to 1*SE and 3*SE estimated from 5 cM block jackknife, respectively. Newsletter, Jones, E. R. et al. This provides further support for the model with no long-term decline of genome-wide Neanderthal ancestry in modern humans following their introgression18. Wyprodukowany w konwencji anime serial stanowi spin-off produkcji "Midzy nami, Misiami", ktrej reyserem wykonawczym . Ice Age survivors. Here, data really gets to shine, in that its both the source of truth and the driver of insights. Rep. 10, 21931 (2020). CAS Total students. Similarly, the SMS spam collection data achieves 99.20% for the validation and 99.10% for testing. ADS You also get a peek at Tina's Resume, so I don't think you want to miss out on that. Shes also the creator of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Data Mining 101. She has also published a book titled Data Science: Principles and Practices which she wrote with co-author Dan Ariely. Extended Data Fig. The length of the colour bar shows the proportion of each ancestry. Surprisingly, the research team found that populations from different regions associated with the Gravettian culture, which was widespread across the European continent between 32,000 and 24,000 years ago, were not closely related to each other. The expansion of farming by9,8, 7.5 and7 kais shown as green shades. Sci. Some of those early groups from more than 40ka further admixed with Neanderthals, as shown by signals of recent introgression in individuals from Bacho Kiro in Bulgariaassociated with an Initial Upper Palaeolithic (IUP) archaeological cultureand from Petera cu Oase in Romania2,6. 2022 Fab Business Solutions - All Rights Reserved. Further palaeogenomic studies on Upper Palaeolithic individuals from the Balkans will be essential for understanding whether southeastern Europe represents the source of the Villabruna ancestry and a climatic refugium for human populations during the LGM. Edit your profile. Mid and Late Upper Palaeolithic in the Adriatic Basin: chronology, transitions and human adaptations to a changing landscape. Otte, M. Appearance, expansion and dilution of the Magdalenian civilization. This was confirmed with qpAdm, in which we could model all individuals from the Oberkassel cluster as a broadly constant mixture of approximately 75% Arene Candide 16 and 25% Goyet Q-2 (or 90% Arene Candide 16 and 10% Fournol 85) (Fig. Inconsistent haplogroup assignments were manually verified as indicated24 (Supplementary Data 1.L). In addition to her rich experience, including bioinformatics cancer research at OICR, Tina is a . However, the level of genetic continuity between individuals associated with these cultures and the population structure among Epigravettian-associated individuals have not been fully explored. Check it out! Besides El Mirn, who has around 43% Villabruna ancestry, all other Magdalenian-associated individuals have a lower proportion of this component (1929%) and can thus be assigned to the GoyetQ2 cluster (Fig. Adv. Fifth, the Oberkassel ancestry in western and central Europe and the Sidelkino ancestry in eastern Europe remained largely isolated for almost 6,000 years until genetic interactions were first observedaround 8ka in northeastern Germany, possibly associated with cultural exchanges along the Baltics49 and around 7.5ka in the upper Volga region, possibly linked to the spread of pottery in the region50. Notably, this genetic distinction coincides with dissimilarities in mortuary practice among genetically analysed Gravettian-associated individuals from different parts of Europe. Our limited-time offer covers individual course purchases only. and H. Ringbauer developed the contamination-estimation method. Genomic data have shown that modern humans were present in western Eurasia1,2 at least 45ka. Science 328, 710722 (2010). Commun. In this debated framework, Gravettian-associated individuals have been suggested to represent a biologically homogeneous population on the basis of craniometric and genomic data4,22. With a lot of raw data, you need to put in some work. Sci. Jodie Sweetin. 2. The admixture graph shows that the Bacho Kiro IUP group (n=3) shares ancestry with multiple early modern human lineages2 (Supplementary Information, section7), and that the more than 45,000-year-old Zlat k genome1 is the most deeply divergent non-African lineage sequenced to date (Extended Data Fig. Green, R. E. et al. 12). Previously worked at Goldman Sachs and the Ontario Institute for . The newly defined Fournol cluster is closely related to Aurignacian-associated individuals from Belgium dated to 35ka (Goyet Q116-1 and the newly reported Goyet Q376-3 individual). | pros vs cons. The LGM could thus have created a corridor south of the Alps for east-to-west human movements that genetically connected hunter-gatherer populations from the Balkans to Iberia, possibly also via dispersals along existing lower-sea-level coasts32. The ROH segments in hunter-gatherer genomes were identified using hapROH101. Sign up below if you'd like to join a growing community that is enthusiastic about learning and improving their lives. volume615,pages 117126 (2023)Cite this article. Front. Tina Huang. After another MinElute purification, the product was quantified using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA 1000 chip. K.N., V.V.-M., R.R., T. Ferraz, R.T., D.G.D., M.L., A. Modi, S. Vai, T. Saupe, C.L.S., G. Catalano, L. Pagani, D.C. and E.A. In other cases, you may have to create a more complex database structure (such as SQLite). Tina has 11 jobs listed on their profile. Article This secondary analysis of an ongoing adaptive platform trial examines the effect of multiple interventions for critically ill adults with COVID-19 on longer-term outcomes. Nature 582, 384388 (2020). Google Scholar. Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers, Article Nowadays, we take it for granted that these features exist, but the integrity of those products is, in fact, a labor of love. Author pages are created from data sourced from our academic publisher partnerships and public sources. Using DATES software, we estimated the admixture between Villabruna/Oberkassel and ANE ancestries in these old Sidelkino-cluster-related individuals to around 1513ka (Extended Data Fig.