6. Status determinationThe decision made by the county agency that a child abuse or student abuse report is founded, indicated, unfounded, pending juvenile court action or pending criminal court action. (b)The other subjects of the report and the county agency may appeal the Secretarys decision to grant the request to expunge the report. The request for verification shall include a check or money order for the fee charged by the Department, payable to the Department of Human Services, which will not exceed $10. When it is determined that a child is safe and protected in a permanent home, the ongoing CPS case is to be closed. The provisions of this 3490.40a adopted July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (211733). When DCP&P receives a referral of abuse or neglect, a DCP&P caseworker will investigate the referral within 24 hours. 3513. Include "unregulated custody transfer" in the email subject line. Director of a hospital or other medical facilityThe director or a person specifically designated in writing by the director to perform the functions under section 6315 of the CPSL (relating to taking child into protective custody) and this chapter. 5. Legal entityIncludes a society partnership, corporation or another governing authority legally responsible for the administration and operation of a child care service. This information may be released to the required reporter at any time after the report of suspected child abuse has been made. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (236833). Composed by Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Last Updated on January 20, 2023 This overview of the timeline of Child Protective Services involvement was written by Texas RioGrande Legal Aid . 3513. (b)ChildLine will notify the county agency and the perpetrator of any expunction of a report of child abuse, except when the expunction is the result of the Secretarys decision, in which case the county agency and all subjects shall be notified. Contact referrers to verify the information in the intake is clear and complete and to learn additional needed information such as the families schedule and childs likely whereabouts. Child Protective Services FAQ (CPS / DSS), Can an Attorney Help Me During a CPS Investigation. Approved by:Frank Ordway, Chief of Staff. TransferA change from one position to another. An investigator will go through a list of steps during the investigation process. ParamourA person who is engaged in an ongoing intimate relationship with a parent of the child but is not married to and does not necessarily reside with the childs parent. Independent Living Services for Transition-Age Youth, Serves children at risk of neglect or abuse, Children and youth experiencing abuse, neglect, and/or The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. What happens? (iv)Participate in the State or local child fatality review team authorized under section 6340(a)(4) and 6343(b) of the CPSL (relating to release of information in confidential reports; and performance audit), convened by a professional, organization and the county agency for the purpose of investigating a child fatality or the development and promotion of strategies to prevent child fatality. (b)The county agency shall provide the physician or director or the designee of the director treating or examining the child with the requested information on prior child abuse involving the child. The provisions of this 3490.60 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. The researcher shall secure the concurrence of the appropriate county agency administrator to use the county agency files. The plan shall identify which county is responsible for case management. 3513. The reasons for termination of the county agency involvement shall be recorded in the case record. 3513. Inform you about the report they got about your child. When allegations include serious physical abuse, present danger, or imminent danger to the physical well-being of a child, contact is made immediately. (g)The administrator shall make a copy of the clearance statement and place it in the employes personnel record. 3513. Medical evidenceEvidence provided by a licensed health care professional, including a physician, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, psychiatrist or licensed psychologist. (2)At the conclusion of its investigation, when the report is determined indicated, founded or unfounded and accepted for services, under 3490.59 (relating to action by the county agency after determining the status of the report), the county agency shall enter a written summary of the facts obtained from each interview in the case record. To determine whether an incoming allegation meets the criteria for assessment/investigation and is appropriate for Child Protective Services (CPS). Others will be returned with instruction for resubmitting the request. How Do I Know If My CPS Case Is Closed? Second-hand smoke in the home is also something that CPS will pay attention to, especially if the children have asthma or other lung problems. In some cases, reunification with the child may not be possible. 4547; amended July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. Child caretaker. Family does not have resources to meet basic needs. PositionThe job classification of a school employe as defined and determined by existing law, State regulation or the school board or governing authority including administrative and supervisory staff, teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff or others. When there is an allegation of sexual abuse that includes physical injury to children or youth or the potential for them to have a sexually transmitted disease. 4547; amended July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. 4547; reserved July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. (3)Multidisciplinary teams composed of professionals from a variety of disciplines who are consultants to the county agency in its case management responsibilities as required by Chapter 3130 who perform one of the following functions: (i)Pool their knowledge and skills to assist the county agency in diagnosing child abuse. At Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC, we do both. (16)A prospective adoptive parent, approved by an adoption agency, when considering adopting an abused child in the custody of a county agency. 3513. In the most extreme cases, CPS will seek to have the abusers parental rights terminated. The provisions of this 3490.20 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. However, CYS must conduct an investigation and complete it in a timely manner. (d)Except as provided in subsection (e), hearings will be conducted under 2 Pa.C.S. (ii)Was employed prior to January 1, 1986, and was not required to submit the requests for clearances. DSS is required to document the justification for an extension past the initial period. 8. Those rights are: (ii)The right to introduce evidence and cross examine witnesses. The Secretary, after ordering a record to be amended or expunged, shall advise ChildLine of the decision. If the child is not in imminent danger yet there are signs of abuse or neglect, CYS may go to court to obtain an order to remove the child from the home as soon as possible. . Msg & data rates may apply. (2)The reason for taking the child into protective custody. (a)ChildLine shall immediately transmit reports of suspected child abuse verbally to the county agency of the county where the suspected abuse occurred. (2)Provided copies of these completed request forms for clearances to the administrator to retain as a condition of provisional employment. (3)The parents, guardians or other custodians, after being advised that the childs physical condition constitutes a medical emergency will make no immediate arrangements for medically adequate alternative treatment. Pending criminal court actionThe status assigned to a report when the county agency cannot complete the investigation within 30-calendar days because criminal court action has been initiated. (ii)If the county agency is not familiar with the required reporter and does not recognize the reporters voice the county agency may verify the request of the required reporter by returning the telephone call to the reporters place of employment. J. S. v. Department of Public Welfare, 565 A.2d 862 (Pa. Cmwlth. (10)Law enforcement officials who shall immediately receive reports of suspected child abuse from the county agency, when the initial report or initial review by the county agency gives evidence that the alleged child abuse is one of the following: (i)Homicide, sexual abuse or exploitation, or serious bodily injury perpetrated by persons whether or not related to the child. The provisions of this 3490.12 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. (3)The parents refuse services, and the county agency determines that services are in the best interests of the child. (d)A supplemental child abuse report form shall be submitted to ChildLine on founded and indicated reports when additional case information is obtained, including dates of birth, identity of the subjects, additional information about the nature of the abuse, or the case is presented before a court and there is a change in the status of the report. (a)The administrator of a child care service may employ applicants on a provisional basis for a single period of employment pending the receipt of the required clearances in accordance with section 6344 of the CPSL (relating to information relating to prospective child-care personnel). The child(ren) will be determined to be either: If SAFE and maltreatment allegations are unsubstantiated, the case will be closed. (d)If the counties are unable to agree about which one is responsible to conduct the investigation and make the status determination, the county to which the report was assigned shall contact ChildLine and Childline will assign the investigation to a county agency to make a status determination. Information collected includes: -Reporters name & relationship to the family, -Any actions the reporter suggests should occur, -Name and contact information for biological parents who are not subjects of the report, -Names and contact information of other people with information regarding the child or family. LD CPS employees must follow the Investigating Abuse and Neglect in State-Regulated Care Handbook. (c)A county agency worker may take a child into protective custody only under a specific court order naming the individual child. (i)The term child abuse means any of the following: (A)Any recent act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes nonaccidental serious physical injury to a child. (ii)The term includes a person responsible for employment decisions in a school and an independent contractor. (i)The person responsible for the administration of a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school. The Secretary will notify the perpetrator, the county agency and other subjects in writing as follows: (1)Except the subject child, all other subjects of the report when the decision is to grant the request. (c)If the complaint of suspected abuse is determined to be one which cannot be investigated by the county agency because the person accused of the abuse is not a perpetrator, but does suggest the need for investigation, the county agency shall immediately transmit the information to the appropriate authorities. Identify and verify all individuals living in the home and assess for safety threats and risk. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (211724). One or both caregivers fear they will maltreat their child and/or are requesting placement. Voluntary certification of child caretakers. (b)The Department will advise the person seeking a clearance statement in writing whether or not he is named as a perpetrator of an indicated or founded report of child abuse or a school employe responsible for student abuse named in the Statewide Central Register. 3513. The identity of the person who made the report or a person who cooperated in a subsequent investigation may be released only under 3490.94 (relating to release of the identity of a person who made a report of child abuse or cooperated in a subsequent investigation). If the family cannot abide by the Safety Plan, the child will be removed from the home, legal custody will be transferred to the state, and the child may be placed with a family member or other suitable individual, in an institution, foster home, or placed for adoption. If the allegations rise to the level of serious neglect, abandonment, and/or abuse, the social worker must begin the investigation within 24 hours of receiving the report. (b)The Department will determine in its annual licensing and inspection process whether the county agency has sufficiently documented reasons why, if applicable, all child abuse investigations have not been completed within the 30-calendar day period. (11)A statement of the childs parents regarding the suspected abuse and a statement or admission of abuse by the alleged perpetrator. 4547; amended July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. Public agencies, including county agencies, shall evaluate those referrals from ChildLine made under section 6334 of the CPSL (relating to disposition of complaints received) which have not been identified as reports of suspected child abuse. 3513. The CPS investigator will take the following steps during the investigation: Speak with the person who made the complaint BPW Welcomes Elisabeth Jones to Our Legal Team, NC Court of Appeals Limits Application of Grandparent Visitation Statute. (c)The written notice required by subsection (b) may be reasonably delayed if notification is likely to threaten the safety of the victim, the safety of a nonperpetrator subject or the safety of an investigating county agency worker, to cause the perpetrator to abscond or to significantly interfere with the conduct of a criminal investigation. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (211738). This subchapter cited in 55 Pa. Code 3490.321 (relating to standards for risk assessment). Have been sexually abused and a safety plan cannot be developed to protect them from the subject. (f)Within 48 hours of taking a child into protective custody, the county agency shall do the following: (1)Meet with the childs parents to assess their ability to assure the childs safety if the child is to be returned home. Child is perceived in extremely negative terms by one or both caregivers. The provisions of this 3490.73 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. The provisions of this 3490.93 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. alibi house dressing recipe; chocolate may cause pimples formal hypothesis (3)Sworn or affirmed in writing that the applicant was not disqualified from employment under section 6344 of the CPSL or an equivalent out-of-State crime. 3513. If you are the alleged subject of a report, your county Child Protective Services (CPS) office is required by law to notify . 4547; amended April 27, 1990, effective April 28, 1990 and apply retroactively to January 5, 1988, 20 Pa.B. Close cases and submit to their supervisor when. CPS investigations typically last about 30 days. Reporting to the coroner. 3513. (6)The name of the alleged perpetrators of the suspected abuse and evidence of prior abuse by those persons. An administrator who willfully violates section 6355 of the CPSL (relating to requirement) shall be subject to an administrative penalty of $2,500. Those who care for the child are interviewed and analyzed to determine various factors, including: -Attitudes Toward & Perceptions of Child(ren), -Previous Relevant History (including CPS history). (2)A report of child abuse and student abuse history record information under 3490.124 (relating to Departmental procedures for replying to a request for verification). The contacts may occur either directly by a county agency worker or through purchase of service, by phone or in person but face-to-face contacts with the parent and the child must occur as often as necessary for the protection of the child but no less often than: (1)Once a week until the case is no longer designated as high risk by the county agency, if the child remains in or returns to the home in which the abuse occurred and the county agency has determined a high level of risk exists for the case. 4629; amended April 27, 1990, effective April 28, 1990, 20 Pa.B. The provisions of this 3490.61 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B. 63016385. ACS has received a report from the New York State Central Register (SCR) of Child Abuse and Maltreatment that a child in your care is alleged to have been abused or neglected. In most instances, Child Protective Services has approximately 45 days to investigate reports of neglect, dependency and abuse. An initial safety Intake Assessment includes investigating: The person making the allegation is probed for information, analyzed, and the exact words used in the allegation are recorded. This section cited in 55 Pa. Code 3800.20 (relating to confidentiality of records). Regional staffDepartment employes who license and monitor public and private children and youth social service agencies and facilities within a specific geographical area of this Commonwealth. July 3, 2022 cps investigation timeline pa. The provisions of this 3490.135 adopted July 2, 1999, effective July 3, 1999, 29 Pa.B. Chapter 63) as amended in response to the recommendations of The Task Force on Child Protection (showing amendments through October 22, 2014 . The provisions of this 3490.67 adopted December 20, 1985, effective January 1, 1986, 15 Pa.B.
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